What color are your eyes and what is your natural hair color?
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August 10th, 2010
Do we have more browns or blues, blondes or brunettes?
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45 Answers
My eyes are a deep blue and my natural hair color is dark blond.
My eyes are SUPER blue and my hair is a strawberry blondish color.
My beard is fiery red though.
Hazel eyes and hair mousy brown. I dye it brown with carmel highlights
Brown on both counts. But my hair’s pretty salt-n-pepper now.
Yeah, our brown club seems very popular!
My eyes are dark brown and my hair is light brown.
Both my hair and eyes are brown…yeah,I know…very matchy-matchy ;)
Hazel with a ring of green.
I came into this world a strawberry blond, but over time turned dark brown.
I am now a bald dude.
Golden blonde hair, blue eyes.
In the winter, my hair is a very dark brown, and in the summer it almost gets sun-bleached. It’s pretty cool. I was born a very blond blonde, but as I get older my hair has gotten darker. I’ll probably have hair so dark it almost looks black by the time I’m 20 (It’s already happened to my brother). And my eyes are very strange. I can’t decide if they’re blue, green, brown, or hazel. It depends hugely on my shirt color.
My eyes are medium brown, my natural hair colour is off-black. It looks black in fluorescent light, but in the sun, the reddish undertones show up. Right now, it’s dyed auburn.
My hair is golden blonde, and my eyes are steel blue (think Daniel Craig, Paul Newman)
Green eyes; hair once brown, now what little is left is gray.
Blue eyes/brown hair…well one gray hair….OK my chin hair is more grey than brown but I shave that so you couldn’t tell anyway.
Brown eyes, blonde hair until my 20’s. It turned a light brown, so now I highlight my hair.
Blue eyes, hair used to be strawberry blond but has darkened to a light brownish-blondish-reddish.
Sometimes people say my eyes look gray or green, so maybe it depends on what I’m wearing. They always look blue to me.
stone cold blue eyes on the outside, further in a little yellow with a few streaks of red
hair is brown
Brown eyes, brown hair. I really disliked my hair growing up and have dyed almost all the colors of the rainbow. I felt weird not having black hair because it made me different.
Blue eyes, medium brown hair.
Bright blue eyes, and natural hair colour is brown (doesn’t suit me), so the official colour on the packet is Cyber Purple! It’s a deep dark red really :)
Light brown hair and grey eyes
Such nice hair-eye color combinations here in the lagoon.
I’m just bleh-brown. Even at home…
My wife has auburn hair with one green eye and one blue eye.
@harple haha…my fever is getting to me. I just read that you have bright purple eyes. Time for me to rest. ;)
Deep Brown eyes
Hair – formerly auburn, now silver with a touch of brunette right at the forehead, undercover in the picture
I used to dye my hair red, and my Choctaw Grandpa took one look at me and said “I’ve never seen an Indian with red hair, Hah, Hah”.
Black hair; dark brown eyes.
Eyes are dark green, hair is medium brown.
Eyes are green, hair is dark blonde.
Nothing special I guess, dark brown eyes, dark brown hair, my fiancee says I have puppy eyes, being mexican I don’t know if that is a compliment… :(
Brown eyes, light auburn hair. Well, it’s faded to a non-color these days. Me in 10th grade.
@augustlan You have the same color hair as my sister.
@augustlan – I would blow my hair out and try to get it to “feather”(?) just like that when I was a teenager, but it would just lay there, all straight and limp. :( Love the Fair Isle sweater and popped polo collar! ‘80s girls represent!
@augustlan and Molly Ringwald – twins separated at birth. :-)
Greyish-blue eyes and dark brown hair. When light shines on my eyes they’re a clear blue.
I also have a freckle, or a ‘nevus’ on my right eye (iris). So did my Mom.
Auggie and jonsblond have my favorite combo. Pretty!
Dark brown eyes. Hair is dark brown too, but dark enough that it looks black.
My eyes are blue, but have steadily been looking more green lately. Natural hair colour is dirty blonde (but has a strawberry blonde-ness to it).
My natural hair color for the first half of my life was Auburn, and then salt and pepper. Now it appears to be dark brown on the top half, and silver on the bottom. I look sort of like Cruella DeVille.
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