Are you allergic to anything?
I can’t imagine being allergic to something that blows you up like a blow fish, or make you end up in the ER. I am allergic to Morphine, It gives me the hives. Does your allergy affect your life alot?
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27 Answers
I’m allergic to the usual… dust, mold, mildew. Grass. When I was a kid I always had a skin reaction to acidic foods like grapefruits or tomato. I’m not sure if I still do, because having never been allowed to eat them as a child, I don’t have a taste for them as an adult.
Snuggle brand fabric softener sheets give me hives. No major allergies, though, luckily.
It’s pretty damp up here by the Great Lakes, so sinus issues are rampant – that’s about the only way that my allergies affect me.
Pain, i’m a bit of a wimp when it comes to injections or anything that’s going to hurt :¬(
Did you know humans are the only species that drinks breast milk from another species, you don’t see rats going around sucking on squirrel teet. Less than a year ago Rachel Ray was talking bout this yummy almond milk.. i totally tired’s lactose free..and I discovered that day i was lactose intolerant. I always assumed everyone had tightening of the chest and regurgitation from drinking Homo-Milk.
I’m lucky, I guess. Most people I know in Austin suffer terribly from a variety of allergies, but I seem to be affected only rarely, by cedar, which manifests in mild cold- or flu-like symptoms.
I wake up every morning and sneeze.I don’t know what my problem is ;)
@lucillelucillelucille hee hee I don’t know why but your answer made me chuckle. Do you have someone every morning to say bless you.?
I have allergies to pollen, gives my nose hell, and I ended up having to use a spray each morning. Also, certain kinds of penicillin. Amoxycillin turns my body a deep shade of purple. (I don’t think I spelled those right but you get the drift)
Corn plants, pine as in pine trees, penicillin, direct sunlight, off the charts allergic to dust mites, butyl glycidal ether and pissy, whiny people.
@Cruiser The pissy whiny people are the worst of all. What do you take for that one?
Yes I am allergic to growing old…. not for a long time yet though!!!
Shrimp and prawns that i know of, i just suddenly became allergic to them out of the blue (they just made me throw up, nothing too serious).
Also, i seemed to have been allergic to my other kitty’s nose, if her nose touched my face i’d get itchy on that spot. (i miss my kitty.. :( )
And i’m allergic to work that i don’t know how to do – common symptoms include procrastination and moaning.
@Frenchfry -Yes,sometimes I can hear it between the sneezes :)
@Adirondackwannabe It’s not what I take it what they get!! Tasers and round house kicks are my preferred remedies! ;))
mildly allergic to cats. I can be around them but can’t stop sneezing after a while if I’ve been petting them or in relatively close contact. I was asthmatic as a child but am as close to cured as one gets, though my dad’s asthma has gotten worse as he’s hit his 50s so I wonder if mine will re-emerge.
I am highly allergic to several things, including but not limited to: the seven major species of grass, dock sorrel, bug bites, and possibly codeine. I also have mild asthma. But I haven’t been tested since I was nine, and we have come to the conclusion that I have since developed more allergies.
(When I say “highly allergic,” I don’t mean I will fall over and die if I eat said item. But I do have extremely bad reactions to them- not just a terrible stuffy nose, watery eyes, etc., but also swelling of my eyes and lips, massive bug bites, etc.)
Cats. :(
My eyes tear and itch, I get hives and sneeze, sneeze, sneeze. I wish that wouldn’t happen. I like cats.
Penicillin, which completely sucks because it’s the best treatment for tuberculosis and other diseases.
I can’t figure it out, but I’m breaking out in hives and itching horribly this summer unless I take Zyrtec. This has never happened before. I can’t imagine what it would be—there are probably a million possibilities. Maybe more. Something I eat; something I wear; something in the air… on and on.
A dog would say that! ;-)
X-ray contrast.Which I discovered the hard way.
I’m allergic to bullshit.
@chels LMAO…........well, you have the wrong site my friend! it’s deep here!
I get hayfever (mainly the itchy eyes) and I have a dairy intolerance – dairy protein rather than lactose, so it’s slightly different from the usual. I also once had an allergic reaction to pennicillin – hives all over my face, chest and arms. It was horrible.
@Dewey420 I haven’t tried almond milk but I love oat milk. Have you tried that one?
codiene…and it is on all my health and dr records.
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