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Savvy_88's avatar

Why doesn't my budgie talk anymore?

Asked by Savvy_88 (15points) August 11th, 2010

Hey Guys,

It’s been more or less a week since I realised my budgie has stopped talking and behaving like he used to. He has always been very playful and makes a lot of noise, but now he sleeps alot, eats at odd times and overall doesn’t look so good. My mum says he’s just old because we’ve had him for two years. It’s strange though it’s like he’s turned old in just one week. Please tell me what to do.

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4 Answers

escapedone7's avatar

Well just like people their needs change as they age. Your bird is getting older and might need a few changes in his routine care or diet. Here is a site for some advice on caring for aging birds.

Cruiser's avatar

Your birdie sounds sick to me. Most if not all my Budgies got sick from sinus infections. Look for a change in color around their nose. Some antibiotics were able to help a few of my birds to recover but a vet for sure can give you much better advice.

solomio's avatar

If my memory serves me right the pair of budgies I had in Massachusetts moved to New York with my family, and when we left New York for California I gave the birds away to a friend. That would make these two budgies eight years old when I gave them away, and they were very active, very noisy!

Birds do get ill, often with a form of an avian virus, a flu, so only a veterinarian who cares for birds could diagnose what is wrong with your birds if their problem is a bird flu.

Is it possible that your budgies are bored with their cage?
Do you allow them to fly around, inside of your house for exercise?
Birds are like other creatures in that they do need to have exercise as a part of their lives in order to be healthy, and a good diet too in order to remain both happy and healthy.

Have you looked up what kinds of vegetables you could give to them to stimulate their appetite and interest in their lives?
Perhaps someone who has birds now, can give you a better idea of what budgies like to eat outside of the birdseed that you buy at the store.

Another possibility to look into is the birdseed you are feeding your birds.
Is the birdseed stored in a dry environment where mold and fungus will NOT grow on it. Fungus growing on birdseed will make budgies ill if this seed is fed to them.

Do you give your birds’ fresh water every day?

Do your birds have a cuttlebone to sharpen their beaks?
Are the perches in the cage kept clean?
Do you change the paper on the bottom of the cage as soon as it is soiled?
As I remember, budgies soil their cages very fast!
Bad bacteria grows on budgie doo if the doo is left in the cage.

Good luck in solving this problem.

solomio's avatar

I left out the obvious question/answer.

Have you considered that your budgie could be lonely?
When I got my first bird, a yellow/green bird, it did appear to be lonely.
A friend gave me a blue budgie, and I remember that when we added the blue budgie to the cage the yellow/green bird was quite excited over the addition of another creature that was like itself.
They got along very well, and when they looked at each other they each saw another being that was the same as they were. This is for birds much as it is for people. Having another being that is like yourself to keep you company can make a big difference in your life, and it can make a big difference in your birds’ life too!

Good Luck

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