Social Question

mowens's avatar

How fun is Omaha for someone in their mid 20s?

Asked by mowens (8410points) August 12th, 2010

I am 26, and I am gay. How much fun would I have if I was to try and enjoy the night life of Omaha? It sounds like the middle of nowhere, but it actually appears to be a pretty big city. Thoughts?

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7 Answers

InkyAnn's avatar

IT SUCKS!!! I went there to give it a chance and live with my 26 year old friend, im 23, we come from Lake Havasu City AZ, one of the biggest party spots in the US so we knew good night life, we were in the heart of Omaha. There is NOTHING to do there except go to house partys that are filled with not just your age people but teens too. The bars are alright but pretty mellow… not much excitement. I ended up staying there for 2 months then decided to go back to CT. Everyone there is a gym whore so if you like looking at nice bodys thats about all they got. There are a few good restaurants like “Spaghetti Works” if you end up going you HAVE to go there. If you want I can give you the email addresses of my friends that still live there. I actually am currently helping a friend move from Omaha to NYC because hes sick of there being noting to do there and wants to have a “life”.

mowens's avatar

Haha – well I am a gym whore… recently, so it will be good motivation. It would be an extremely good career opportunity. I just wanted to know what it is like. Is it that bad?!

InkyAnn's avatar

How so re: the career opp? and yha alll the guys and girls there have bodys that look like they just walked off the cover of “Flex Magazine” lol even the men that were like in their 60s & 70s! I was amazed.

mowens's avatar

Double may pay, and id be set for a while. Any chance you saw the gay scene? Or they gay boys bodies? Hahahaaa

InkyAnn's avatar

lol when I said all the bodys were built i ment ALLLL, even the gays… and I just called a few friends out there asking where the best place to go for you to meet other guys is a place called “The Max” its a club and they all said its like the hot spot.The Max’s website :)

InkyAnn's avatar

Hope that helps you, let me know if you want to know anything else. :)

mowens's avatar

Thank you. :) I am still in the interview process, I just like to be prepared. :)

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