What was your longest stay in the hospital?
haha I worked at one for 6 years. True. No I was once there for a week only… I had Psdeotumor Celebri. My body was faking a tumor. Why? I still don’t know why still this day.. I do know ,I saw double vision for three months( lost my sixth optical nerve) . It eventually went away. I had to wear a eye patch.
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43 Answers
I was in a Mississippi hospital for one week.They were very friendly and very sloooooooooooooooow. :)
I had an overnight stay. My head lost an argument with a car.A few stitches & a badly bruised leg later I was checked out. Thank god, the boredom was intolerable.
My only hospital stays were for childbirth. The longest was three days, because they keep you for two days after the baby is born. Very boring, and each time I couldn’t wait to get the heck out of there.
I haven’t spent the night in the hospital since I was 14, and had my wisdom teeth removed.
Overnight after a surgery
10 days after kidney surgery, but it was 1979 when they kept you in a lot longer. Cool scar… :-)
A little over a week when I was septic. I was on so much medication, I barely remember it.
4 weeks for a kidney infection that I got from the Hong Kong flu that did everything it could to try and kill me. First time I got last rites.
Friday night to Monday night, labor and birth of my son.
It would have been until Tuesday night, but I convinced them to let me out early because there was a hurricane threat and I could have been stranded away from my house with a newborn. Better to be stranded in than out.
I have never stayed at a hospital at all (even for an outpatient procedure). But, on Thursday I will have a five day hospital stay. I am delivering but, due to some complications, they will be keeping me longer. I was told they throw in a free robe- so, bonus???
One month many years ago! It was due to complications from fairly minor surgery. I thought I’d never go home.
I have had an overnight stay twice in my life. Once for an ectopic pregnancy, and once for chest pain.
Two weeks for a blood clot in my shoulder; I couldn’t use my right arm at all, and it was discolored. It took them a week to figure out it was a clot, and a week to dissolve it. I gave 60 blood samples, and two bone marrow samples. This was in the 1980’s.
@BarnacleBill A week to figure out a blood clot? I guess it’s lucky you aren’t dead. Good God.
Over night when I broke my arm. I hope I don’t have any long hospital stays any time soon.
Yes, it was pretty awful. In retrospect, you would think that with a purple, swelling arm, the first thing they would think about was a blood clot. Instead people kept coming in and asking me if I had been on a farm recently, or around poultry. After the 4th person came in and asked the same question, I sort of lost my temper about people not talking to each other, and reading charts. Turns out the doctor in charge had a crop of interns under him, and I was an assignment. Hence all the blood samples, etc. This was not in a teaching hospital either. They injected some dye in me and found the clot right off the bat. Never got a good answer as to why that wasn’t the first thing they tried. It would have been a whole lot cheaper.
The four days after I was born. Other than that, out-patient surgeries and visits have been the extent of my hospital time, but those visits were some long ones.
3 hours, for a dislocated knee. Word of advice: If you ever dislocate your knee, don’t bother with the hospital. Slap a knee brace on, and schedule a visit with a physical therapist.
Three days for surgery and some recuperation. The total recuperation time was 6 weeks.
@BarnacleBill That is an outrage. I grew up in a teaching hospital atmosphere, Bethesda Naval hospital, but the trick is all of the medical care was free. Still, there is no excuse for not figuring out it was a clot, if it had travelled to your heart, well, like I said you could have been dead. Incompetence in my opinion.
Three days? Tonsils. it was so long ago I can’t really remember
I had an overnight stay when I was 5. I barely remember it, though. I had no idea it had actually been overnight until my mom told me. It was a pretty painful and traumatic experience. Part of the reason I have a slight fear of hospitals to this day.
I’ve had to stay for just over a week a couple of times. When I got a PICC line put in and when it got infected. Other than that I’ve managed to get out after just 2–3 days.
I fucking hate hospitals. If I’d had to stay much longer than I did, I would have flipped shit. I don’t understand how people can stay sane for a month or longer in there.
Six days, following surgery for a perforated stomach ulcer. I was well enough to go home the day before but it was a Sunday and there was no-one qualified to discharge me.
When I was an intern I remember feeling like I was in there for a whole year… no time off. Which is not true! I had at least 3 weekends off that year!
42 hours straight… when I was on call.
Agree with @Dr_C, though. It FELT like I was there the entire year!
Oh. My. God.
Is that even legal? I mean, you can be arrested for DWI if you’ve not slept in 24 hours, and they have doctors going two days without sleep?
Two days for a tonsillectomy.
My poor, sweet nephew spent almost 6 months in the hospital, mainly in ICU, for something that was never diagnosed, but very similar to Guillain–Barré syndrome.
@Seek_Kolinahr That was 10 years ago. Supposedly the regs have been tightened now, so that a person can be on call no more than 24 hours a day, with an 80-day max work week. I have my doubts about hospital compliance with those rules, though.
At that point, I had gone beyond sleepiness. I was a raging bitch, snapping at people I shouldn’t have been snapping at, and I didn’t care about anything other than going home and sleeping.
8 hours. Was suppose to stay overnight after a surgery to remove half my thyroid, but I was recovering so well that they let me go home the same day.
A long time. :\ Probably a week was the longest. I was born with Hirschsprung’s disease and that led to other problems and I had a lot of surgeries when I was younger.
A long time – 3 months being the longest stint. I’m not so fond of hospitals now, but what can ya do?
Hopefully I’ll be lucky enough to avoid any hospital stays in the future :)
I was in the hospital for two weeks when I was 12, because of a botched appendectomy, no one expected me to see my 13th birthday a month later, but I made it.
I was in a few days for a tonsillectomy, three days with my first son, a week with my second son, two days for a lumpectomy, twice – once on each side, and a few hours for a colonoscopy.
I’ve spent far more time in hospitals visiting other people than for myself.
@stardust I think you have the longest stay so far I think. 3 months WOW. I hope you do too.
@Dr_Dredd & @Seek_Kolinahr I totally agree. Although to be fair my experience was compounded by the fact that I interned at a military hospital.
And what @Dr_Dredd says is very true… I was in a bad way back then. The sleep deprivation had given me a very short fuse… dangerous for a guy my size in an environment where access to fire arms was a simple matter. Thankfully I got through it with no major incidents or clashes.
@Dr_C I picked a fight with a cardiology fellow. Not a good idea when you’re a lowly intern…
@Dr_Dredd and @Dr_C : Wait…wait…you mean you guys aren’t God? You’re shattering my world, here!
or is this a Clash of the Titans type thing? :-)
@Dr_Dredd with the egos on the Cardio fellows I’m surprised there weren’t any repercussions! But you know what… in hindsight it might have been a rough time but I wouldn’t have traded it for anything.
I can be funny too FrenchFry. My longest stay was 6½years as a CNA, Student Nurse and as a LPN. I then got a better job offer.
My longest stay as a patient was 10 days when I had my first minor stroke.
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