Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Men: What is your dream for your family?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) August 6th, 2010

How do you picture it?

What is your role, your feelings about being a good husband and father? How do you define being there for your family? Do you believe your family comes first and if so how do you act out family first in your life?

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11 Answers

BoBo1946's avatar

Family always comes first. At this point in my life @JLeslie, just try to support them and be there for them. Also, to spend as much time as possible with them. Especially, my lovely and wonderful grandchildren.

Cruiser's avatar

That is easy…I work my ass off to provide a roof over their head, food on the table, a good education and lots of musical instruments so we can jam all night long!

Family does indeed come first…I created them and owe that much to them…after 18, they owe me!!

wundayatta's avatar

that we are all fulfilled in whatever way we enjoy most. It would also be fun to have a family band—I guess we need the second keyboard, though. I hope we all enjoy each other. Also, I hope to have grandkids before I’m 80!

Frenchfry's avatar

White picket fence, nice home and dog and station wagon in the driveway.
I need to work on the picket fence and the station wagon.

stardust's avatar

@Cruiser I love this! I want to spend nights jamming with my fam, whenever that time comes :)

Frenchfry's avatar

Oops! I am not a man, hahahaha

Cruiser's avatar

@stardust It is the most amazing thing too! We have been banging out sounds for over 6 years now and just the last 3 years have been the best as the boys are really getting good and it is now really amazing jam sessions. I am so lucky!!

stardust's avatar

@Cruiser You are lucky, as are those boys :) and thanks!

Winters's avatar

I think I would make a great father considering how I helped raise my little brother, however if we are a culmination of our parents as a parent, I think I’d be horrid.

JLeslie's avatar

Do you all think more in terms of providing a roof over their heads than being there. Like if your work makes it difficult to attend some sports events they participate in, or a school play, are you fine that work “comes first” in those situations?

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

I’m a stay at home dad, so I’m there for my family as much as possible by being a mentor/role model/teacher/PARENT for my kids, keeping the place in some kind of “order,” if it can be called that getting food and supplies. I will get back to work soon when my littlest goes to school, and then it’ll be about providing monetarily during the day, while providing the same things as now in the evenings and on weekends.

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