Meta Question

Two Aussie Jellies will be in the states from September 20 - November 1, care to meet up?
So, you might already know but jelly bluemukaki and I will be travelling together for 2 months, spending 6 weeks in the States and then 2 in Europe. You may have read our other question but we have since changed our plans around quite a bit and now know exact dates so I wanted to post them here and ask if any Jelly would want to meet up with us :D
Or if you don’t, perhaps you could recommend some things we should do at the places we’re going.
Answer here and/or PM me. We’ll be taking a little netbook computer so will be able to stay in contact and update things here while we’re away, and we will also get a US sim card when we arrive, the number which I will give anyone interested in meeting up. We’ll most probably have a blog too, to document our travels and Jelly meetings.
So here are the dates:
20th September – 1st October = NYC.
2nd October – 7th October = DC.
8th October – 10th October = Cleveland.
11th October – 14th October = Denver.
15th October – 17th October = Portland.
18th October – 1st November = San Francisco, maybe San Diego, and mayyyyyybe Vegas.
We will spend probably 5 days in San Fran at least but we don’t have to be in LA for our flight to London til the 1st of November so we’re not exactly sure about those last few days. Suggestions?
We will be in Europe then from the 1st of November to the 17th. We’ll be spending time in London, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels and Munich or Frankfurt, but we don’t have those exact dates, sorry.
So. Anyone interested in a Fluther meet up? Or think there are things we really have to do while we’re there? Would love you hear from you :)