General Question

timeand_distance's avatar

If I join the navy as an MC, where might I be stationed?

Asked by timeand_distance (1292points) August 13th, 2010

So I’m thinking about joining the navy as an MC (mass communications), and I was just wondering if they had any certain bases that they tend to send those (like, I know submariners can get sent to washington, maryland, etc.).

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5 Answers

jerv's avatar

If you wind up on a ship, it will likely (though not definitely) be a larger ship like an aircraft carrier. “Small boys” generally didn’t have much need for the services of a PH, LI, DM, or JO (the four rates that were combined into MC in 2006) when I was in. There are few places that house actual CVNs, but any other ship big enough to be a flagship for it’s group may be on the list as well.

Of course, the sea/shore rotation on MC is land-heavy enough that you may be sent practically anywhere for shore duty since every base/installation needs them.

Basically, if it’s a command that flies an Admiral’s flag, then you might go there.

john65pennington's avatar

My dad was a telegrapher in the Navy. back then, there was a great demand for telegraphers and the vast majority were stationed on ships.

jerv's avatar

@john65pennington Yes, but you’re old enough that your dad probably served when ships were still made of wood :D

timeand_distance's avatar

subquestion: if i get a waiver for my DUI, can I still be an MC? I know in the air force, even if I got a waiver, only certain jobs were still available. asking here instead of to a recruiter because i kind of feel like the recruiter’s just going to try to put me where they need me instead of where i’d like to be.

jerv's avatar

I don’t think a DUI will be a big issue for most Navy ratings.

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