Social Question

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Describe, or better yet, relate verbatim the funniest, weirdest, outrageous or otherwise remarkable dialogues from chat rooms that you’ve seen -- bad spelling and all.

Asked by Espiritus_Corvus (17299points) August 13th, 2010

People seem to forget that there really is no privacy in chat rooms and write the funniest, strangest, most intimate things in this most public of forums. Such as this one:

Drayke: Counting cards isnt illegel, it’s just fround upon :/
Ryan: Like masterbating on an airplane
Lisa: um… im pretty sure thats illegal
Ryan: Yeah, maybe after 911… thanks alot bin laden

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9 Answers

Vunessuh's avatar

Unfortunately, I don’t spend much time in chat rooms and I’ve written this in an answer before, but my buddy @lucillelucillelucille wrote this in a PM to me once: “Googles? I now have proff that I spend too much tiome on th ecomputer!LMAO!”
Exactly like that. Typos and all. I barely have any idea what she said, but I think it’s funny as shit. XD

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

I don’t have anything saved on here, but it’s always on or
I’ll try and describe it:
Stranger: Hey saxy gurll, cum?

CMaz's avatar

Costello: Well then who’s on first?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: I mean the fellow’s name.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The guy on first.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The first baseman.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The guy playing…

Abbott: Who is on first!

Costello: I’m asking YOU who’s on first.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

@ChazMaz , hahahahhaha i crackeeedddd!

Mtl_zack's avatar

On chatroulette this random guy from Arizona was dressed as a ninja and showing off his karate skillz. We had an awesome conversation about random stuff. All while he was shadow fighting.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

@Mtl_zack , chatroulette is awesome for some strangeness! and randomness!

Coloma's avatar

I don’t frequent chat rooms, but…once, about 8 years ago I participated in a chat thing.

One night this guy solicited me for some ‘role playing.’ lol

Think I handled it brilliantly. :-)

Me: So what do you want to play?

He: How about Boss & Secretary

Me: Okay, I’ll be the boss.

He: Uh, but I’m the boss.

Me: If I can’t be the boss then I don’t want to play.

He: But. but…

Me: Oh Mr. Secretary…please bring me my coffee!

He: dead silence, disappeared.


lapilofu's avatar

I thought (NSFW) this was pretty funny. In a disturbing sort of way.

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