General Question

stefanc7's avatar

How many hours per day do people spend on their mobile phones and how much was this past five years?

Asked by stefanc7 (5points) August 5th, 2010

How many hours per day do people spend on their mobile devices and what was the growth in increase of time over the past five years?

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6 Answers

misstrikcy's avatar

I spend ‘zero’ time on my mobile phone.
Cant stand the things, only use it when I break down etc

What a barrel o’ laughs I must be…

Kraigmo's avatar

I use 95 minutes a year on my mobile phone, and only spend about $40 per year total.

That’s 9 cents a day, I spend. And 4 seconds a day I spend on that phone, average.

I never use my mobile for frivolous reasons such as smalltalk and boredom. Ever. Why would I even want to? Mobile phones still sound like landlines did back in 1880. It seems whoever is interested in truly communicating would not use a mobile phone, except out of necessity.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m probably good for about 30 minute a day. I’ve got a family plan so it’s cheap and free to call other mobiles. I hav eto pay to use my land line long distance.
My son now texts 1300–1500 per month. That’s something we didn’t have 5 years ago.

downtide's avatar

I have a cheap plan – 100 minutes or texts a month. I’ve never used more than 40.

rawrgrr's avatar

Well certainly a whole lot more! I use about almost 1000 minutes a month and browse the web for a few hours a day on mine. I’m a heavy user.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

On my work days I spend anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes a day on it, on my days off I sometimes don’t even turn the damn thing on.

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