Poof, don’t feel guilty for your happiness. You have had a rough road for some time now. I appreciate the concern for me and my family, but we don’t expect others to stop their lives because of our grief. I told my neice the same thing. She had a baby boy just 3 days after Max’s memorial, and they were all afraid to share their joy with us. We need to hear happy things right now.
To hear positive things in other’s lives helps us to smile, even if just for a minute, and we need all of that we can get right now. I found this thread because I got an email saying I had some private comments, and I wondered how people knew what happened, and I figured you must have posted something about it.
Thanks to all for your kind words. I don’t know how I am going to get through this except one hour, one day at a time, but I have to so I can help my daughter, and she has to because she has a daughter of her own who needs her. Her daughter is only 4 months old.
I will tell you all one thing I have learned from this: the media never tells the whole story. I’ve seen stories such as ours on the news or in the paper, and I felt sad for the child, and wondered where the parents were, and why they weren’t keeping a better eye on their child. Now I know how something like this can happen in a mere second, and I will never pass judgement on a situation like this again.
The media in our case was brutally incomplete in how they reported it. It was maddening. There was a candlelight vigil held for Max on the eve of would have been his second birthday, and it was organized by a local internet mommy group my daughter was in. I saw someone filming, but I thought it was one of the moms in the group. I was horrified to see it was ABC news, and tho it was only a short piece, they zoomed in on a picture of my daughter (who could not attend because she was sedated) and now she is afraid to leave her house. She feels like some moron will recognize her and say something cruel.
I have also learned that there are still quite a few good and compassionate people in this world. At 8:45pm EST, the time the candlelight vigil for Max’s birthday, people all around the world released a baloon for him in his honor. An internet friend of my daughter organized it, and it was a beautiful sentiment to know so many hearts wer reaching out to us in our darkest hour. It has restored faith in people for me, when I thought the world was becoming pretty much a “me first” mentality.
As a mom, one of our duties is to make the boo boos of life stop hurting when our children are small by kissing them, and hugging the child near. I cannot love my daughter’s pain away, no matter how hard I try, and I feel the ache deep into my soul. I never imagined I could be hurt so deeply. This loss is like no other, and feels like it will never heal.