General Question

ava's avatar

I am trying to rememmber a word. It is often used by Southern Belle types when they are hot and may faint soon.

Asked by ava (985points) March 2nd, 2007
I believe Tennessee Williams use the word in several of his plays. A woman might fan herself and say "I have the ______." I keep thinking it sounds like vespers or something like that. I just need help remembering the correct word. Thanks!
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7 Answers

katielady's avatar
Vapors as in "I've got the vapors"
ava's avatar
yes!!!! that's it! thank you so much katie lady! This has been buggin' me for eternity!
gailcalled's avatar
Often caused by overlacing of corsets. Remember Scarlett O'Hara's 18" waist? She had the vapors a lot...
JCS's avatar
Biz Markie has a whole song about this condition, entitled "The Vapors." The track was later covered by Snoop Dogg.
peggylou's avatar
And don't forget to fan your hand in your face when you say, "I have the vapors."
lolly's avatar
yup, the vapors. tho, it's pronounced the "vayyyperrs."
hossman's avatar
I find a good stiff mint julep to be the best cure/prevention for the vapors.

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