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flutherother's avatar

How to stop a Sysprep 3.14 window appearing at every logon?

Asked by flutherother (35015points) August 7th, 2010

I have a new PC with Windows 7 and every time I switch it on it thinks it is the first time and I get an annoying Sysprep window popping up. It closes but is annoying. There must be a way to stop it but how?

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5 Answers

Enforcer's avatar

start—> type msconfig in the search box—>startup—> uncheck that and all the other useless crap.

start—> type shell:startup in the search box—> delete everything you don’t want to start up.

flutherother's avatar

Thanks, but sysprep isn’t among all the startup crap and the shell:startup folder is empty. Strange.

ragingloli's avatar

Then you could try typing in “services.msc”. Maybe you will find it in there. If you do, make sure you only deactivate that one. Deactivating other services could result in your system not starting anymore.

flutherother's avatar

No joy, I don’t know where it is hiding. Thanks for the suggestion.

flutherother's avatar

I’ve found the application at C:\Windows\system32\sysprep but I am a bit wary of trying to delete it. My machine is running great otherwise so I don’t want to risk anything.

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