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wilhel1812's avatar

In True Blood, can vampires come out during the day if It's cloudy? (Spoilers from Season 2 ahead!)

Asked by wilhel1812 (2882points) August 10th, 2010

I recall seing it in one episode, but i might be wrong.
In the episode when Godric dies, it looks as if it’s the direct sunlight that kills him, not the bright sky. That would mean that a cloudy day which blocks out all sunlight would be okay right?

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12 Answers

Otto_King's avatar

No, I think the more direct the sun, the faster they burn. Just like your hair when it’s wet. In a cloudy day needs more time for the hair to dry, then in the bright sunny weather. At least that’s what I think…

wilhel1812's avatar

It makes sense, however Godric didn’t show any signs of pain or weakness before the direct sunlight hit him, even though it was really bright outside.

Otto_King's avatar

Yes, but Godric was old, and with the vampires the oldest the strongest. So probably Godric could stay much longer in direct sunlight then Jessica, the vampire girl who works as a waitress now.

wilhel1812's avatar

Yes, that also makes sense, but then again Godric stated that because of his age it wouldn’t take long for him to die in the sunlight. Indicating that old vampires can take less sunlight than young Vampires.

Otto_King's avatar

Maybe that was a mistake by the director or somebody, but I’m sure about that they get more resistant of anything by the age. Plus faster, stronger.

wilhel1812's avatar

Godric: “It won’t take long, not at my age”
I suppose it means that old vampires is extra weak of sunlight. I think vampires get stronger by the age, but also that their weaknesses get stronger by the age. That’s my theory.

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Otto_King's avatar

That could be true, because in Twilight those vampires can only go to school, when it’s cloudy. And both of the movies are based on the same “vampire rules”.

wilhel1812's avatar

@ragingloli i get a 403 Forbidden on that second pic.

wilhel1812's avatar

@Otto_King @ragingloli That’s interresting, looks as if Twilight openly agrees with my theroy while True Blood kinda avoids the whole thing.

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