Social Question

Jude's avatar

Have you ever had to deal with a creepy stalker (via the web)

Asked by Jude (32210points) August 6th, 2010

How did you deal with it?

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17 Answers

Frenchfry's avatar

No I guess I have been lucky. You sure got to be careful.

tinyfaery's avatar

Just you. Tee hee.

Jude's avatar

@tinyfaery lol, whatever.

I do have one and he’s creeping me out.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Stalkers (online and off) seem to be drawn to me.

I’ve dealt with each creep differently. Fortunately the internet usually allows for some degree of privacy if you choose to use it, it comes in handy.

Coloma's avatar

No, fortunetley.

I have had one person here that has pm’d me a handful of times wanting me to share in some voyeuristic play….I made it clear that I am not at all interested and now when their infrequent comments show up I just delete them on the spot.

tinyfaery's avatar

Block the guy in any and all ways possible. If he can still have access to you in some way, NEVER reciprocate. Treat him like he does not exist.

pearls's avatar

I went on one date with this guy, who I gave my email address to. I wasn’t attracted to him at all and we didn’t have anything in common. He kept sending me emails, trying to get me to accept him on Yahoo Messenger and also Facebook. I deleted my email account and Facebook account. Haven’t heard from him again. Thank goodness I had the sense not to give him my cellphone number and my landline is not listed in the phone directory.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Yes and I ended up leaving a site because of it. I’m no longer the fun, easygoing and flirtatious person I used to be when sharing online so no more chatting and no more fun avatars.

CherrySempai's avatar

Yes. Still dealing with it. Lemme know if you learn any tips or something. :] I’m just waiting for when he finds out I’m on Fluther. My one escape. D:

Makstatic's avatar

It depends on how aggressive this stalker is. Recently I had an extremely aggressive stalker to the point that I shut down 2 email accounts and my facebook, waited about 3 weeks, and opened a new email via a different service and have a facebook under an alias with only a few friends.

ragingloli's avatar

Luckily I am not interesting or desireble enough for anyone to stalk me.

SeventhSense's avatar

Just tell him to fuck off. You must like the drama.

Jude's avatar

@SeventhSense I don’t. Trust me.

SeventhSense's avatar

It must suck being a chick. I was talking to this girl and she was telling me her biker tenant was just standing outside her sliding glass door in his boxers. He was hoping to get a little action. I was like holy shit WTF! Makes a cheesy come on line seem downright adorable in comparison. Where’d he get his moves, Ted Bundy.
If that was me, I’d cut his balls off.

Cruiser's avatar

You have a couple of choices…

Ignore him…

Out him so everyone knows what a scum sucking loser he is…

Ask him for his phone number and address and then tell him to leave you alone or you will post his name and address on Craigs list for male call services.

SeventhSense's avatar

Most often though they don’t fall into the dangerous category. Every guy has said or done something stupid and then tried to correct it and gone too far at one time or another. As have women. I had a girl knock down my door once. I stayed with her for 5 years. She was a psycho keeper.

cockswain's avatar

Is malevolentbutlick back on here again?

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