(NSFW) Ladies, when you see a hot guy, what runs through your head first?
Asked by
wgallios (
August 17th, 2010
I am just curious ladies of fluther; when you see a hot guy, whether it just be like “oh he’s cute”, or “omg!”; what goes through your head first? like “Oh I wonder if he’s good with kids?”, or “Does he have life insurance?”, or can it simply be, “what I wouldn’t give for one night with him”?
As a guy, I can say it’s pretty straight forward. I don’t think anything like, “I hope she knows how to sew”.
I mean, this may be a dumb question, but I guess I just wanna hear what people have to say. Thanks you guys =D
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42 Answers
I wonder what he looks like when he orgasms.
I think: “Oh, look, a hot guy, heh” Then I say to him, “How much for the rutabagas?”
The end.
I wonder if he’s a good kisser. I’m not usually attracted to super “hot” guys, men who the mainstream media go gaga over.
If I’m close enough to him, I usually decide if he’s worth pursuing by how he smells. If he’s going to be anything more than a friend, I want to make sure that his scent is something I can stand on my bedsheets.
I like your reply @Carly probably a good aspect to keep in mind .. for obvious reasons lol
I usually don’t really think about it at all. If I see a good looking guy, I take a look and then keep walking. If it’s my husband, that’s a whole other story completely and I doubt you want to know those thoughts. ^_^
It depends.Is he wearing a banana hammock,or Depends? ;)
I wonder if there is more to him them just his looks . Does he have a ego to match? I look and don’t touch like @Seaofclouds I am married. But I like to see the Chippendales once in awhile. I also do a double take to see if he has a nice butt…
When I see a super hot guy, I automatically want to lick his biceps and then bite him.
@jjmah Just my luck! I was hoping for an armoire :(
These days I am more interested in whats in his mind than in his pants.
I want a big hard brain! lolol
@Coloma -Look for the ones without a helmet for they do not have to protect their soft,squishy center XD
I wonder what he has between his ears?
I think that about everyone actually. I don’t have a different standard for anyone.
I have pretty high “ZOMG HOT!!!” standards. The last time it happened (and the first time in a long time) was at the Rob Zombie concert. I saw someone that looked like Boromir. Not necessarily the Lord of the Rings movie Boromir, but MY mental impression of Boromir.
And so, it went “Holy galloping porkchops, that guy looks like Boromir. Damn. He has nice cheekbones. Not a bad chest, either. I wonder what he smells like”.
Yeah, scents are really important to me. And by that point, he’d gotten lost in the crowd, so that was the end of it.
” Holy galloping porkchops..” lololol
Damn..the wit is on fire here today!
“Oh, look…see hot guy. See hot guy walk. See hot guy get in lovely car. See hot guy check out his hair in the mirror. Oh, look, see another hot guy walk by. See hot guy get in…the same car with other hot guy. See two hot guys….kiss. Can you see the very disappointed straight woman? Oh, wait! Two hot guys see disappointed woman! They signal for her to come over. They ask her out to brunch! Disappointed woman is now happy with two hot guys that she will never be able to date but will always give her free dating tips and trips to Amalfi. The End.”
This is how my hot guy stories usually end. :) Happily ever after I might add.
“I want a big hard brain!”
I want the wet spot between the ears.
Referring to the ladies.
Funny, I see I am not the first one to jump to scent.
It’s true, a man that smells good will grab and hold my attention much better than one that simply catches my eye.
I rarely think of sex right away. I get all school-girlish and swoony. I don’t think of guys as “hot” so much as I do “dreamy,” because that’s how I react. My eyes lock on him, my heart skips a beat and swells. I get an intense longing feeling. I’m creepy.
Ummm…a hot woman! I’m always looking for the nice “butta!” The kind you can sit a coffee cup on…reminds me of something i heard long ago….Behind every great woman, is a guy looking at her ass.
@BoBo1946 Haha! Kinda crazy how a woman knows in a second if a guy is staring at her rack, but the men checking out her ass almost always go undetected…
geezzz…we need to do something about that @le_inferno ! and, you would be very correct!
I wonder what the size of his dick is. Then I wonder how intelligent he is, and it goes on from there.
Not so into the image of hotness that is projected by the media. “Cute” usually does it for me. Unfortunately, these days, my first thought is often, “I bet that he is married, gay, both, or otherwise taken!”
I, like @facade, think about what his dick my look like and if he knows how to use it. Then I look back at my wife.
I guess when I’m single and I see a guy that I think is just outrageously sexy I probably think about his dick first, and then admire his appearance in general and wonder if he’s single or what he does but since I’m not I will look at a hot guy and think “oh! hot guy” and not think about it anymore.
What will his lips feel like on mine while we embrace? That’s what I think, first.
I like people watching, and usually look at people when just walking (I hate when people walk with their head down)
If I see an attractive guy, I think “Hm, he’s cute”
I will say though, if I’m talking to a guy, attractive or not, I do always wonder what their penis looks like. I then make up a penis in my mind, and laugh to myself about it.
When you are 25 and see a hot guy you wonder about his penis.
When you are 50, you wonder if he cooks.
When you are 25 you want a guy with an attitude, swagger.
When you are 50 you want a man with heart and soul, and if his penis still works most of the time that’s a bonus! lol
When you are 25 you want a guy that can party all night and you share one sleeping bag on the floor.
When you are 50 you want a guy that doesn’t have insomnia and you buy a memory foam bed so you don’t have to feel him get up or turn over. lololol
When you are 25 you think his snoring is cute.
When you are 50 you buy him breathing strips and think about suffocating him during the night.
@Coloma: I laugh because I’m from a business where men age to the equivalent of their 50’s by the time they hit 30. What you write is so… true. Tee hee hee
I see.
Sooo, that means that by the time they ARE 50 they are really 70 somethings or dead. lol
It works both ways, ya know ;-) Lol…...
What do I think when I see a hot dude? “Oh, yeah, baby. Come to mama.” Unfortunately, he never does. :/
I might have to say something out loud next time, what d’ya reckon?
@Coloma: They usually don’t make it much past 55 without some heart attack and strokes, really.
That’s just sad. No job is worth that kind of stressful decay.
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