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GeorgeGee's avatar

What is something that you've only previously said silently to yourself?

Asked by GeorgeGee (4935points) August 5th, 2010

Tell us about your inner conversation.

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22 Answers

Austinlad's avatar

I’m not an overly religious man and customarily do not ask God for favors, but always when I land in a plane I silently thank Him. I’ve done it for decades.

Coloma's avatar

My most common inner conversation revolves around those that don’t listen. haha

Just yesterday I was saying something to a client and they just completely interrupt and start babbling about something completely different!

The inner conversation goes something like this…

’’‘WTF..( inner eye rolling ) silence…just let it go, I can’t believe how scattered people are, no f-ing FOCUS, did they even HEAR a word I said? ” lol

mYcHeMiCaLrOmAnCe's avatar

maybe they’ll leave you alone, but not me

(hahahaha it’s not my thought, I’m just listening to a song)

misstrikcy's avatar

Any time an ambulance drives by with the sirens on, I say ‘take care’ under my breath.

I’ve done this sinse I was little, although I used to say it out allowed then… all grown up now so I keep it to myself.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I just mostly hum this
during lapses in conversations ;)

CMaz's avatar

My inner conversations are in comparison to reading War and Peace.

Austinlad's avatar

When I find myself getting stressed or angry, especially at work, I’ve learned to talk myself down. Doesn’t always work, but nowadays I’m much more conscious of how I will react to situations and people when I do this.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ChazMaz -Have you finished your thoughts yet?

CMaz's avatar

I don’t think I will ever complete my thoughts.

But I will say this…

FUCK! ;-)

Zyx's avatar

“HOW much power!?”

BoBo1946's avatar

you can make this damn putt!

Fyrius's avatar

Various trains of thought, rants, recitals of well-worded things I read or heard, or random comments on whatever.
I can hardly think at all without silently talking to myself. If I even become aphasic I’ll have to figure out how to think all over again.

Aster's avatar

sell, house, sell. The realtor will call and say it’s sold. That lady going back to look IS gonna buy it.

Cruiser's avatar

You wouldn’t know it by looking at me while I am in deep thought but I am a Happy Boy

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Cruiser OMG, that is hilarious!

etignotasanimum's avatar

My inner dialogues sometimes go like this: “Don’t worry, even though you just tripped and fell, no one will remember that tomorrow…that is, unless you do it again. Be more careful!!!”
Sadly, this happens far too often, but happens less often than it did when I was in my early teenage years.

Zyx's avatar

Oh god, I’ve been starting house of the rising sun at random times.

There is… a house… in new… Orleans…
They call it the rising sun…
And it’s been… the ruin… of many a poor boy…
And god… I know… I’m one… Em

First song I learned on the guitar you see.

ucme's avatar

Sometimes when I see Hillary Clinton on tv i’ll think to myself, “she’s actually quite fuckable” Crazy I know but at least it shall remain an inner monologue….....ahh, oops!!

woodcutter's avatar

the king has the ears of an ass

woodcutter's avatar

@ucme i like big butts and i cannot lie

YARNLADY's avatar

My inner thoughts lately have taken on the characteristics of a TV soap opera, with three adult grandsons out of work, one son on the other side of the world in the hospital, two elderly parents living with my other out of work son, his wife and two toddlers, a Mother-In-Law who has survived two heart surgeries and the death of her husband, and a niece and nephew in college. Whew!

zophu's avatar

I have thoughts that make me feel almost completely hopeless, when I see things that others find simple and insignificant. I usually keep them to myself. Because even if I am right to have them, I wouldn’t want to share the burden of them with anyone else.

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