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Jude's avatar

Have you had a song stuck in your head, lately?

Asked by Jude (32210points) August 4th, 2010

Sadly, for me, the couple of days it’s this.

Has to do with something on in my life.

Get out of my head

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30 Answers

NaturallyMe's avatar

Yes, a day or 2 ago i had a song in my head that i don’t even LIKE at all and never listen to. That was nasty. Even having a song in your head that you like can sometimes be annoying if it won’t go away.

Cruiser's avatar

YES!! HELP ME!! Make it STOP!!

jjmah….oooooh a Bee Gee’s ear worm that could be fatal!!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

This one
I started this morning with it and plan on ending my day with it WOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHOOO!

Jude's avatar

Just so y’all know, I have a wee platonic crush on @lucillelucillelucille. :)

janbb's avatar

Who don’t you have a wee platonic crush on, @jjmah?

“The Last Thing On my Mind” by Tom Paxton; it’s actually a good song.

Jude's avatar

@janbb Lots of platonic lurve to go around. :)

marinelife's avatar

No, and I refuse to read this thread lest I get one stuck in my head!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Wasn’t this about a song? You wild women.

janbb's avatar

“Cigarettes and whiskey and wild, wild women – they’ll drive you crazy, they’ll drive you insane….”

There’s a song about wild women!

knitfroggy's avatar

I’ve been singing the theme song to Phinneas and Ferb all morning. “There’s a 104 days of summer vacation…” I can’t wait til school starts and I don’t have to listen to that crap all morning!

SuperMouse's avatar

Since I have a two year-old living in my home right now, Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes is on a constant loop in my head.

@knitfroggy one week from today and Phinneas and Ferb is out of heavy rotation around my house! Can you tell I am counting the minutes days?

Carly's avatar

ridin solo, by jason derulo..

I dont even like the song much, but it can be so catchy on the radio

knitfroggy's avatar

@SuperMouse I’m so jealous! I’m stuck with Phinneas and Ferb until the 23rd! I do get to go enroll them this morning…at least that’s a step toward free TV viewing and no fighting, bike crashing and constant eating!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I had John Mayer’s Heartbreak Warfare going through my head last night on the golf course. Try swinging your club with that in your head. :)

Aster's avatar

Yes; an Incredible love song I can’t recall the name of. By the 3 Coins? The Coins? (1950’s) Ohhhhhh I love it.

AstroChuck's avatar

This is constantly running through my head.

gailcalled's avatar

Due to my middle great-nephew, I hear “The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round).

And this

meagan's avatar

Everything from Sweeney Todd. I love the music. But its kind of making me go crazy

Aster's avatar

Shangri-La by the FOUR COINS – on

Aster's avatar

The one I meant that is much superior and has a lot of cool pics with it is by The Lettermen (Shangri-La)

syz's avatar

I wake up almost every morning with a random song in my head, often one that I don’t even like. Today, it was Jamiroquai – Virtual Insanity. No idea why.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Nope. Not today!

Frenchfry's avatar

Chicken Fried by The Zac Brown Band

tinyfaery's avatar

Lisztomania by Phoenix That song is so catchy.

ducky_dnl's avatar

Never Say Never by The Fray.

mYcHeMiCaLrOmAnCe's avatar

‘Special Needs’ by Placebo

Dewey420's avatar

Smashing Pumpkins – world is a vampire (because of that Whale Wars show
Bush – Chemicals between us (becuase its gunna be background for a page on the periodic table)
Praying Mantis Syndrome – Galactic Cannabalism (cuz i maked it all by myself)

stardust's avatar

Yes, Jakob Dylan’s Everybody’s Hurtin’

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