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Pandora's avatar

Can anyone explain why my mind may work this way?

Asked by Pandora (32549points) August 8th, 2010

I’ve noticed a talent for being very organized when I am on the phone or even talking to someone on the phone. I can look at something and it will take me 2 to 3 times as long to organize it if I am looking at it and trying to do it with no distractions.
However, put a phone in my hand or have someone follow me while I’m trying to organize a closet or drawers or cabinets and suddenly I can look around and place everything in a proper spot and even picture what will fit where with just a passing glance.
Are there any flutherites that are the same way?
Have you figured out why this is so?
My only thoughts right now is that perhaps with all the years of having to multi-task things with children in tow, that I have trained my mind to be more efficient when there are distractions.

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14 Answers

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

It sounds similar to an athlete being in the zone or the rush of a runners high. They don’t accomplish these levels of bliss by concentrating on a task. They actually become the essence of whatever they are doing. Sounds to me like you become the essence of efficiency and organization by not concentrating on it. You move your brain out of the way, and let the river do the rowing. How very zen of you…

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s the same as doodling. And yes. I do the same thing.

Pandora's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies It is like that. I’ve always called it being in the zone. Only better. If I’m doing something and I’m in the zone, something outside can distract me. But if I start doing things as I am having a conversation than my focus is really head on.
Zen like. I like that. :D
@Dutchess_III Since you mention doodling, I do tend to get creative if I doodle. My hands are drawing abstact things but my mind then wanders of an becomes creative.
I’ve didn’t think about till I’ve read both of your threads but I guess efficiency and organizing, is a creative process and like @RealEyesRealizeRealLies said I’m letting my mind flow instead of forcing it.
Now if I could only find a way to do this without being on the phone or having someone tail me about the place.
Any suggestions?

MaryW's avatar

How about that you work better with a friend. Not necessarily because of distraction.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Well if everyone could get into the zone at the drop of a hat, then athletes would be in a much better position to get out of slumps immediately. It’s not that easy.

It’s similar to not being capable of snapping ones self out of a bad mood, and become suddenly happy.

It’s not a modality. It’s an essence of being. It begins by letting go of the ego.

Get the audio book, Confucius in the Boardroom. Or try The Artists Way. Both of which changed my life. I hear good things from people about The Power of Now, but I’ve never heard of any lasting affects from this, and I have my own issues with Tolle. But it may be right for you.

You could also try just going to the park and lying down on mother earth under a shady tree for an hour and be still and silent. You’d be amazed at how much silent stillness has to say. Rub some wet leaves on your face while you’re at it.

gondwanalon's avatar

You do so well while talking on the phone because you really enjoy that type of socializing which puts in “the zone” as it were. You love to socialize. Yes?

I’m the opposite as you. I communicate very poorly on the phone and feel trapped by it and just want to hang up and get back to my activities. My motto at work is “Just give me a pile of work and get out of my way”. I’m good at multitasking but am only distracted by the phone and coworkers who like you, love to talk. Good for you.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I’m like @gondwanalon. Chitty chat is not for me…

Pandora's avatar

@gondwanalon and @RealEyesRealizeRealLies Yeahhhhh! And yet your on a chatting sight. LOL
Actually at work I was fine not being on the phone and working in silence but I didn’t need to be creative. Administration work involves very little to no imagination and a lot of just filling in the blank. Its only at home, where I can’t seem to focus without some other distraction.
I do also actually like sitting still and enjoying nature. Have since I was a kid. Great for clearing cobwebs out of my mind. However it won’t work for me when I’m indoors and have to organize my closets or garage. Pretty sure I’m not going to carry a leaf to stroke my face with it. LOL

plethora's avatar

I think your last sentence nailed it @Pandora You women are master multi-taskers and it just may be that you are super efficient when you are distracted.

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AC's avatar

Personally when I focus too much on something I can tend to over think it and present myself many variables and options. This can sometimes lead to ‘paralysis by analysis’ and ultimately takes longer.

With things that have to be done, and I don’t have time to think, I just do it.

I wonder if being on the phone removes any over thinking and helps you just get down to it?

Pandora's avatar

@AC True. It could be the case. I do tend to over think things. Always looking for the best approach to tackle a project, I do end up changing my mind several times before I am satified.

gondwanalon's avatar

@Pandora. I’m glad that you had a good laugh at what I wrote. People at work also enjoy my droll sense of humor. They think that I’m a very funny guy but that’s another issue. I try to have a warm and fuzzy sounding voice while talking on the phone but I usually come off sounding like I’m mad but I’m far from it. Phone communication is just not for me. I own a cell phone that I use only for emergency purposes. I like Fluther but the novelty of it is starting to fade.

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