Is there a word for this?
It’s like when something happens that makes your heart feel heavy and you want to cry but at the same time, well, you’re kind of glad it happened because something good came out of it. It’s a little less than heart broken and a little more than sad.
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9 Answers
1. both bitter and sweet to the taste: bittersweet chocolate.
2. both pleasant and painful or regretful: a bittersweet memory.
3. Also called woody nightshade. a climbing or trailing plant, Solanum dulcamara, of the nightshade family, having small, violet, star-shaped flowers with a protruding yellow center and scarlet berries.
4. Also called climbing bittersweet. any climbing plant of the genus Celastrus, bearing orange capsules opening to expose red-coated seeds, esp. C. scandens.
5. pleasure mingled with pain or regret: the bittersweet of parting.
A sense of painful relief?
How about winning the lottery and getting a divorce… the same time??
I felt that when my father died. I was relieved no pain .. But utterly sad at the same time.
Main Entry: am·biv·a·lence
Pronunciation: \am-ˈbi-və-lən(t)s\
Function: noun
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary
Date: 1918
1 : simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action
2 a : continual fluctuation (as between one thing and its opposite) b : uncertainty as to which approach to follow
I can’t think of a word but I would think everyone has this even when they listen to music that gets them deep inside, after the song you breathe and feel like it was a five minute stress relief session.
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