Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

What's your resistance to a one-dollar coin?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) August 10th, 2010

Are you one of the majority of Americans who apparently want nothing to do with a $1 coin intended as a replacement for the one-dollar bill, as this story reports?

If so, what are your reasons?

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37 Answers

InkyAnn's avatar

I dont mind using them, but ive learned that alot of places still wont except them for some reason, I will admit that they can be a hassle if you have too many of them in your wallet. But to me they are just the same as a 1$ note.

lapilofu's avatar

I think people—myself included—are worried about confusing them with quarters. If they were more common, I don’t think it would be a problem. I think coins are great.

ratboy's avatar

It’s too difficult to roll them into cylinders for snorting coke.

rooeytoo's avatar

In Australia we have a one dollar and a two dollar coin. The one dollar is about the size of a US quarter and the two is just slightly bigger and thicker than a dime. I love the two dollar coin, when you have a couple of them in your pocket you feel like you have emergencies covered, you know, you can buy a bottle of water and a candy bar and still have some left. The ones are too heavy and just aren’t as good. They are called goldies because while the rest of the coins here are silver, the goldies are gold colored, duhhhhhhhhh!

faye's avatar

We have one and two dollar coins in Canada as well. I like them a lot now. If you toss coins in the bottom of your purse sometimes, you’ll be very pleased with how quickly it adds up. They are a little heavy at first but easily adapted to.

anartist's avatar

Looks too much like a quarter. Bring back the Susan B Anthony coin with the faceted edges.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

GQ. I wasn’t aware of this until your post. My guess would be that, like in most cases, people resent or fear change (no pun intended).

augustlan's avatar

I think if they made them significantly different than any other coin (in color or size), people might be less reluctant. I remember when the Susan B. Anthony coin came out, and all the fuss that caused. They were not only easy to mistake for quarters, vending machines actually accepted them as quarters, faceted edges or not. Some folks are probably still a little gun shy after that.

Until we get rid of the dollar bill, people will resist. We just need to bite the bullet and ditch the bill. That, and adopt the metric system for goodness’ sake!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@augustlan Thank you. I’m all for the metric system.

answerjill's avatar

I don’t mind em, although they are a bit heavy.

cookieman's avatar

All my coins end up in a jar which I later cash in. I hate carrying coins on my person because of the weight.

Bills fold neatly into the front pocket and weigh practically nothing.

Winters's avatar

Coins get heavy real quick, bills don’t.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I used to have a two-currency situation when I live in Seattle (sister in Victoria) and because money is always in my pocket, it was sort of a bore when they started issuing the Loonies. When the Twonies came out I was practically limping! I guess I’m also a bit feline in that I resent change. (yes, the pun is intended! ;-)

Kayak8's avatar

All cash register drawers would need to be retrofitted so there is a little cup to hold the dollar coins (this is the reluctance of some businesses because they invariably get mixed in with the quarters in the drawer).

Paper money is really very light in weight compared to the dollar coins. I don’t mind carrying a few coins (say in my pocket), but paper money is more versatile as it can go in a book, fit easily in a wallet, etc.

All that said, I actually like the dollar coins (they are given as change at the post office if you purchase stamps from a machine). I like the Susan B. Anthony and the Sacagewea. It is interesting that the US only puts women on currency that no one uses, so I am all for increased exposure for these heavy metal gals. Now I just need a big leather bag to tie to my belt.

perspicacious's avatar

They are heavy and not as convenient as the bills.

ucme's avatar

Illegal tender here in England. We ditched the pound note in favour of the coin years ago now. The notes were terribly shabby often stunk & are no great loss. Yay for coins, an added delight is the jangly sound they make in your pocket when grouped with other coins…....nice.

Mtl_zack's avatar

All those damn socialists use change and girly pink and purple money.

In all seriousness, in Canada we have 1$ and 2$ coins. I love it. It’s easier to buy things from vending machines, and you don’t have to flip through a wad of cash. I could also see it being easy for Americans to give the wrong bill because all the money is green and pretty much looks the same.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I don’t have any objection! Why? Did someone say I had one? They’re liars and bastard people, you know.

I’m all about $1 and $2 coins. And I like Australia’s money. I have a fiver from down there. It’s made out of some indestructible plastic with watermarks, and it’s pink. All their bills are made that way, but in different colours. So much cooler than US money. I know they’re trying to jazz it up with iridescent elements, but meh, still I hate the monochromatic green.

KatawaGrey's avatar

When I visited England, I had the same problem @JilltheTooth described. My pockets got so filled up with heavy one quid coins I was limping. I suppose I could just suck it up and buy a coin purse.

I’ve also started putting all my spare change into the KatawaGrey house fund so with the addition of dollar coins, I would either get my house faster or put many fewer coins in.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

Most people aren’t willing to acknowledge that a dollar isn’t real money any more. A bill in your wallet is always going to seem like more than a coin in your pocket.

Austinlad's avatar

No resistence whatsoever. I have always loved coins, particularly silver dollars. Broke my heart many years ago to sell my collection of them (at a huge loss, I might add) during a personal economic downturn.

john65pennington's avatar

The weight. its hard enough for me to keep my shorts up now.

Buttonstc's avatar

I’m really not trying to be sexist here, but let’s face it. Men always have pockets into which to put their change.

Most womens clothing does not. Even slacks many times lack pockets which I find really annoying.

Yeah, I know the whole deal about not wanting the hips looking bigger. But it’s a thin piece of cloth, for crying out loud. Don’t put anything in them if you don’t want, but eliminating them altogether is silly.

The weight of loose coins rattling around in the bottom of the handbag or belt pack is annoying. To dig them out requires cleaning out the whole bag.

Coins are just a nuisance. Has anyone noticed all the positive comments from the male perspective. Of course. You guys always have strong well made and deeper pockets easy to empty out each night.

mammal's avatar

nothing, we have £1 and £2 coins, far more durable than bills.

rts486's avatar

I would use them, but you can’t find them anywhere.

Buttonstc's avatar

Most banks will be happy to oblige.

A friend of mine does this all the time. He enjoys seeing the confused look on the cashiers’ faces at McDonalds.

But of course he likes them. He’s a guy with plenty of pockets. :)

mammal's avatar

@ucme often stunk, really?

ucme's avatar

@mammal Yeah that’s how I remember them anyway. A pound says i’m right!

Facade's avatar

I don’t have any issues with it.

anartist's avatar

The old silver dollars were nice. Back when silver was silver. The tooth fairy always left one under my pillow. Unfortunately I immediately spent them on comic books and marzipan. Wish I had ‘em today.

The old gold $1, $5, $19, and $20 coins even nicer [and much smaller]. Bring back the gold standard! A gold dollar smaller than a dime, a $10 maybe the size of a nickel.

mammal's avatar

@anartist but gold is intrinsicly valuable, a coin is merely a token and one that wares through circulation, so these days the two aren’t really compatible are they?

mattbrowne's avatar

A 2 euro coin is worth $2.60 – I don’t know any people who have a problem with this. So why not have a 1 or even 2 dollar coin.

NaturallyMe's avatar

Because they’re heavy and coins are more annoying to carry around that notes in the wallet. Having said that, if coins are more environmentally friendly or something, i’d prefer to use them.

papasan's avatar

They’re too much like quarters and you have to be careful when using them at registers.

faye's avatar

Canadian one and two dollar coins are different colours- nothing like quarters.

Civic_Cat's avatar

In Canada, we’ve have $1 and $2 coins. In 1987, we got a bonze coloured coin with a loon on the tail in. We call it a “loonie”. :-D

In 1996, we got a bi-metallic coin worth $2, so we called it a toonie.

Americans seem to tend to be traditionalists in these matters, needing a push to change things, such as the counterfeiting of your bills leading to significant changes in them.

Don917's avatar

It will make it easier for vending machine companies to raise the price on items if there is a greater usage of the dollar coin. Price resistance will be less if we only have to put “one little dollar coin” in the slot instead of four quarters !!!!!

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