Social Question

ucme's avatar

On being introduced to fellow "members" at a nudist camp, what would be your first thoughts.

Asked by ucme (50052points) August 6th, 2010

Yeah, for whatever reason which we won’t go into, (hypothetical nonsesnse anyway), you are stripped & ready for your grand entrance, no pun intended. You ease your way in via the sports field. “Would you mind awfully tossing my shuttlecock” comes the cry from a jolly old gentlemen politely enquiring as to your availability for a game of badminton. As you look around you see hoardes of jelly belly’s, their wobbly bits coming at you like an exorcet on steroids. What could possibly be the first thought running feverishly across your mind? Funny shit absolutely essential, failing that you could always be honest, nothing wrong with nudity. Now is there?

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21 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

I think I had a dream about this once. Let’s see…..

Nope, can’t remember the ending. Sorry. That never happened to me before.

Jude's avatar

No interest in going.

But for fun, and being honest ‘Wow, what a small dick”.

Cruiser's avatar

Hmm…she is much taller in real life than I imagined! ;)

bridget's avatar

I`m pretty sure I`d be thinking `Don`t look down`!

CMaz's avatar

This would be a good time for a fart.

I mean for reals…. Aaaaaa, there you go.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

“Binky’s not shy at all.”

ucme's avatar

@wundayatta Hmmm, dream supression & anally retentive…...interesting phenomena….doo doo de doo doo, phenomena doo doo doo doo XD

Frenchfry's avatar

Look into their eyes don’t look down. and don;t stare!!! would be my thoughts

Jude's avatar

I think that mind is pretty honest. :)

Your_Majesty's avatar

Lick your lips(like a cat) and say “I…like that one…” in naughty tone.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Oh, gawd, is it that bloody Tom Baker? Run!

jfos's avatar

I’d say the balls are in their court.

jfos's avatar

I definitely wouldn’t mind telling them the naked truth, if they were to ask.

jfos's avatar

It would be a phallucy for me to proclaim that I felt immediately comfortable.

jfos's avatar

I would definitely try to be a good listener, if she had anything she needed to get off of her chest.

zenele's avatar

My thoughts would be, upon waking up from a drug-induced sleep, that I am going to kill Bob – but that it was a damn fine prank.

ipso's avatar

“First thought”?

A: Where are the hot women at? (Honest? Where are the youngest hot women at – or I’m leaving.)

Next thought: What the heck is a shuttlecock?

Next thought: Do I have my sunglasses on so I can be more covert?

Next thought: How do I rub suntan lotion on my chicksicle without looking perverted?

filmfann's avatar

Q: On being introduced to fellow “members” at a nudist camp, what would be your first thoughts?

A: Try not to get caught staring at the “members”.

anartist's avatar

Been there, done that. Shaking hands with my friend’s previous web designer who I am meeting for the first time, stark naked.

My friend is an avid nudist and invited me several times to her club.
So, when in Rome . . .
Sit your bad ass down on your towel [always carry a towel to put on your chair—basic manners] and enjoy a cocktail at the outdoor Club Derriere. . . Or lie on the grass near the pool and occasionally jump in . . . Or watch people run around a tennis court, parts flapping wildly, can’t imagine they’re having fun.

@ucme you’ve been there. You know the drill.

jonsblond's avatar

I hope I don’t fart.

Seriously. I’ve never been to a nudist camp, but I’ve spent many many days at a nude beach in central California. I worry more about myself than I do others.

edit- damn you @ChazMaz! I answered before I read all the responses. ;)

ucme's avatar

@anartist Know the drill? I damn well stood to attention XD I wouldn’t have the balls to do it….no really ;¬}

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