Have you ever obtained LSD and it didn't do anything?
Asked by
Kraigmo (
August 15th, 2010
This question has to do with the recent past, and far past. Not the future. Please don’t discuss anything related to the present, the future, or scoring.
I just wanna know if anyone’s ever purchased LSD and it did not do anything at all. Perhaps weak, or bunk. Where were you when it happened? Were any of your friends psychologically fooling themselves into thinking it worked? What was the excuse of the friend who obtained it for you… or did you just randomly obtain it at a concert or something?
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you know, back in the day, some was ZAP, and some was bunk.
We never faked it. didnt even have to try much.
I knew where it was coming from most of the time except on dead tour back in early 90s.
It seems like everyone is into molly these days. and I’m too old and dont get around much anymore. I had enough fun back in the day.
It’s part of the experience…...some good, some weak…..There was always a risk of a drug deal gone wrong. No money back guarantee, it’s a drug deal.
My husband and his friends bought yellow construction paper and sold it to someone telling them it was called “Big Bird”. I think they mixed some No-Doz and water and spread it on the paper. That was over 18 years ago, and they were desperate for money
A few of the girls that took it acted like they felt something, but the guys that took it had questions. hmmm
I only did that once about 12 years ago. It definitely did the trick, with 3 hits worth. I wouldn’t do it again.
@jonsblond thats just fucked up…. one should never ever fuck with drugs.
I bought bad acid only once at a music festival. Camp Bisco… but its ok cause the next day i found some of the best acid ive ever come across :)
@jazmina88 it does suck how much more prevalent molly is now a days. id rather drop acid any day but everyone is just all about molly. ah well…
that said, I candy flipped 2 days ago :P
We once were sold a strip at a music festival, and well it was definitely not LSD. guy definitely screwed us. Never fuck with someones drugs, just isn’t right.
I’ve only done it once. I was given sugar cubes, and they didn’t seem to be working, so the “distributor” (?) dumped half an eye drop bottle down my throat and it kicked in in 5 minutes. I was in unsavory company. One guy tried to eat a kitten. I rescued him.
My then boyfriend and I didn’t stay long because it was incredibly frightening. I walked across town to my house where I lived with my parents. It was adventurous and scary. The night time traffic was disorienting. I don’t know how I got there in one piece. Time didn’t make sense. My body didn’t make sense. I didn’t know if I was hot or cold, hungry or not, thirsty or not, happy or sad.
Once I got home, I spent the rest of the night alone in my room. I watched TV, but I couldn’t tell what anyone was saying. Same with reading- it didn’t seem like English. I drew pictures and tried to talk to my boyfriend on the phone to pass the time but was easily distracted. My sister came into my room at one point and she was really scared.
Some candle wax that had been blown onto the wall seemed to crawl like worms. I thought the sheets were trying to attack me like a creeping plant. Stuff like that.
The next day was icky. My appetite and other body functions were all screwed up. It was interesting, but I don’t have any desire to do it again. Not enough control. I’ll stick with wine. ;)
@ubersiren They definitely should not have dosed you that much, and the fact that it only took five minutes to hit you sounds off. Since if you say took one tab of acid it takes about an hour to kick in if you follow that with another hit that hit will also take an hour to kick in. It is not like it makes the other hit stronger, not until the hour goes by. to have taken that much on your first try and not be in good company was not a good idea, which is probably why it went so bad for you. other then that acid under the right condition and comfortable dose for you is very lovely and invigorating.
Scoring is kinda like fishing – unless you do it alot – the chances of tapping into the good stuff are pretty slim. of course ive scored bunk acid. One time in particular was at the Dead shows in Tempe AZ. A 2 day show. Fiurst day we were all amped up and got some cid in the parking lot – dosed and nothing. Next day – i “over score” to make sure somethiong is good and i dose 3 hits plus some liquid and holy shit – i alm ost lost it. It was Owlsley tabs so one would have been great but 3…man i was about to freak my shit and all the deadheads around me were flying as high as i was – it was like being in the 60s man. really great once i got things under control. i miss jerry.
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