Do you share your garden produce?
My very good neighbour has just been to my home and given me some turnips, basil, dill & runner beans which she has grown herself.
In return I gave her some tomatoes, potatoes, ginger mint, and a bouquet of flowers from my garden.
We have a good relationship and love to share what we produce.
Do you share what you have grown from your garden. What do you share? Do you gain pleasure from this?
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21 Answers
Yes, yes, yes! My grampa had 3 gardens to give away.
We have seven tomato plants which produce way more than we can eat, so we offer tomatoes to neighbors and friends. It does feel nice to give fresh produce that you’ve grown yourself- it gives one a feeling of self-accomplishment, and it’s great knowing that other people will really appreciate it.
I mostly share with relatives. Our neighbors have their own garden, and in the past they’ve given me things that I don’t usually grow, like zucchini or green beans. Right now all I have to share is tomatoes, which everyone I know seems to grow. My husband had a meeting with a client this morning and said the client tried to give him a bag of tomatoes! He had to turn them down because we have tomatoes coming out of our ears right now.
I also like to share things I make with our produce. Right now I have a huge pot of sauce bubbling on the stove. I’m sure I’ll give some to my in-laws, knowing I have enough tomatoes to make probably two or three more big pots. When I make zucchini bread or eggplant parmesan, I’ll share that too. Sometimes I can fruit after we go to the orchard, and I’ll give some to family.
I have not grown a big garden for some years now, but yes, I used to share all the time.
Pumpkins, beans, tomatos, squash, and one year I grew purple fingerling potatos that everyone was after! lol
Last year I had buckets full of the little sungold cherry tomatoes and took bags of them to everyone everywhere I went. lol
This year I have lots of flowers and sunflowers and heirloom Pineapple tomatos but they are not doing so well for whatever reason.
It has been a faitly mild summer and even thoguh they are huge, about 5 feet tall they are not producing any fruit yet! I have no idea whats up with that! haha
Yep! In one week every one I know will have some of my tomatoes!
There used to be this coworker at work that would bring in boxes and boxes of fresh corn with they where ready. They were put in the breakroom for anyone. That was cool. We ate just corn on the cob for dinner one time. That was really nice of her.
@MissAusten Wow you are so very fortunate
@Fly Yes it is the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing your neighbours/family will appreciate all your hard work.
@MissAusten So what is bubbling on your stove right now?
@Coloma Yes it certainly is lovely to share what you have grown from a tiny seed isn’t it? So what is Pineapple tomato? I have never heard of it
@Cruiser I can never get enough of tomatoes. ..... tomato and basil soup, tomatoes in a salad, tomato chutney, tomato ketchup… the list is endless. I never refuse tomatoes from my neighbours.
@Frenchfry How very kind of your coworker. I am sure it was delicious
@partyparty I made a big pot of tomato sauce this morning. I could only use about half of my tomatoes before the pot was full, so I’ll have to do it again soon. I added basil and green peppers to the sauce, also from my garden, lots of garlic, and diced carrot and onion. It cooks for a couple of hours, then I puree half of it so the sauce isn’t too chunky or too smooth. Sometimes I make it with just basil, onions, and garlic. It depends on what I have around the house. Makes the kitchen smell fantastic! I’ll freeze whatever I don’t give away, and then we have homemade sauce for pasta, meatballs, or Italian sausage for the next few months. :)
@MissAusten Oh your sauce sounds delicious. I must try your recipe. ..... I can smell it from here LOLL
Part of our farm operation is commercial truck (vegetables). Whatever we don’t sell or can is given away to food kitchens, pantries or neighbors in need. We also do this in winter with firewood.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land That is such a good idea. That way all the produce is used up, and provides for the needy. I hate to see good food thrown away. Many thanks
yes, lots of tomatoes, onions, lettuce, lemons, plums, peaches and apples. I will also make salsa and jellies to share
My neighbor boy just brought over a big bag of green beans and a big bag of red beets.
I sent back some cherry tomatoes and sweet corn with him.
Umm, what should I do with all those beets?
@wilma here are lots of recipes to use up your beetroots. Enjoy!!
Thanks @partyparty! Chocolate cake with beetroot? who knew!
Nope there’s not a big demand for lawn clippings where I live , but my neighbour grows some great stuff! :-)
I share what I have. This year, not much is growing except for the basil and rosemary. It’s been too hot.
Yes. My son brings over tomatoes all the time, and recently brought an entire upside down plant for me, since they have tomatoes practically coming out of their ears.
My orange tree gives us tons of extra oranges every year, which we share with family.
I often put requests on for extra produce, which I pick up.
@Scooby LOLL love your answer. Hope your neighbour brings some of their fruit & vegetables to you.
@BarnacleBill Well you could share your herbs. I always chop mine up and freeze them in the ice cube maker.
@YARNLADY Wow orange trees. It must be lovely and warm where you are. Upside down plant?
@wilma I have made the chocolate & beetroot cake. It is lovely and moist. You should try it.
@partyparty The town I live in sed to be full of orange orchards. Here is a picture of an upside down tomato plant.
He sure does, I just got back from my holiday, Saturday gone, when I went into my garden to check my lawn & borders I found a generous basket of goodies sat on top of my compost bin, he’s a diamond geezer.. :-)
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