A inconsistency in Fluther?
Asked by
Enforcer (
August 16th, 2010
I noticed that when a user views a topic the “Observing Members” count goes up. When the user begins typing the “Composing Members” count goes up.
When a member is composing how can he be still be observing? Isn’t observing a passive activity? Therefore the observing members count should go down one and the composing count should go up one. Once the user submits the post (or stops posting), he is back at an observing state. The observing count should then go up one and the composing down one.
The way the system is leads me to believe that there are more people on the topic than there really are (1 person observing + 1 person composing = 2 people, however it is normally the same person).
Is it supposed to be this way. If so why?
Observing members:
Composing members:
13 Answers
Well, when any user begins to compose an answer, the composing members count should go up but that doesn’t mean the observing members number needs to go down because there are other people who may be viewing it at the same time, as that user is composing – these categories are mutually exclusive, I believe.
Maybe just my PC not doing javascript properly, my mind playing tricks on me, or someone happened to join the topic as I started typing.
I assumed they were supposed to be M.E. but when I started typing, the observing count stayed at “1” and the composting count went from “0” to “1”. Everything works as it should. Please close.
Actually, the count does go down as soon as someone starts typing. For example, now the observing members number is 0 and the composing members number is 1.
When I began writing this, there was 0 composing, and 1 observing. As I began, the observing dropped to 0 and the composing jumped to 1. It is now showing 1 observing and 1 composing. I am guessing someone is reading this page before I post this.
And i can compose and observe in the same time.
comp 0, obs 1
Re-read my response please:
“Enforcer’s avatar
Maybe just my PC not doing javascript properly, my mind playing tricks on me, or someone happened to join the topic as I started typing.
I assumed they were supposed to be M.E. but when I started typing, the observing count stayed at “1” and the composting count went from “0” to “1”. Everything works as it should. Please close.
It’s an inconsistency. Plus whatever they said.
@Enforcer Just so you know, questions on fluther rarely get closed. If you want it removed, you could ask the mods to do it, but that may not happen if they believe it’s still beneficial to other fluther users. It will stay active as long as people continue to answer it. Repeating that you want it closed won’t really do anything.
It’s not i’m worried anyone will think I’m dumb, I just think this is a waste of time + db space. I thought I saw a glitch but it was not existant
When I’m composing I sometimes scroll up so I can read the question again. So… I think I’m doing both. But for me, when I start typing the observing goes down by one.
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