I noticed the words alcoholism and addiction in your tags. If that is the situation your loved one is in there is only one thing you can do that will make any lasting difference. Everything else is just band aids.
If you can in any way confront them and persuade them to get into treatment that’s the only thing that will really do anything.
As long as they are in active addiction little progress can be made until their mind can function normally.
Recognize that you are no longer dealing with the person you’ve known all along. You’re dealing with the substance, be it booze, drugs or both.
You didn’t cause it and you can’t cure it. The guilt and confusion you are experiencing is exactly what every loved one of an addict has gone through.
The healthiest thing you can do for yourself is to find an Al Anon group in which you feel comfortable. Go regularly. Develop an ongoing friendship with one or more of the old timers with whom you feel compatible. They have a lot of stability and wisdom to share.
Either that or find a therapist you can trust who will likely make a similar recommendation.
If you can keep yourself stable and inwardly strong you can be of more help to your loved one than if you get sucked into her downward spiral.
Don’t allow yourself to be used in any way which allows her to avoid the consequences of her self-destructive behavior. That’s known as enabling.
Even tho it’s done with the most loving intentions on your part, it just prolongs the addiction. Don’t give financial or legal help.
Consider looking into doing a group intervention with other family and friends. Prepare thoroughly so it isn’t half-assed.
Aside from getting her into treatment, there’s just not a whole lot else that’s truly helpful.
Take care of yourself by getting some support either in a free group or therapist office. This will be of more help to HER than you can possibly
I know that sounds a little strange but it’s absolutely true.
Counter-intuitive perhaps, but true.
Others have experience going down this road. There is really no reason to go it alone.