Social Question

plethora's avatar

Why does the late evening seem like such a free, exhilarating time to me? Is it the same for you?

Asked by plethora (10009points) August 7th, 2010

It is just after midnight here. I was out for the evening and got in about 10pm. This is the time of night when I feel like I have no responsibilities and I am perfectly free to do exactly as I please for as long as I please. I will have to drag myself to bed because I feel like I am giving up freedom when I do, even though I have no obligations tomorrow. It’s something about the night, alone at home. I love it. Do you? WHY?

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11 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

Same reason….I am alone and it is nice to get that peace and quiet I so long for after a long day of people demands!

Coloma's avatar

I’m a summer nights person, the time just flies!

Right now I am tired from work today but, it’s only 10:30, a beautiful perfect warm night.
I am basking under my ceiling fan with the whole house wide open, everything is silent, except for the crickets.

I love it!

I am going to make myself go to bed in an hour because no matter how late I stay up I always wake with the sunrise. I have farm animals that don’t like to sleep in! haha

In the winter though I tend to go to bed earlier, after it’s been dark for 4–5 hours I’m done. lol

amazingme's avatar

I love this time, although it is 2 am where I am at. It’s my me time and I have nowhere to go and no one to see. I love it.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

The day is behind you, nothing ahead but dreams. No phone calls, no emails, no appointments…

I get the same feeling in the early early morning with no phone calls, no emails, no appointments. And thought the day is ahead of me, I know that’s where I’ll fulfill my dreams, with phone calls, emails, and appointments.

rooeytoo's avatar

I betcha I would feel that way too, if I could just keep my eyes open after 9!

Frenchfry's avatar

I love from midnight to 4 AM My family is asleep and I have my me time. It’s quiet. I mean I love I can actually hear myself breath. So peaceful . Start of a new day.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I like the quiet after everyone else has gone to bed, late evening to wee hours of the morning. I can do things with no distractions.

stardust's avatar

I love this time too. It’s a time for dreaming about what might be among other times. I like to write at night – no distractions.

zophu's avatar

Because those are the hours allotted to us by the pharaohs to help us pretend we are free. But seeing it like that kind of ruins the good time, whether it’s true or not. So don’t.


NO, not all by myself. Snuggling quietly, no words necessary is something to look forward to. The smell of soap from a nice shower, wrapped in an oversized white terrycloth robe. Open windows with the ocean breezes coming in. A glass of wine and little music, add a little daydreaming and that is a great evening for me.


It sounds like you just might be a closet hermit. :)

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