What is the problem with Pelosi?
I don’t really know anything about her, but so many people have issues with her. I did some research, and, like Obama, all the trash talking turned out, so far, to be hysterical, un-researched innuendo like the idea that SHE demanded a 747 to ferry her around. That’s not true. So….what’s up with her? What do you level headed, intelligent truth-seekers think of her?
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26 Answers
Same old partisan slandering. If you stir up enough muck, eventually everyone gets dirty.
Know her personally, do you,@ChazMaz? ;-)
I know people like her. And, in a way. I know her as well. :-)
She lives above everyone else. As does much of congress.
She plays along to entertain (patronize) but it all comes down to the decisions that keep as much money (and power) in her girdle.
Ah, you know people like her. That really explains it. Thanks.
@ChazMaz Could you give me some specific examples?
I know that was coming.
I have spent a great deal of time with some of the wealthiest people in the country if not the world. They all have the same agenda.
My intentions are not to convince anyone. Just expressing my experience. ;-)
The biggest problem I have with her can be summed up by her answer to a question about the HCR. When asked if she had read the bill, she replied ‘We have to pass the bill so we can find out what is in it’ (I paraphrased, I forget the actual quote.)
she needs sex…..a couple of orgasms
not like her male counterparts, men of congress get us all screwed
Nancy Pelosi comes from a wealthy family, so things that seem overboard to others may seem normal to her. She is also a very competitive person who has a passionate interest in social policy. This leads her to treat her political opponents with contempt, because she is not only offended that they would challenge her, but also feels their ideas are dangerous and wrong. This kind of scorched earth policy leaves her opponents with no common ground. You’re either at her feet or at her throat.
@WestRiverrat The only reference to that that I could find were two videos of her saying “We have to pass the bill so ou can find out what is in it…...” That one was five seconds long. There was one that was 10 seconds long. There was another one that was all of ten seconds long, and she said, “We have to pass the bill so ou can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy…...” So is it an assumption that someone gave to you that her response was in answer to the actual question “had she read the bill?” Don’t you find it suspicious when they don’t show the question that was actually asked? When something is taken so totally out of context, and kept so short, it’s immediately suspicious.
@CrankMonkey Thank you….
@CrankMonkey Unless you are behind her. In which case, you are very, very, very glad she is helping fight off some pretty nasty Republican proposals.
There is nothing wrong with her. She is a a very effective leader.
@Dutchess_III That is the one I am referring to. If the Speaker of the House does not know what is in the bill, what is she doing rushing it up for a vote? Congress is supposed to take some time and know what they are passing into law.
It is easier to fix a bill before it comes into law than after.
@WestRiverrat What makes you think she doesn’t know what was in the bill? I posted the only two videos where she said what she said. Did you not read my entire post? It can’t be assumed that she was answering the question “Have you read the bill.” It can’t be assumed that she was saying that she didn’t know what was in the bill, because they don’t show that there was even a question asked. It was taken totally out of context. That never flies with me.
I can’t speak for everyone one else but I see her as one side of the same coin. Left, right, or center they all play the same game with rules that they made up. The game is called Let’s Keep People Arguing About Shit They Are Never Going To Agree On While We Sit Back And Draw A Salary That They Pay.
Folks don’t like to hear that because it means you have to admit that you have been fooled and bought into the game. This is why you hear the same hateful rhetoric over and over again whether it’s Nancy Pelosi or Sara Palin. In fact, I’m beginning to believe that the rhetoric is so hateful because people know on a fundamental level that they are getting fucked but they just don’t know what to do about it.
@Blondesjon But wouldn’t you agree that the repubs are far, far more slanderous, hysterical and hateful than what comes from the dems about them?
No. I’ve seen Bill Maher and Al Franken (I love them both, by the way) spew just as much slander, hysteria, and hate as Bill O’Reily or Glenn Beck.
It’s just harder to see the shit for what it is when it’s your “team” that is slinging it.
Our government has convinced us that, politically, our country is divided into two groups: Good Guys and Bad Guys.
Soap operas and professional wrestling do the same thing.
Well, I guess I just don’t see it as much.
Nancy Pelosi’s biggest problem is she is a woman.
If she was a man, no one would be saying all the terrible things they do now.
She is an Italian grandmother. She is a conservative San Franciscan, which makes her just a little left of moderate. She has money, and she has patience.
I would vote for her for President in a minute.
I’m with @filmfann; she may not have tact, but the flack is because she’s a powerful woman.
She is an extremely powerful woman. Same reason the raght has gone so ballistic over Obama—an extremely powerful black man. Couple that with being on the side of the opposition, and you have all the reason needed for demonization and a hate fest.
@CrankMonkey I don’t disagree with your points, but there can be no doubt that when the Republicans were in the majority, their speakers from Newt Gingrich forward have been far more ruthless and heavy handed. But they never came under the demonization and hate fest we have seen for Speaker Pelosi. I have to conclude she is guilty of three heinous crimes in Republican eyes, she’s an effective leader, she’s a Democrat and she’s a woman.
@filmfann & @janbb hit the nail on the head, oh when will it ever change????
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