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eklamor's avatar

In what movie does a man refer to his niece as his notch?

Asked by eklamor (415points) March 22nd, 2008 from iPhone

I dont know what movie it is but this dialog is in it. ” thus is my nitch…. Your what? I said my nitch. Oh you mean niece.” I think I butchered it. Please help if you know it

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11 Answers

scamp's avatar

What? Nitch or notch? I don’t understand your question.

eklamor's avatar

its nitch sorry. Damn iPhone has auto spell

scamp's avatar

That will make it a little easier to find. What else can you remember about the movie. I’ll try to help you out if I can.
For instance:
Who was in it?
What type of movie was it?

I think I kind of remember what you are asking, but if you give me a few more details, it might jog my memory.

scamp's avatar

Ohhhh! Wait!! Was it Black Snake Moan???
Samuel Jackson goes to the pharmacy and stutters while asking for some cough medicine for Chrstina Ricci. is that what you are looking for?

eklamor's avatar

I believe it was a comedy and I dont believe it was that movie cause I have never seen if. Unless I saw a clip of it. I Believe the character that referred to his nitch was kinds odd. I could be way off. I’ve been wondering this for about 4 years now.

scamp's avatar

Can you remember who was in the movie?

eklamor's avatar

I really can’t for some reason I want to say mike myers but i think that’s way offf

scamp's avatar

I’ll see if I can come up with something and get back to you. If you’ve been wondering for 4 years, it wouldn’t be Black Snake Moan, because it came out more recent than that, and it’s ot a comedy. I’ll do some digging for you. I love a challenge!!

scamp's avatar

I found a spot where you can ask about this. Scroll down and there is a place where you can enter a quote, and it will tell you the soure.

srmorgan's avatar

Sounds like Inspector Clousseau. One of the Pink Panther series, maybe?

What about the English comedy: ‘Allo, allo?” Yes, I know it was not a movie!


dandylions's avatar

Eric from Boy Meets World! It was the episode when they went to the future and he is “Plays With Squirrels” and Cory tells Tapanga to not tell him that they have a daughter. Erik then says.. “I have a Nitch?!
Skip to 2:36

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