[NSFW I think...] What is an average size penis?
Okay I know this may seem sort of inappropriate. But what is an average size penis? I’m not going to tell anyone my penis size since I have not freaking clue on what it is and I don’t feel like getting all of the material for it. I’m just wondering since I know most men are a little obsessive over the size and would be offended if a women or man (what ever) would say that you have a small Penis. Just what is average for a penis size?
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30 Answers
About 5.5” – 6” Length when erect is the documented average.
It’s normally 5–6 inches.
Nigel Powers: “It’s not the size mate, it’s how you use it.”
Three words to ruin a man’s ego…“Is it in?”
Ten words to ruin a woman’s ego… “It’s hard to miss that great cavenous hole down there”
Sorry, I couldn’t resist :D. Flag this away if you want :X
5 feet if you’re Moby Dick .
@Adirondackwannabe So what would Moby Dick say to Moby Donna to deflate her ego?
“Just how many black boyfriend’s have you had?”
Come on Vincent!! You know your size!! Every guy has measured it at least 100 times by the time they are 14! Show me yours and I will show you mine!! XD
@jjmah Are we talking people or horses?
@FutureMemory If you can whip out an 18 incher I’ll retract my answer and let you replace it.
I meant the joke about whether we’re talking human or equine.
edit: If I was packing 18 inches I wouldn’t be sitting in front of a computer, I’d be on the set of my latest film, The Horseman Cometh.
@Austinlad Three words to ruin a man’s ego…“Is it in?”
Also three: “Is that it?”
Average is so….,so average.
Dare to be different.
Dare to be smaller. Never seen pills for that in my inbox.
3 inches erect lol….......No, it’s 5–6.
We all have 9” E-Penises didn’t you know!
Nah the average is about 5/6”
Well if it looks like a baby’s arm holding an apple, safe to say it’s above average….slightly. On the other hand if it resembles an acorn in an ice pack, then i’m afraid that’s well below average :¬)
I thought it was eight inches. Oh! well. Johnny Holmes is recorded to have the longest 18 inches. I wonder if his record got broken. Hmmm. Thanks Vincent now I am thinking about penises.
@Frenchfry “18 inches!!!!” That’s not a penis, Johnny “third leg” Holmes got himself a kickstand right there XD
@Frenchfry Johnny Holmes is recorded as 13.5 inches
@JONESGH Are you sure? I am going to google be back.
@JONESGH I stand corrected.You are right. My apologies. It still is dam long.
Still a kickstand, okay maybe on a little tykes bike but one all the same.
I remember reading some Playboy article in the late 70s that had “scientific” research that stated North America had an average of exactly 6.5 inches, measured from the top (breathing a sigh of relief). I’ve seen that number referenced multiple times since.
This guy claims the record at 13.5.
(Holmes did not have the largest.)
Do you know why women are poor judges of distance?
Because all their lives they’ve been told something the size of a cigarette is 6 inches.
Apparently it depends where you’re from?
• US – 12.9cm erect
• Germany – 14.48cm erect
• Spain – 13.58cm erect
• France – 16cm erect
• Japan – 13cm erect
• Brazil – 12.4cm erect
• Italy – 15cm erect
• Greece – 12.18cm erect
• India – 10.2cm erect
• Saudi Arabia – 12.4cm erect
• South Korea – 9.6cm erect
Netherlands – 24.0cm erect
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