How do you feel about movies coming out in 3D all the time now?
I personally think it’s annoying. I think some movies are great in 3D, like cartoons. But I think it’s annoying that tons of live action movies are 3D for no reason; all it does it raise the price of tickets..
Your opinion? Do you think the fad of making everything 3D will end? What types of movies do you like in 3D?
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32 Answers
i hate it. for some movies its cool, but others its just plain stupid
It makes me sad because it means less of my kind of movies will be getting made.
I don’t know, i haven’t watched a 3D movie yet, aside from a sample clip in one of the Shrek dvds we bought, but then we had to wear those annoying little blue/red 3D glasses goodies.
Certainly works with Pixar et al. Don’t know if i’d want to view any old movie that way though. It’s here to stay though for better or worse. Televisions with 3D technology are the latest to flood the market. I can even watch football in this format if I felt the need.
I have never watched a movie in 3D, I just saw that HP deathly hallows will be shown in 3D, I am starting to read the HP series and I am gonna start watching the movies, on my computer, I think it spoils it that they are making the movie in 3D because the people who have been following HP could maybe lose interest in it. Because of the 3D
I already know that I am in the distinct minority here, but I’ve always been a big appreciator of animation, and the 3D just makes it all the more impressive to me (Although I also really love the kind of 2D animation that you don’t really see anymore, like old Disney movies.) The increased cost is annoying, but I generally become pretty enthralled when watching 3D movies and come away feeling as though I’ve seen something very visually cool, even if the plot wasn’t satisfying. (This was my opinion of Avatar, for instance.)
Eh, it’s good in some if it is well done, subtle, and adds a depth and dimensional quality to the film.
Most of the time it is gimmicky and makes my eyes hurt.
I’m not crazy about the fad, and I do mean fad. 3D is a cyclical gimmick; this is the third time I’ve seen it come… and it will fade again, at least on the big screen. Too expensive to make. I’ll take a good old fashioned black and white love story or any movie that shows me good acting, good scripting, good direction, and something I can relate to. That’s what I pay a small fortune to see, not stuff poking me in the eye. (Note how quickly the buzz on Avatar faded. There wasn’t enough depth other than visual to it (in my opinion) to lure people other than fanboys back a second time.)
It’s a bit annoying. My friends saw Clash of the Titans in 3D and that was the worst experience ever. It wasn’t even 3D..well to me it wasn’t. Maybe I was wearing my glasses wrong sike. Now some movies I will admit are great in 3D. I guess it depends on the movie.
I reject it. Every cent spend on making the movie 3D is a cent not spent on a good script.
Oddly enough the 3D effects can only be properly applied to films shot in a certain format. They can apply the 3D to any film, but it will only look correct when used on a film that has been shot in the proper format. Hence why Avatar worked so well with 3D and Clash of the bad remake Titans looked no different.
I don’t really like them. I’ll see some 3D animated movies but I hate live action movies in 3D.
I saw the preview for this movie last night.
Now that’s just wrong
just wait until they start making porn in imax
I f***ing hate it. 3D (yes, the new kind, too) makes me nauseated. I know that then they can charge more, but it means there are a lot of movies I can’t see then.
I think it’s a fad, just like in the 1950s.
I find it really disappoinnting. I’m blind in one eye and have poor vision in the other so it’s impossible for me to see the 3d effects. All I see is an ordinary movie with a picture that’s not as sharp as they used to be when they were all 2d. When Avatar came out I went to see it both ways – went to the 2d version on my own, and again with the family to the 3d version.
It’s convinced me enough that if a movie is released 3d only, I won’t bother going to see it in the cinema at all. I’d rather wait for the DVD.
Fad. I never saw Avatar because it seems like it was all about the 3d, not about the movie. No thanks.
@zannajune Me too. I saw one of the actresses promote it on The Daily Show, and was totally lost about this “new technique” she was talking about. It would have helped if, at some point, they had mentioned that the movie was 3D and the technology was 3D technology. But I kept thinking “unless I’m a film school student, why do I give a shit?”.
I am not impressed by the 3D experience and it doesn’t add to my movie going enjoyment. My son suggested they do it to avoid pirating. I am not convinced it is customer driven. Who wants to pay extra for those ridiculous specs.
@flutherother I have absolutely no idea how it would help avoid pirating. A camcorder will record 3D just as well (or rather, not well…), and the DVD’s are always released as 3D. The pirates must then have the glasses, but their pretty easy to come by.
Yeah, I only see it as a way for movies to exploit their costumers by bringing in more money.
@amazingme Right? I’m part of a $5 movie club – the weekday matinĂ©es, mostly – but then you add the charge for 3D and it’s $8. Might as well go see a 2D movie anytime I damn well please…
You are probably right papayalily I see they are bringing out 3D camcorders now but could a 3D recording be played on an ordinary TV? I would doubt it.
@papayalily I am jealous! I live in an insanely expensive area and the matinĂ©e tickets start at $8! Weekend tickets are horrible, especially if it’s 3D, then it’s $13.
I am one of those people who refused to see Avatar because of the overpriced tickets…and I just don’t like James Cameron. haaha.
@flutherother All the new 3D stuff can be played on regular tvs. The 3D technology is all on the film, you don’t have to have any special tvs or dvd players or anything to view it (although, it does look better on the higher-end equipment). All you need is the glasses, like from the 70s, and you can watch this in 3D right now.
@amazingme It’s only 5 dollars with the card from the club, otherwise it’s 8.
I thought 3D movies in the cinema used polarisation rather than colour to distinguish the left from the right eye view? If they used red/blue colours it would work on a TV but would it work with polarised light. I still have doubts about that though I would hasten to add I have never tried it.
@flutherother They’ve completely changed how they do 3D, beginning with Avatar. I don’t know how they do it, but it’s nothing like how they used to do it.
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