When some one is doing something for you, and it's very important to you that it turns out right, and they say they "Have it under control," do you have to leave the room so you won't interefere?
In other words, are you a control freak? I am! I admit it. My husband, my son, grandson, and a friend of my son’s are gluing down the vinyl in the kitchen as we speak, and I just need to stay out of their way. There are some thing I want done a certain way, but I was vetoed (I still think I’m right.) Not interfering is VERY hard for me to do. In fact, I thought I’d go in and watch TV, but that meant I was also watching them work, and it was all I could do not to start offering unwanted and advice and make unwanted suggestions EVEN THOUGHT I’M RIGHT! I had to leave! And here I am.
Could you just sit and watch someone work on something that was very important to you and keep quiet, or would you have to leave the room?
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22 Answers
Say, “I’m a control freak. I’ll freak out more if I don’t watch.”
If it’s “very important” to me I would be doing it myself if at all possible. But, yes, I have had to leave the room when someone was contracted to do something that I wanted done with absolute perfection—- which is generally the case with me.
I would leave the room if I were you .. Oh! Good Luck!
@Rarebear But they’ll refuse my suggestions, and it PISSES ME OFF. I know how to lay a floor. I’ve done it several times, but not on this scale. So, I left, because it’s free labor (in exchange for some very EXPENSIVE labor 23 years ago!), my son has been busting his butt for us for the last two weekends, and I don’t want to appear ungrateful. You know? I’ll just go in later and do it to perfection! Although it’s going to be a bit more difficult.
Yes. I would wait till the job is done. Let them fix there mistakes. Then show you the completed job. Let them or give them a chance to impress you without you over their shoulder. Seriously. Then say something.
@Frenchfry No, I’ll never say anything….I’ll just quietly fix it.
Oh! Atleast I would give them a chance but if you feel the need. I know my mom would.,LOL
Well, Chris has moved out of the “You have to do as I say and take my advice because I’m your mother” stage. He’s 23 and a man and all…..I wish I had a 25 pound bag of frozen glowing shrimp to wack him in the head with.
@Dutchess_III Well, you could complain about them on Fluther, that would take up some time. Oh, no wait…
Good! ‘Cause I’m FREAKING OUT!!! Ok…they’re done…..pictures when we get my kitchen put back together tomorrow….
My son’s friend is named Brian, my grandson is Ryan. He’s 15. Rick was asking if anyone wanted a beer. Chris said yes, Brian said “no,” but I didn’t realize Rick hadn’t heard him. He asked him again, and I thought he said, “Ryan, do you want a beer?” I whirled around and said, “HELL NO!!!” Well, he was talking to Brian. Then Ryan says “I don’t like beer anyway.” He made the mistake of being in my vicinity when he said it. I was sitting on the steps and he was walking past me. I started whacking him on the legs left and right demanding to know when he’d ever had beer! He said, “I’m 15, Gramma! I guess I know what beer tastes like!” He was still in my vicinity. Dumb kid!
If it’s really that important, I’ll do it myself. Other people screw it up. The rest of the time, I focus on not needing things to be so perfect and being more flexible.
Well I must say I had a beer when I was teenager. My father gave it to me.. Kids grow up fast watch out . One day they are laying your tile , the next they are drinking your beer. Keep eye out. Time flies in a blink of a eye,
So did I. But it wouldn’t be right if I just ignored the comment!
@papayalily This was a BIG, complicated job…...
@Dutchess_III Then I’ll hire someone to do it so that if it doesn’t turn out well, I have some course of action other than nagging. But really, it’s so much better (for me) to not have things done than to hate and resent the people in my life for f*cking sh*t up.
My goodness @papayalily! I would never “hate and resent” my son for something as trivial as a vinyl floor! If we’d had the money to hire someone we would have. But we didn’t so we didn’t.
I’m from the school of “if you want something done right you have to do it yourself.”
I am definitely a control freak… I have to keep an eye on things.
@Dutchess_III Eh, it plays into the whole family dynamic. A tile floor is never just a tile floor, it’s also the stolen lunchbox from 3rd grade and the time my sister chopped all the hair off of my Barbie and our differences in what we’re doing with our life, yada yada yada.
@papayalily The differences that build up between siblings over the decades is nothing like the dynamics between a mother and her kids. I have two sisters (who I haven’t spoken to in several years, not my idea) and three kids (who have pissed me off to no end but who I still talk to on a daily basis) and I know. That’s all there is to that.
OK, guys. Days is done, gone the sun. The 104+ heat that we’ve been dealing with for the last 3 weeks (on top of all of this) broke about an hour ago and THAT is a huge blessing. Originally I was going to post “Do you know how hard it is to type with linoleum glue on your finerssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss?” But then…I pet my cat. So now the question is, “Do you know how to get linoleum glue off your fingers?” Pet the cat. The cat doesn’t stick to your hand like you’d think it would. Like, you’re not walking around with a cat stuck your hands. No, the cat’s hair simply comes off on your fingers and suddenly they’re no longer sticky, they’re furry! And you start rubbing your fingers around and around like you’ve been doing for the last hour….and the fur just wraps it up and you can flick it off! Works like c charm. I can even type quickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkly now. :)
Yes, I’m a control nut and have to remove myself so I don’t nag the goodness out of the deed supposed to be being done for me.
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