Let’s face it. Steve Jobs was granted a visit with the engineers at Xerox way back when no one had a vision for personal computers in consumers homes. They were only seen as being for business.
He immediately recognized what their own company failed
to appreciate. The critical function of a mouse for a graphical user interface.
Bill Gates was smart enough to adapt his own OS to a GUI rather than command line and that’s what the long standing lawsuit was about.
You’re right off course that it originated with Zerox but Jobs was the one with the critical insight to recognize fully what that meant.
Gates had been writing code requiring the tedious command line interface. Obviously once Jobs demonstrated a GUI interface, he was also smart enough to recognize it’s value also.
Prior to the iPhone most phones required one to plow through a multi page manual in order to understand how to navigate critical functioning apart from just making calls.
The iPhone operation is so intuitive to figure out I can’t begin to describe HOW much.
To a techno tard like myself and many many others like me that has incalculable value. A techno tard like me doesn’t care about being able to program my own apps or wants to worry about turning their phone into a brick just because some script-kiddy wants to get their rocks off.
Is Apple controlling about their systems? Yes. Absolutely. That has value for a non technical person. Freedom to alter an OS means very little to someone who hasn’t the foggiest notion how to utilize it intelligently. I realize it’s a trade off. And its one I’m willing to make.
Obviously tech smart folks like yourself feel exactly the opposite. And I can perfectly understand that and respect that.
But lets be honest here. The vast majority of smartphone users are far more like me than you.
You enjoy the challenges of technology and you’re proficient at it. You guys enjoy the learning curve regardless of how steep in the same way that I enjoy Sudoku and my friend just finds it tedious.
It doesn’t make non techy people lazy. It’s fruitless to devote enormous amounts of time to something I have no aptitude for.
If smarter people than I (like Apple engineers) can develop an intuitive system which bypasses all that, I say great. And most people just want to buy a phone and be able to use it without taking an engineering course.
I’m not making anything up by stating that Jobs/Apple was the FIRST and best at understanding the needs of the average computer/smartphone user.
I am not making it up by stating that the most phones prior to the iPhone were a nightmare to figure out for anything beyond simple phone calls.
I couldn’t figure out how on earth to do much on my old Samsung C 417 other than phone and contacts. Texting, email, forget it.
Within a few hours of having my iPhone I was emailing with ease. A few days later I was using the GPS to get me home from a strange location. A short time later I went on a 900 mile trip using only the iPhone.
I had backup info from AAA and never needed to use it once. Thats how intuitive the interface that Apple built in truly is.
When I made my remark about Apple being first, I wasn’t making anything up at all. Were there any phones that intuitive to use prior to iPhone? No, there weren’t.
I wasn’t just referring to how the screen looks (even tho most other phones are copying that as well) I was talking about how the interface functions.
Have others (Android) improved upon that. Possibly. But not enough to cause me to want to switch.
Some phones may be narrowing the gap but that gap still exists. And why wouldn’t others copying be expected to improve certain aspects.
The gap exists for the simple reason that Apple is, and always has been, the leader in putting out products designed for the average non techy person.
You have called it dumbing down. And from your perspective, at the top of the technology mountain that’s how you see it.
But for the lowly peons at the foot of the mountain we are just glad that someone decided to make technology accessible for us as well. I’m. Delighted with my dumbed down piece of technology. It works the way it’s supposed to and I don’t need a degree in Computer Science to figure out how to use it.
I’ll gladly leave the Linux tinkering tho those who enjoy it and actually know what they’re doing.
The OP is perfectly free to decide which approach he prefers. My opinion was asked for and I gave it. I didn’t make anything up at all.
Apple iPhones are still head and shoulders above the rest. Perhaps in the future the numbers may change. But right now that’s what is clearly shown. I didn’t have to make it up.