Social Question

janbb's avatar

Will you tell me something great that happened today, Part VIII?

Asked by janbb (63346points) August 18th, 2010

This is a continuation of an ongoing thread. whose seventh incarnation was here. It was taking too long to load. Feel free to post positive snippets and epiphanies about things occurring in your life. Newbies more than welcome to join in!

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347 Answers

janbb's avatar

I’ll start, although this actually happened yesterday. My son defended his dissertation and it was accepted! I can now say, “My son the doctor” with impunity – although he’s not the kind that helps people.

Austinlad's avatar

I took the day off for my 5th anniversary on my job and celebrated by busting my one-month diet and eating a big fat greasy delicious enchilada!!! My stomach is rebelling my brain and heart of reveling.

MissAusten's avatar

Yesterday I was out running errands and stopped at a local garden center to try to find specific herbs to feed these caterpillars my kids and I found at my sister-in-law’s house. The lady working at the center said it was too late in the season for herbs, but when I told her why I needed them, she cut several branches of fennel from a big potted display and gave them to me free of charge. It was very nice of her, and made me glad I’d purchased my veggie plants from them earlier this year.

When I got home and put the fennel in some water, I saw that on one stalk was a very tiny black swallowtail caterpillar. Now we have three of them to raise, along with the 21 monarch caterpillars we found on our milkweed plants, and 1 fuzzy orange caterpillar that I haven’t managed to id yet. It’s caterpillar mania around here!

OpryLeigh's avatar

The past few days have just been very pleasant indeed. That is all I need to say!

Aster's avatar

I had my first shrimp cocktail in decades in a big green martini glass.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I’m finally scheduled to get my wisdom teeth out. The procedure is probably not going to be pleasant, but one of my wisdom teeth has been fighting back the last couple of days so I am so relieved to get them the hell out of my mouth.

chels's avatar

I’m in Jersey, but it’s okay. I pretty much had to come back because my aunt, who is supposed to be doing some affidavit for us, is flaking out. /sigh So I’m here to get on top of things and get her to work on it (things are time-sensitive now, so it’s really important).

Anyway, I finished a book today (it was on Design/Design Theory) and it was awesome. Only took me about 3 days :). Moving on to the next one now!

andrew's avatar

My lady wrote me an email while she’s laid-over in Japan. Made my day.

rebbel's avatar

It is suppose to be summer here in the Netherlands.
Yesterday i found my bicycle with a flat front tyre.
Due to that flat i had to walk to my job this morning, a walk of about twenty minutes.
Due to the supposed summer i wore sandals, shorts,and a t-shirt.
It drizzled when i left the house, so i took my umbrella, just to be sure.
The drizzle soon turned in to heavy downpour.
But man, was that a great walk!

rangerr's avatar

New thread, yay!

I found out yesterday that I’ll be going to New York Comic-con to continue modeling for Dark Horse Comics.
See this post

I’ve been having A LOT of fun with this. And I have so much new Star Wars stuff, that it looks like the convention threw up in my room.
I love my life.

LuckyGuy's avatar

My presentation went well and the demonstration worked perfectly. Whew!
Looks like I will be picking up another contract in addition to the one I already have. (I am reducing the US unemployment situation by 2–3 heads.)

chyna's avatar

I had a job interview today. I think it went well and I really feel like I want to work for this company.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My friend is gaining his sight back :))))

andrew's avatar

Also, Tim and Richard kicked some major ass on the topic pages and it makes me want to use the site a bunch more.

shego's avatar

I had an over the phone interview today, which made my day hopefully, I get the call back saying I got the job.

free_fallin's avatar

Saw the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and it was completely badass. I might go see it again tonight with friends who couldn’t go last night; that is how good it is.

I’ve been having even better conversations with some people on fluther. It’s kept me awake at night who am I kidding? I’d be awake anyway and given me warm feelings in my tummy.

Work is rather slow right now which gives me time to get some things done I’ve been putting off.

Life is so good right now. I hope it is for all of you as well.

shego's avatar

I got a call back for a face to face interview for tomorrow. Yay!

deni's avatar

i went to rocky mountain national park with my boyfriends mom and while admiring all the beauty, she said nonchalantly, “so do we know which mountain chain this is?” HAHAHAHAHAHAH split my sides open laughing at that one

jonsblond's avatar

I think we may have found a house that is only ten minutes from the university my son will be attending this fall. I hate to get my hopes up too soon, but it looks good. Our son’s move in day is this Saturday, so we made arrangements to look at the house that day. Everyone keep your finger crossed for us please. We really need this! :)

marinelife's avatar

@jonsblond Crossing all appendages!

ChocolateReigns's avatar

Had a good day all around. Yesterday and today have both been pretty good. Just now I had a fun conversation with a guy I met at camp, but I have a feeling he was acting interested just to get me to like him….but that’s not positive. sorry.

AstroChuck's avatar

I woke up without a headache for the first time in nearly a week. Also used my free beverage coupon from Starbuck’s. I do enjoy free things.

YARNLADY's avatar

My trip plans are going very smoothly. I get to check through one bag free, so I asked my son what he wanted, and so far it comes out to 30 pounds! of candy. I think he is expecting a single bar of each choice, but I’ve purchased an entire box of each one.

Coloma's avatar

Lovin’ this day!

Great weather , warm, breezy, feels like fall, just perfect!

A strangely mild summer this year.

gailcalled's avatar

I was beginning to think that this was a mouseless summer. O, me of little faith. Milo chased a small rodent around my family room for a long time, but I guess that the honeymoon is over. Instead of giving it to me as a gift, he ate most of it before I noticed and stopped the procedure just now.

To the blondesjons: I am knotting myself into a pretzel for you.

Frenchfry's avatar

I went and bought some new underwear and went out to eat the Golden Corral.I love their buns. I went home took a couple hour nap on the couch. I love it when my husband has a day off. I get to snooze on the couch. It’s been a alright day.

Coloma's avatar


Careful..too many buns and your new undies won’t fit your buns anymore. lolol

She who has no room to talk after eating about 47 Vanilla wafers before bed last night.

Frenchfry's avatar

@Coloma LOL I stopped at two. Well if I ever got real fat. I would n’t buy any underwear. What you think about that? hahaha

Coloma's avatar


I leave the undies off sometimes anyway, breezes under skirts are a good thing! haha

BratLady's avatar

One of my sisters and I reminensed about silly things we did growing up. Spent hours laughing our butts off.

janbb's avatar

Auggie was born on this day!

Coloma's avatar


Frenchfry's avatar

Happy Birthday! Auggie!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Happy Birthday Auggie!!

augustlan's avatar

The 18th was an awesome day for me. Had about 50 kajillion “Happy Birthday” PMs, THREE separate questions were asked to wish me a happy birthday (all of which were pulled- sorry!), loads of facebook well wishes and phone calls, too. I’ve been grinning all day! Also, I feel so much better today… finally feeling somewhat human after too much physical activity last weekend. A great day, all the way around. Thanks, everyone!

KatawaGrey's avatar

I just drafted two times and won every single match I played. Because of a binder of rares my friend gave me, I essentially drafted for free. :)

And, yes, our dearest, sweetest, most wonderful fluther mother was born yesterday, it’s 3 am here and she is wonderful. :)

janbb's avatar

@KatawaGrey What is drafting?

KatawaGrey's avatar

@janbb: I play a trading card game called Magic, the Gathering and one way to play is by drafting. The way this works is everyone sits in a circle and gets three packs of fifteen cards each sometimes four if you’re feeling really crazy. Then, everyone opens one pack, takes one card out of it and passes it to the left. They then get the pack passed to them and take a card out and they pass that. Everyone does this with every single pack until each player has a pool of 45 cards. Players then split up and build forty card decks. In Magic, you need to play cards with mana which is signified by lands. Usually a deck has twenty-three of the cards from your draft pool and seventeen lands, though some people go crazy and have 16 lands and 24 cards or 18 lands and 22 cards.

Kudos to you if you read my long-winded, clumsy explanation.

janbb's avatar

I read it, not sure if I understood it, but thanks a lot for the explanation.

ru2bz46's avatar

I just received the most beautiful sapphire in the mail from my gem supplier! The stone is from Montana with American mining rules, so no issues with horrible mining conditions like most other gems. It is ¾ carat and has the fire more like a diamond. It is going into my fiancée’s engagement ring. :-)))

Hawkeye's avatar

It’s only 6.34am on Friday morning, but I will soon be heading off to work

KatawaGrey's avatar

@janbb: It’s okay. It’s hard enough for people who play to understand. I’ve explained it to my mom at least 15 times and she’s still a little rusty on the concept. :)

YARNLADY's avatar

@Hawkeye YAY, you found your keys.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

In the past three weeks, I’ve only seen about 4 hours of sunshine (It’s been exceptionally rainy). Yesterday the sun came out in full force, just in time for an alpine hike. Win.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities: You lead an exciting life sir. :)

Coloma's avatar


The SECOND I got home from work I had numerous voicemails to attend to.

Was on the phone from 5:30 til 10:20

Words cannot describe the exhaustion. lol

Bed now!

Tomorrows an off day, phones going to be off too!

janbb's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities It’s so much fun to read about your adventures.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I had a tasty lunch with one of our Author jellies and his lovely wife.

janbb's avatar

@Neizvestnaya And you’re not going to spill the dish? We want names, names!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@janbb: It was our own Matt Browne :)

gailcalled's avatar

I am going to my sister’s (4 miles away) to pick peaches off her tree. The day is perfect; high 70’s, low humidity, very blue skies with large cumulus clouds.I just found a small dead mouse on the garage fall, but he is intact…I guess that one mouse snack per week is enough for Mr. Finicky.

janbb's avatar

@Neizvestnaya Thought and hoped so – sure it was nice.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@janbb My bf wanted to run away with them for a bit of hiking and treking… traitor!~

Coloma's avatar

Some humor ( which is always GREAT! ) ;-)

Oh the irony, a game I play with randomness lately! lol

I live on a small, private, dead end road.
The middle property from the corner, with only one neighbor below me down the winding road that disappears and ends at their place.

This means that I have only one, maybe two cars pass by my house daily at any given time.

My house faces 20+ acres directly across my 5 foot wide road, nothing but wilderness.

Okay..the IRONY resumes.

The odds, at any given time, of being caught in my underware or other semi-dressed state are, one would think, quite small, but NOOOOOO….twice this week I am caught running for cover behind the Oak trees on my grassy hill while watering the lawn in a skimpy summer nighty.

Seriously…the irony is quite laughable! lol

Just a few minutes ago I am moving the sprinkler around when, not one, but BOTH neighbors cars pass at the same time!

I think I was quite stealthy, slowly moving my body behind the big Oak tree, shifting with the anticipated movement of the cars for minimal ‘exposure.’ hahahaha

I swear…..( literally )

rangerr's avatar

I’m TB free! Which meant a trip to the toy store for a new action figure in celebration.

That means I can start my new job on Monday.
I’ll be a personal attendant nanny for a 1 year old boy with Down Syndrome. 8–4:30 five days a week. Plus night classes 3 days a week.

This is pretty much my dream job. So I’m very excited to start working.

CMaz's avatar

Hmmm, will need to go back two days in time…

I blew off another date! How do you ladies like it!

I’m feeling pretty good.

Coloma's avatar


Do you mean you turned down a date or flaked on the lady? lol

Frenchfry's avatar

@ChazMaz You stood her up?

CMaz's avatar

Nooo, I turned her down.

I am not disrespectful.

Frenchfry's avatar

@ChazMaz Oh! Thank goodness. You seemed to nice to do that.

Coloma's avatar


I agree with @Frenchfry

Don’t let us down dude! lol

chyna's avatar

@ChazMaz Damn! Another date turned down? How many have you turned down and why?

Frenchfry's avatar

@ChazMaz Are you afraid of love?

Coloma's avatar

Maybe it’s a problem with the plumbing.

CMaz's avatar

I am afraid of crazy women.

Seems all that I have been crossing paths with.

I don’t have the time for it. and… plumbing is just fine

Frenchfry's avatar

@Coloma Oh! lord! You have made my day,. I gotta go make beef stew now.

chyna's avatar

@ChazMaz I’m thinking it’s age related. I’ve met more crazies (men) after I reached my 40’s than I’ve met in my entire life.

Coloma's avatar


I agree, I have been on a dating sabbatical for well over a year now.
The last one for me was one of those come on strong fade away types.

All talk no walk.


The good news was, boy have I learned, no confusion, totally saw things for what they were, crazy! lol

janbb's avatar

I had a great late afternoon swim in the ocean. Why is the summer so sweet when it’s almost over?

CMaz's avatar

Yea, I hate that.

How does that go? darkest before the dawn.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@janbb: Mayhaps summer is like wine or cheese. It must be aged but once you enjoy it, it’s gone and you must wait for another to age into perfection. :)

YARNLADY's avatar

After a nice dinner with friends at the Golden Corral, we drove to SF with zero traffic issues, and when we arrived at the hotel, they gave us an upgraded suite for the night. I’m going in the spa in a few minutes.

Frenchfry's avatar

@YARNLADY Don’t ya just love the Golden Corral. I just love their buns.

augustlan's avatar

Friday was my 5th anniversary. I am so happily married, it’s nearly sickening. :D

janbb's avatar

@augustlan You’re having quite the week!

KatawaGrey's avatar

When I talk to @augustlan late at night, she’ll tell me she has to go tuck her husband in and she’ll be right back. She never comes back. ;)

chyna's avatar

@KatawaGrey Oh really? :-)

Frenchfry's avatar

Happy Anniversary! @augustlan

ru2bz46's avatar

My dad went in for a lung biopsy, and the doctor said it doesn’t look ike cancer… If it turns out to be cancer, at least it’s still young and easy to fix. (He had half of a lung removed 10 years ago, and has had several spots of it a couple times since.)

Frenchfry's avatar

@ru2bz46 I am sorry to hear that. keep us informed.

ru2bz46's avatar

Thanks @Frenchfry, but it really is good news. We’re used to all this now, so any time he has something new, it’s normal, and if it’s not gonna kill him it’s good! :-) It’s all about perspective.)

chyna's avatar

@ru2bz46 My mom goes through this every 6 months. So far the spots have been nothing, so I’m crossing my fingers your dads aren’t either. Is he getting a pet scan to determine if its cancer or not?

ru2bz46's avatar

PET scans, CT scans, etc. Finally, they go for biopsy to see if they need to go in. My prayers for you and your mother, @chyna.

Coloma's avatar

Made my killer spaghetti sauce today, loaded with fresh garlic and yellow and red bell peppers, sweet italian sausage, onions, mushrooms, fresh tomatos and a half bottle of some awesome cabernet.


Think this batch is the best ever….soooo delicious, guests just left swooning.

Of course there was plenty of extra Cab with dinner. lol

Frenchfry's avatar

Yummy! I want some….. Really! Bad. I got the munchies. I guess I settle for some pudding. hahaha ..

jonsblond's avatar

My son is now in his dorm room settling in and Jon and I were offered the house near his college if we want it. Such big changes for our family, but I think we’re ready for it.

Country house, here we come! :D

jonsblond's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities Thanks! There’s room in the basement for Jon to build a studio. How sweet is that?!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@jonsblond You mean we don’t get to peek into your bedroom every Friday night from now on?!? Hmmpf. Well then, this studio better be pretty cool. I’ll buy Jon a Kevin Smith poster to help decorate. ;)

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Jacqueline and I visited the tattoo artist yesterday. We’ll post pics soon.

OpryLeigh's avatar

My boyfriend and I had Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast!!!

MissAusten's avatar

Yesterday my husband stared painting a solar system mural for our 5 year old’s room. He let the kids help paint the planets, and at some point during all of the painting my daughter and I went a little crazy. We couldn’t stop making Uranus jokes, and both of us were laughing so hard we were in tears. The boys had no idea what was so funny about Uranus. It still makes me laugh, just thinking about it.

janbb's avatar

@MissAusten I keep saying it but I just think your family life sounds so terrific!

Coloma's avatar


I agree!


I am very pro stay at home mom if at all possible.

You won’t regret these years, and I totally love your creative approach to raising your kids.

I was the same way, makes me smile to read your stories. :-)

MissAusten's avatar

Aw, thanks! I’ve only been staying home since my oldest started school. Before that, we couldn’t afford it. It’s been great, but I am looking forward to going back to work part-time once the youngest starts first grade. One more year! I hope I still know how to talk to grown ups. The money will be nice, but really I just want to have a lunch break. ;)

Coloma's avatar


Going to work IS easier than being at home!

I remember feeling that way when I went back to work when my daughter was 11.

It was like ” Oh WOW…I feel so rested!’ hahaha

But, those first years are sooo important!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I made my first ever eggplant parmasean and it got raves.

Coloma's avatar


Ooooh….share the recipe somewhere would ya?

Maybe make a fav. recipe question or pm me if you so desire!

Sounds dreamy!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’ve never made it and not sure what’s supposed to go in it but here’s what I tried:

1 Green Bell pepper thinly sliced in rings and pan fried to become the 1st layer of my casserole pan.

1 Eggplant thinly sliced in rounds, dipped in egg & flour and then pan fried to become alternating layers between sprinkles of grated parmasean and mozerella.

1 jar of marinara with sauteed Green onion added.

1 package of spicy italian sausages, skins removed, broken down with a potato masher and pan fried before going into the marinara pot. I let the sauce simmer for an hour before layering the casserole and then baking for 40 minutes.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@MissAusten Gotta have some Klingons orbiting Uranus too.~

Coloma's avatar

My wild spontanious side rose up like a tiger yesterday and resulted in a friend and I planning a semi spur of the moment ( giving ourselves a week or so to get it together ) road trip to Yellowstone!

We will cruise out of California into Nevada, to Utah, take in some parks there ( was there in 06, but in winter ) then Wyoming, Montana, ( maybe over to Mt. Rushmore for a day ) Idaho and come back through Spokane and do the Washington,Oregon, California north coast route home.

Contingent on me lining up the micro-farm sitters of course…waiting to hear back today from my neighbors. I am scheduled to farm sit for them Sept, 18th…sooo, keeping fingers crossed we can trade services.

Grizzleys, geisers and wolves here I come! :-)

gailcalled's avatar

@Coloma: Do you have Goose wranglers on hand also?

Coloma's avatar


Working on dates and details!

Yes, it takes a village to watch over my flock of little friends, furry, feathered and green. lol

OpryLeigh's avatar

My morning started off better than I anticipated. I love it when things turn out to be nowhere near as bad as you thought they were.

CMaz's avatar

I want to be a Goose wrangler! :-)

Coloma's avatar


Well, find a monk robe, no underware, and a herding staff, and there ya go. lol

CMaz's avatar

That’s what I usually wear. When do I start! :-)

aprilsimnel's avatar

Huh. So Dumbledore was a goose wrangler?

gailcalled's avatar

@Coloma: No résumés, no interviews, no meet-and-greet with the geese to verify compatibility? Shame on you.

marinelife's avatar

Uh, the no underwear leaves things that could be grabbed by geese sort of dangling, doesn’t it?

Frenchfry's avatar

I sewed a pair of pants today. Good lord! I had a hard time getting the hole. I have not sewed anything in ages.

janbb's avatar

@marinelife That does sound potentially painful, doesn’t it? I don’t think geese are particularly respectful of privates.

MissAusten's avatar

I had to take my two boys to the dentist today. One for a routine filling, and the other because a tooth he had filled about a year ago was causing him a lot of pain. On the one hand, it sucked because the filling turned out to be more extensive (ie more expensive) than the dentist had originally thought, and my son with a toothache turned out to have an infection under the filling which meant the tooth had to be pulled.

The great part is that our dentist is so wonderful that she only charged me for the filling. Not the x-rays, the “laughing gas” or tooth extraction. Besides all of that, she is super nice and great with kids, and my boys were very cooperative for all the drilling and pulling. There’s nothing like a 6 year old on laughing gas to brighten your day.

Now my son who is missing a tooth is very excited because he is convinced the tooth fairy pays more for teeth that are lost under duress. I have to say, the sight of a molar with the roots still attached is a horrifying thing, and why the tooth fairy would pay more for it is beyond me. I much prefer the look of baby teeth that have fallen out naturally!

Frenchfry's avatar

@MissAusten That is sooooo Cute pays more for a tooth under duress.

janbb's avatar

A good friend got a job he wanted.

YARNLADY's avatar

My trip to Sweden went well, the itinerary allowed 6 hours flight, 3 connecting, 7.5 flight, 2 hours connect, and final leg. I was exceeding lucky that the middle seat in each flight was empty.

We just now finished the birthday celebration and are going to bed. My son is healing well, but still experiencing a lot of pain.

Frenchfry's avatar

@YARNLADY I am glad it went well. Who’s Birthday?

YARNLADY's avatar

My injured son. He suffered a severe stroke three years ago, and is partially paralyzed. He took a bad fall last week and broke his leg. He asked me if I could come for his birthday (age 47 today).

Frenchfry's avatar

@YARNLADY Well having you there meant alot .I am sorry to hear all that. He is so young.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have just got back from taking my Jack Russell swimming at the local Canine Hydrotherapy Centre. I love being there and watching the dogs having a great time and often improving health problems. The sweetest Chocolate Labrador was there at the same time as us today and, despite the fact that he clearly had serious issues with his back legs, he certainly didn’t have a broken spirit.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I got my wisdom teeth out today. The bottom left one put up quite a fight and my cheek is lumpy and tender but, the surgery was a complete success. I have no more numbness and my mother has been feeding me a myriad of delicious and soft foods though I can’t laugh very hard which is quite difficult as my mother is often hilarious. I have taken half a percoset and, wo knows, maybe I will be fluthering high off my ass at some point today. :)

chyna's avatar

@MissAusten I agree, the tooth fairy needs to cough up more money for that tooth! Thanks, your story made me laugh.
P.S. I wonder if @katawagrey will get a visit from the tooth fairy for her wisdom teeth? :-)

shego's avatar

My boyfriend surprised me with roses and a new iPhone 4 lol. That made my day/week so far because I didn’t get the job :(

Neizvestnaya's avatar

An ex roomie and friend of mine from 15yrs ago found me on facebook. I’d been thinking about him earlier in the week and ta-dah, he appeared! This is one of the things I love about the internet.

chels's avatar

I am now a mod :)

jonsblond's avatar

@chels No fair. You’re sleeping with the staff.~

Frenchfry's avatar

@chels Congrats on being upgraded.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@KatawaGrey Treat yourself to lots of ice cream and milk shakes. I had all four out together 25 years ago. Probably better than four separate battles.

I’ve decided to have my 35 year old vasectomy reversed and try to become a daddy. A scary decision since I’ll be in my 70s before any child of mine is grown.

chyna's avatar

@chels Yea! Congrats!

OpryLeigh's avatar

I got paid today!

KatawaGrey's avatar

@chels: Hells yeah girlie! Nice to have you on the team!

@stranger_in_a_strange_land: Oh, you would make such a wonderful daddy! Naturally we’ll want to hear the birth announcements. :)

Coloma's avatar

Jobs coming out of the woodwork, client was so impressed with our work and quality of inventory yesterday that he put us on board for his 2nd house with another new client inquiring last night.
Goose wranglers might have to be put on hold for an extra few weeks.

One way for the self employed to guarantee work is plan a vacation!

Yellowstone may have to wait but I WILL get away somewhere, somehow, SOON! lol

One day at a time, it could all change again in an hour. lol

ru2bz46's avatar

My fiancée just left for San Francisco to shop for a wedding dress with a handful of her girlfriends. I can’t wait until January when I’ll finally get to see her in it!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@ru2bz46: ru getting into tux shape?

Aster's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land What a guy! What could be more exciting?

augustlan's avatar

Not only is @chels a new mod, but MissAnthrope, too! Stay tuned, as two more are being trained. :)

OpryLeigh's avatar

It’s my Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary today and a large number of the family are all going out to our favourite Greek restaurant for a meal this evening.

janbb's avatar

Husband’s birthday, it’s a gorgeous day and we’re going out for a sail and a burger this evening.

Frenchfry's avatar

@janbb What did you get him? I hope you have a wonderful safe trip.

ru2bz46's avatar

Jury duty day! That means a day off with pay and time to read! They’ll finish selecting jury Monday, so another paid day off for me. :-) It’s a double murder trial, so if I get on the jury, I’ll get up to a month off work and all the juicy details…

Coloma's avatar



Not sure I could do a murder trial, not that I’d have a choice. Eeee, being responsible for the fate of another, scary indeed!

chyna's avatar

@ru2bz46 Good luck on getting chosen. I was on the jury of a murder trial. It had sex, drugs, murder by arson. It was the most facinating thing I’ve ever been a part of.

marinelife's avatar

My vacation for more than a week starts tomorrow! Hooray!

Coloma's avatar


Rub it in why don’t you! lol
From she who is TRYING to HAVE a vacation and keeps getting thwarted.

My ‘great’ today is a splurge night in the winding down of a two day heat wave.
Dinner is french bread and spinach dip, thin sliced italian dry salami, marinated cucumbers, pear tomatos and black olives…AND…the BIG moment, butter pecan ice cream with extra chopped pecans.

My day off movie treat tonight! :-)

Frenchfry's avatar

@Coloma OMG Your dinner sounds wonderful. I made pork . It was shoe leather by the time I was done with it. Can’t win all the time. LOL

chyna's avatar

This didn’t happen to me, but to my very good friend @SuperMouse. She is now a MOD!
Yea Supermouse. You will be terrific at the job. Much lurve.

Frenchfry's avatar

Yeah!!!! Super mouse.

augustlan's avatar

I’ve been having such fun training the new mods. Three down, 1 more to go. :)

chyna's avatar

Who is the 4th?

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I’m now off the antidepressant medication completely. The only antidepressant I need now is a lovely read-haired lady. J fills my life with sunshine.

janbb's avatar

SuperMouse Rocks!

marinelife's avatar

Today is my 27th wedding anniversary. I am very happy that we got married. It has been quite a ride.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land: Congratulations! Give J a big ole kiss from e! :)

@marinelife: Truthfully, I didn’t know you were old enough to have a 27th wedding anniversary. Congratulations!

I’m recovering from getting my teeth yanked out quite well. I went in for a check up today and my doctor poked my mouth once and said he wished I could stay and show everyone how well I’m recovering. :)

marinelife's avatar

@KatawaGrey Thanks for the compliment!

janbb's avatar

@marinelife Happy Anniversary!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@marinelife Happy Anniversary! and many more to come.

chels's avatar

@marinelife Happy Anniversary :) That’s so exciting!

marinelife's avatar

@all Thanks for the good wishes!

jonsblond's avatar

My son spent his first week at WIU. I received a text from him this evening. He wanted to know if his dad was doing his internet radio show tonight. Normally he wouldn’t care. If he were home he would be out with his friends or in his room playing video games. Tonight he spent his time in the chat room during his dad’s show.

I think he misses us. I thought it was really sweet. :D

augustlan's avatar

I started training the 4th mod last night, it’s Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard. :D

@marinelife Happy anniversary!

chyna's avatar

Congrats to Fiddle for becoming a mod!

Frenchfry's avatar

Congrats Fiddle-Playing- Croele- Bastard on being a mod!

janbb's avatar

Congrat to FPCB!

Me, I’m just in a great mood because the weather is superb and my life seems in balance for once!

Coloma's avatar

@Fiddle P-C-B

Oh no…will this new authority rank ruin our relationship! lol ;-)


Coloma's avatar


Me too!

Amazing weather here, from 100+ on Tues.-Weds. to cool, breezy and cloudy this morning!

It’s the first soup making day of the year! Woo hoo!

Going to whip up a pot of cabbage, potato, onion & smoked sausage soup with garlic bread for later.

Soup making is one of my greatest joys!

marinelife's avatar

@Coloma Mine too! But it’s in the 80s today here so not quite ready for that.

Sarcasm's avatar

I’m celebrating the weather change, too. Today, it’s low 70s. Tomorrow there’s a whopping 10% chance of precipitation according to my weather site.
An incredible upgrade from the 80s and 90s we’ve had for the past 2 weeks.

MissAusten's avatar

I’ve got some zucchini bread in the oven, making the house smell cozy! My husband and I are getting rid of the kiddos for the night and enjoying dinner out with some friends. We’re going to a new restaurant which features a 40 foot mural by my husband. That’s just one section of the mural! I can’t wait to see the whole thing installed, since I’ve only seen it in pieces in his studio!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

We had fun blasting away at targets today. Did some medium range (250 yd) practice with the M1As and tutored J a bit on her practical pistol work. My wrist still doesn’t allow me to shoot right-handed, but I’m about 80% proficient left-handed. J picked up her concealed carry permit from the Sheriffs Office yesterday, she’s now proudly packing her Aunt Meg’s Walther PPKS.

jonsblond's avatar

We went to the house today that we will be renting to do some painting before we move in. It was so peaceful and quiet there. We hung this horse swing for our daughter so she would have something to do, and the dogs had room to run. I also took our daughter to the park to play, hoping she would meet some children she will be going to school with. I thought it would help when she starts school if a few of the children recognized the girl with the pink cast. ;)

Everyone in this small town was so friendly. We are very excited to start over someplace new. I haven’t been this happy in years. I can’t quit grinning. :D

Coloma's avatar


Awww…cute! I want a horse swing! lol
Nice wide open country space you have, you need a flock of geese! ;-)

jonsblond's avatar

@Coloma I can definitely picture you on a horse swing. lol ;)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’m dressed very casually today- capri pants, t-shirt and linen jacket with flats and my hair in a ponytail. Most other days at work then I’m in heels, skirts, dresses, pants suits, jewelry, hair done, etc. A vendor who comes to our stores only every few months told me he had often wondered what I looked like “dressed down” and told me he thought I probably looked great even in the morning with messy hair and granny jammies. He knows I have a serious bf and didn’t speak lecherously or with underlying intent so I took the compliment to heart since I’ve been feeling rather fugly lately.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@MissAusten: I didn’t know you were in CT! I’m just in Hamden! I’ll have to come see your husband’s mural then. :)

nebule's avatar

I returned to Fluther

janbb's avatar

Oh Lynnie – I’ve been wondering where you are!

nebule's avatar

ah thank you…here I am…been a bit lost!..still a bit lost in fact but thought I might find myself here!!

MissAusten's avatar

@KatawaGrey He’s done a lot of murals in Middletown restaurants, too!

@lynneblundell Glad to see you here again! :)

marinelife's avatar

@lynneblundell This is the place to re-find oneself! Welcome back.

Coloma's avatar

Slept in til 8:45 on this cool, cloudy morning, unheard of for me!

Last nights soup came out superbly!

Now if I can mange to transport about a gallon of it down the hill into the city for dinner with friends this afternoon without dumping it in my car.

Bring out the containers and duct tape and plastic bags…soup on wheels hits the road. lol

nebule's avatar

@marinelife thank you…I’m hoping so xx
@MissAusten thank you too sweetie xx

augustlan's avatar

@MissAusten I love that this portion of the mural includes a painting of you!

@jonsblond I’m so happy for you!

@lynneblundell Yay! You’re back! :D

This actually happened on Friday, but all I’ve been thinking about is mod training, so mentioning it here slipped my mind.

I went to have a whole slew of lab work done, knowing I’d be paying for it out-of-pocket. I asked the woman at the desk to give me the price of each test because I was sure I’d have to delay getting some of them done due to finances. Once she realized I had no health insurance, she told me that the lab has a discount plan for folks in my situation. Because of that, I was able to get all of my tests (over $1000.00 worth!) done for only $370.00! I was so relieved! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted. Now, I’m just playing the waiting game on the results. :)

Response moderated
jonsblond's avatar

@augustlan That’s great news! and thank you :)

How do we have a response moderated on this question?! Some people.

janbb's avatar

@augustlan That’s great – hoping for good results.

Coloma's avatar

Woo hoo, GREAT!

I mean really, really, REALLY GREAT! :-)

One of those amazing moments unfolding a bit ago.

Magnificent day, breezy 76 degrees, acorns starting to fall and decided to enjoy reading a book I have been wanting to start out on my patio overlooking a rugged creekbed and ravine.

Comfy on my futon basking in the shade of my giant Myscanthus grasses and bamboos and just getting into my book when all of a sudden I hear the sound of something racing through the dry grass just off the patio.

Look up from my book just in time to see a huge coyote right on the tail of my little girl cat Mia! Less than 10 feet from me!

Shout out her name and she zig zags to the left and shoots through the wrought iron fencing on the patio and disappears. Coyote races off up the hill towards my neighbors barn.

Found Mia on the top shelf of the garage panting from running for her life, no injuries BUT….her entire rear end and tail is soaking wet with coyote slobber!

If not for that nano second of my presence it would have been all over!

Life 9 is used up and life 8 begins!

The GOOD news…young cats learn quickly out here, I am certain Mia will not be playing in the creekbed at the edge of the forest anymore, so, a good lesson, one with a happy outcome!

Cat 1
Coyote 0

Mia is resting now and I am pouring a big glass of wine!

WHEW! :-)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I didn’t run out of gas while trapped in the center divide in front of work, stuck in traffic for near 15 minutes while my car on an empty gas tank chugged and sputtered to stay alive. I was crying from panic but pulled myself together to walk into work to punch in on time and no one the wiser of what trouble I’m in.

Coloma's avatar


That sucks..I’m sorry, terrible stress. Ugh!

chels's avatar

Put up a temporary holding page for my soon to be portfolio site.
See it here:

Frenchfry's avatar

@chels That is really cool. You sound so professional and smart. I love your name. My daughter’s name is Chelsea.

chels's avatar

@Frenchfry Thank you lots! :) Your daughter has the best name in the world!!

free_fallin's avatar

Yay @chels!! It looks fantastic!

I’ve discovered I’m not as shy as I thought and have enjoyed the last two nights talking to a special person. Normally I would have never spoken to said special person due to my shyness; I’m glad I got over that. My heart has been fluttering like a silly high-school student.

MissAusten's avatar

My kids went back to school today! For the oldest two, in 6th and 2nd grade, it wasn’t that big of a deal, but my baby started kindergarten. He was so excited to get on the bus, I had to remind him to say goodbye to me. Before the bus came, I told him I’d miss him while he was at school. He said, “I’m going to miss you too.” Then I said, “I bet you’ll be having too much fun to miss me.” He said, “Yeah, I’ll probably forget all about you when I’m at school.” Ah, the brutal honesty of children!

I’ll take that over tears and a refusal to get on the bus any day though! I had a nice little nap, and now I’m going to make myself some coffee, bake some cookies, and read my new bread cookbook!

KatawaGrey's avatar

@MissAusten: Let us know how the oldest does! I hope her headaches go away. :)

janbb's avatar

@free_fallin Awwww!

I’m clinging with fingers and toes to the last days of summer vacation – having a great relaxing time in Florida where it is actually cooler than NJ today! Had a great swim in the pool this morning and about to go again.

marinelife's avatar

@janbb Hooray for swimming! I have been going every day while on vacation too.

chels's avatar

My sister, her friend, and I make ice cream cone cupcakes today. We’re also going out to dinner (my parents, sister, and littlest brother) to celebrate my birthday. Very belated, but it’s okay.

Frenchfry's avatar

OMG I got a nice surprised check in the mail of $600!!!! I went to unclaimed money and search my name. Bingo! I had money that was unclaimed. From a past employment check I never picked up five years ago, or got lost in the shuffle . When that happens it your state holds it. Til you claim it. Well I did that like three or four months ago. Forgot all about it and it came today. I went to walmart and bought me a new head band. It was nice excited feeling.

augustlan's avatar

The great thing: I don’t have lupus.
The not so great thing: I still don’t know wtf is wrong with me. Besides the obvious insanity. :P

Frenchfry's avatar

@augustlan I am happy for you and sad. Are they going to keep testing you to find out what is wrong?

janbb's avatar

@augustlan Still, good it’s not lupus.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Oh, @augustlan, whatever it is, I hope they can find it and fix it! ((((hugs!))))

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Friends came to take my mom out to breakfast and complimented our new house. They told my mom it was nothing like she’d described, so much nicer and that seemed to cheer her up.

MissAusten's avatar

@augustlan I hope you and your doctors figure it out soon!

Saw the most bizarre thing this evening. There’s a HUGE swarm of enormous dragonflies swooping all over our backyard. They’re too high up to catch which didn’t stop the kids from trying and it looks so crazy. I’ve never seen that many dragonflies at once, and these guys are monsters. There must also be swarms of some smaller bugs they’re feeding on.

Now it’s darker so I am going to see if the bats have taken the place of the dragonflies, or are maybe eating the dragonflies. :)

Everyone mostly had a great first day of school, except my poor daughter who got lost 15 times, was accidentally given the wrong class schedule, and forgot to zip her backpack so all of her things fell out when she got off the bus. A couple of cookies helped a lot, and she was then able to think of some more positive aspects to her day. My darling little pessimist. My boys were both enthusiastic, especially the youngest, who is a Lego maniac and was thrilled to discover that his kindergarten teacher has a huge bin of Legos in the classroom.

Coloma's avatar


My daughter was the bug and animal queen.
The 1st day of kindergarten she discovered the farm animal toys and all sorts of fun stuff. Didn’t even turn to say goodbye to mommy. :-(

I was happy she felt so confident though. I loved those days.

The snowstorm of the decade hit that kindergarten year and I had about 50 cupcakes to transport to the Xmas party the day before vacation. I could barely get up the hill from our house, cupcakes sliding all over the truck and my daughter cheering me on. “We can do it mommy!” lol

Update on my cats narrow escape.

It gets narrower. haha

Found a small tooth grazing mark on her hip where the coyote almost got a a death grip on her.
Not deep, but a wound never the less.
She is fully vaccinated, but…taking her in for a rabies booster just in case.

Talk about slipping out of the jaws of death!

MissAusten's avatar

@Coloma What a near miss for your cat! We had a husky that got a good grip on one of our cats once. Gave the cat a good shake and dropped him. Luckily the cat escaped with only a torn muscle in his side (he could have ended up with a broken back or neck). The vet had to shave part of the cat’s side to repair the torn muscle. He was an all-black cat, but the hair in that spot grew in light gray! It stayed that way for a few years before turning black again. The dog must have really given him a fright. He was very careful after that to stay far away from the dog.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@MissAusten: Did she get a headache? I’ve been worrying about her.

kenmc's avatar

I didn’t know this question was up until now… And to think, there was so much I could have put here. Forgot it all now. Way to go, Algorithm.

MissAusten's avatar

@KatawaGrey No, no headache! I think today will go better for her. Thanks for asking!

nebule's avatar

Meant to post this yesterday but got carried away with studies…
I posted a question on Fluther and received some truly inspiring answers
I took my son to the park, played tennis, saw some animals and raced with him
I cooked a beautiful healthy and delicious meal with lean lamb, sweet pointed peppers, cherry tomatoes, spring onions, balsamic vinegar, a drop of wine and home-grown thyme and rosemary
I roasted some peaches and ate with just a little ice-cream
I bathed my son and read him stories in bed
I sent off my penultimate philosophy essay after receiving some amazingly encouraging words from an ex-tutor of mine
I started reading some philosophy papers for my next course
And I went to bed feeling good that I had honoured myself and treated myself with respect for a sustained amount of time…

And then I woke up this morning, listened to body and decided to not to torture myself with rigorous exercise as I have a headache, but to eat well and be calm today xx And I have a lot of people on Fluther to thank for inspiring mexxx

janbb's avatar

Go Lynne!

I had a great conversation with my friend @marinelife.

Frenchfry's avatar

Today I am on a mission to convince my husband who does not like to go out to eat to go out to eat. Wish me luck.

Sarcasm's avatar

After 2 hours at the local IRS office, I got proof of no income. Which puts me a lot closer to getting financial aid from my school (and a refund for the money I spent already this semester), which makes my financial situation a lot more comfortable.
And I got one of my school books which had an estimated shipping date of September 12th. big sigh of relief there. Shame I can’t get a refund on these school books as well though.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I got to sleep in and eat brunch with my sweetie. We have only a few days off together during the month so when we’ve a few coinciding hours before work, they’re precious.

Frenchfry's avatar

I got him to go out to eat . We went to the cracker barrel , but I have to clean his car. Yuck! His car is dirty. Shhhh…. I might sneak it to the car wash.

MissAusten's avatar

I miss Cracker Barrel so much! Whenever I go back home to visit my family, breakfast at Cracker Barrel is mandatory.

My husband got a large, nationally-known paint company to buy ad space on one of his websites. I sense a new used car in my near future! I won’t know what to do with myself, having all that freedom!

I also had a very funny conversation with my five year old, who just started kindergarten. He is obsessed with Legos, and has been talking nonstop about the cool Legos his teacher has in the classroom. Today after school, I saw him take a little Lego out of his pocket and say, in a very fake voice, “Oh, I just found a Lego in my pocket! I must have put it there before school.” Now, I may not be Einstein, but I knew damn good and well that didn’t come from our Lego collection. It took a couple of minutes with my stern Mommy face to get him to tearfully admit that he’d taken it from his classroom. When I told him he would be returning it to his teacher with an apology, he was very upset and afraid he would get detention. He said, “Can’t we just mail it to her with a note that says sorry and not write my name on it?” Yeah, only five and he’s got the mind of a master criminal. It took everything in me not to laugh during this conversation.

All because of a Lego fork. Yes, a Lego fork.

Frenchfry's avatar

@MissAusten LOL Master mind you better watch out!

augustlan's avatar

This happened last night.

I had dinner with @marinelife! It was so great meeting her… we needed way more time than we had though. Guess that means we’ll have to do it again soon!

Also, since I’ve been able to go back on my pain meds (kidney function is still OK), my body felt pretty decent yesterday. Always nice when that happens. :)

marinelife's avatar

Last night was “My Dinner with Augustlan.” (Film coming out soon!) It was so much fun. I felt like I had known her forever! We talked and talked.

Coloma's avatar

Woke up to a frog on my pillow.

Next to lizards, tree frogs are the second most abundant species on this hill. Always getting in the house one way or another.

Lying in bed this morning, barely awake, when I turn over and find myself staring at a fat little green frog perched on the second pillow right next to my face.

Well..good morning to you too!

No, I didn’t kiss it! lol

ru2bz46's avatar

I saw Avatar SE at IMAX last night with my fiancee and another friend. This is the 9th time seeing it, but only the 2nd for the SE version. I see blue people…

Frenchfry's avatar

@Coloma LOL I would of freaked!. Today I thinking about going to the flea Market. We have a huge one here . I find some good deals. I go to look for coca cola memborelia. I just love the food there. They also have fresh vegetable and fruit stands.

janbb's avatar

@marinelife @augustlan Envious! Wish I could have been there!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Coloma I adore frogs, I am forever rescuing them from my Jack Russell though!

Coloma's avatar


Me too.

I have found more than one poor little frog dead and frozen in fuzz under my furniture.
They get in the house and dehydrate.

Sometimes they find their way to the shower or kitchen sink, sometimes not. ;-(

augustlan's avatar

@janbb I wish you could have been there, too. Maybe someday!

janbb's avatar

yup, yup – I may be down in October.

augustlan's avatar

@janbb Doooo it. :D

nebule's avatar

@Coloma I have attempted to kiss a frog on two separate occasions… it’s not an easy task!

Frenchfry's avatar

Yesterday I spend the night playing barbie and coloring with my kid.
I found out that even though I am almost forty I love coloring still.
I am going to set more mother and daughter time.

MissAusten's avatar

Yesterday my sister-in-law and her husband had a cookout. We saw a lot of family that we don’t often get to see, and there were tons of kids there for my kids to run around with. We all had a great time with some great food and a bit too much beer!

Today is my son’s 7th birthday, so we’re having some family over for a special birthday dinner. My son chose fried chicken and steamed clams for his birthday dinner, and I can’t wait for him to open his presents. I asked him if he feels any different now that he’s seven. He thought for a second, flexed his muscles, and said, “Yeah, I feel stronger!”

On top of all that, we’re getting ready for a visit from an artist friend from Australia. He’s teaching a class at my husband’s studio, and we’re very excited to have him here. Later in the week we’ll also have three other artists here who are taking the class, all of them friends of ours from different parts of the country.

Coloma's avatar


I love coloring too! So fun, playing with little kids. I miss those days when my daughter was little. Cherish this time with her!

Coloma's avatar

Lazy morning over this way, looking at my dusty, fuzzy house and getting psyched up for how GREAT I will feel when I am done with my cleaning. :-/

This time of year is always a challenge over this way, trying for that convergence, either the outside is in good shape and the inside is a wreck or vice versa. First order is to do the wildlife check, crawling around peering under furniture looking for stowaways of the amphibious, reptilian, and rodenty persuasions. lol

free_fallin's avatar

My darling doggie is not doing well but I am maintaining hope that everything will be alright with her.

On to the good things.

Despite the one bad thing going on right now, there is one truly awesome thing happening in my life. This one awesome thing person has been a beacon of brightness. Yes, I am sappy and I do not care if people become sick of hearing how I swoon.

I’m working on making this happen

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Ate my first BBQ meal in the new house! T-bone steaks, baked potatoes, episodes of Shark Week and my favorite buddy.

rangerr's avatar

Tickets for an Alice In Chains concert arrived today!
Who knew UPS delivers on Sunday? Not I.

I’m still hyperventilating.

janbb's avatar

Took a great walk by the bay with my husband on this beautiful September day. Unfortunately, the Flaky Tart was closed for vacation!

Coloma's avatar



I have slept with plenty of frogs, prefer the real ones. hahaha

shego's avatar

I’m going downtown to the taste of Colorado, with my boyfriend. Yay it’s going to be fun.

chels's avatar

@free_fallin Aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw.

marinelife's avatar

Went on a drive on this beautiful day. Ended up at a fresh produce stand where we got great tomatoes, corn and peaches.

Having them for dinner with steaks grilled outside.

Coloma's avatar


Oooh, I am jealous. I just ate the last of some killer fresh peaches, sooo good!

ru2bz46's avatar

The author of a great yoga book spoke at my fiancee’s studio last night in front of many of the area’s yogis. After the talk, we went back to our house for dinner then made the three-hour round trip to San Francisco so he could fly back to Amsterdam. We had some great inspirational conversation on the drive.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I woke up this morning. That was pretty great, I daresay!

Frenchfry's avatar

My husband bought some nasty chicken at the store. I bought a game I am trying to conquer @aprilsimnel So true on the positive side I woke up . LOL
When do we start a new question like this? This one is getting pretty long but I like it.

janbb's avatar

@Frenchfry We start a new one about once a month when I notice it’s getting too long or someone pms me.

I went back to work today after summer break and a colleague had brought in her three month old twins so I got to hold babies first thing this morning!

Coloma's avatar


I think it’s time again. lol

@Frenchfry A video game? My daughter is hooked on the western game, uh, uh, something ‘redemption.’ It is pretty cool!

A great Tuesday, cleaning before the housekeepers day over this way. ( I wouldn’t ask anyone to scoop the litter box ) lol
Fall is fast approaching, warm again but the leaves are twinkling down and all the animalls are frisky. Sheep frolicking in the pasture getting frisky when the acorns bounce off the ground. haha

My daughter and I have a ‘special brownie’ baking date next week, stock the freezer for winter for those occasional fun moments of brownie induced creative surges. We are going to attempt to make a youtube video of Marwyn and his penchant for mating with

Yep, he loves to climb aboard about 4 red silk pillows in my living room, deftly get his balance and attempt to ‘mate’ with them. It is quite hilarious.

Sooooo, stay tuned and I will post ’ The big red sex pillow’ video if it turns out. haha

kenmc's avatar

@Coloma 250~ answers isn’t time for a new question.

I made some strides in the bike that I’ve been trying to fix up. Basically, I’ve got a new seat on it and I removed parts that didn’t work. (I’m just beginning if you can’t tell).

janbb's avatar

It’s a pain in the neck to do the linking so y’all will just have to wait a bit longer. Patience is a virtue. :-)

chyna's avatar

I had two guys arguing over me yesterday. They both wanted me. Okay, they were my great nephews, aged 4 and 5. They got into a shoving match over who got to throw the football with me. They are adorable.

Coloma's avatar


Well, it’s loading slowly for me at that number, sooo, I don’t post much when it gets to this point.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My bf spent some time after his shower to get back in bed and just cuddle with me before he had to leave for work. We have few days off a month much less to have one on the same day so this kind of time is really nice to savor.

augustlan's avatar

@janbb I have a tip to make the linking less onerous (from experience w/ the “some progress” thread). Open Fluther twice, and keep one of the pages on this version of the question while you ask the new question on the other page. Easy-peasy to copy/paste the links that way. :)

janbb's avatar

@augustlan Yeah, I figured that one out too, but it still sometimes makes my brain ache!

YARNLADY's avatar

I just had a happy Labor Day 35th anniversary and am on my way to celebrate with with my family in San Diego.

augustlan's avatar

@YARNLADY Happy anniversary!

nebule's avatar

I realised in my counselling session yesterday that a lot of my problems are stemming from the fact that I’m simply not allowing myself to feel my emotions…even when I think I’m feeling them I’m not…I’m simply intellectualizing them in my head, which unsurprisingly then manifests itself in physical problems.

I pigged out last night and bought a take away (mid week again!??? shocking Blundell!!) and finished it off this morning (yeah..I know…gross!) I then went down the same old route of telling myself off, getting angry with myself for doing this… then I stopped. I asked myself what am I really feeling… and I realised that I’m feeling sad, sad about not treating my body and mind right and I also realised that when I pigged out I was tired, weary and sad about of lots of things. But I don’t need to do this to myself.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I found out that I am more than likely going on a trip to Vegas next week and going to see Cher!

chels's avatar

I got my postcard from @petethepothead today :)

janbb's avatar

@chels I hope he’s well.

chels's avatar

@janbb He’s doing okay :)

MissAusten's avatar

We have several house guests this week, and most of them arrived last night. Two of the ladies brought a huge feast with them. Baked ziti, pasta with pesto sauce, Italian bread, salad, and brownies. We brought out a couple of bottles of wine and had a great evening visiting with everyone. We had so much fun, in fact, that my daughter came out of her room a couple of times to tell us we were being too loud. :) I didn’t have to lift a finger for the food or the cleanup!

Coloma's avatar

I actually turned my heat on this morning for the 1st time since last April-May!

Enjoying my clean house except for the cat barf christening in two rooms earlier.

Figures! lol

Getting ready to paint some walls in my house…cozy, colorful winter here I come!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

We were able to turn of the a/c and open the windows to let a cool night breeze in, at last! I live in a hell where the electric bills are the same as many people’s car payments. sheesh.

nebule's avatar

I’m getting a free facial later from the Body Shop who are doing a pampering day for the domestic violence centre where I have my counselling. Little blessings!

Frenchfry's avatar

I lost my internet yesterday for like a day. Felt kinda lost. Watched movies and House, and episodes of I love Lucy. Today I going to the grocery store and Hopefully will spend $150. I always seem to go over. Food has gotten expensive. Really.I remember when I could get two weeks of food for that much. Oh! Well.I think I’ll make beef and barley soup today. It’s suppose to be rainy.

rangerr's avatar

I woke up and it was Friday!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

The time has finally come; it’s my last day of work in Alaska.—And only a half workday at that. Woot!—-

This summer has been absolutely amazing. I’ve seen and experienced more than I could ever have hoped to. With the exception of polar bears, arctic foxes, and walruses, I’ve seen almost every wildlife species one would associate with Alaska. I made it inside the Arctic circle, and even got to fly over a portion of ANWR. I survived a very wet summer (90+ in of precip, I’m accustomed to 10in) in a boreal rain-forest. I made many great connections personally and professionally, and could probably come back and work next summer if I want to. This was a truly wonderful experience!

Tomorrow I begin the long trek back home, where I’ll get to see friends and family that I haven’t seen in 4 months, and sleep in my own bed. I’m excited! :)

Coloma's avatar

Working today, but…woo hoo, have all my paint colors & supplies!
A cool metallic gold-brown called ‘Banded Agate’ and an equally cool pale bamboo color called ‘grass cloth’.

My house may have a farm theme outside but inside it’s a whole different world.
A world that defies description. lol

janbb's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities Thanks for sharing your wonderful summer with all of us. I was with you in spirit.

MissAusten's avatar

We’re having a cookout tonight for our five guests, plus several other people who are taking this class my husband is hosting. My husband did all the shopping for the cookout, made up trays of appetizers that are ready to go in the fridge, and even cleaned up the house a bit. It should be a fun evening, and I didn’t have to wear myself out getting ready for it!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I have the entire day off from work and even though my bf doesn’t he took a break between mandatory Friday meeting and his afternoon shift in order to lounge about with me at home. He even helped do laundry and took my gimp car to his close by job so to leave me his car to go across town and run errands. Little snippets of attention and help are so nice, I can almost get a grip.

shego's avatar

My boyfriend took me to happy hour today. It was fun. I love spending time with him.

Coloma's avatar

I swaped a few brush strokes of ‘grass cloth’ on my bedroom wall…hmmmm…think I am going to like it.

Sort of a light olivey, dead grass, color with a hint of yellow.

I know! It’s the color of oat hay, well, if any of you are familiar with oat hay :-/

Greens can go dreadfully wrong, but this one will look very nice I am thinking.

Of course I am always some where on the far side of the box, my bedroom is a combo of chartruese-ish green, turquoise blue with subtle hints of yellow and brown. Yeah, I know, hard to visualize, but, looks really cool.

Ah well…too late, the walls are doomed! lol

augustlan's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities It’s been great reading all of your updates from Alaska. Thanks so much for sharing it with us! Have a safe trip home.

@Coloma Post pics when it’s finished!

OpryLeigh's avatar

I started to get all my clothes together for my trip to America next week. I want to get excited but I won’t be completely happy until I am on the plane!

augustlan's avatar

@Leanne1986 Where in America will you be? I smell a possible Fluther meet-up. :)

MissAusten's avatar

I went to my 2nd grader’s first soccer game today! Last year they only had “clinics” with scrimmages against other teams at the end of each practice. So, watching all these little boys attempt to play an actual game was highly entertaining. There are two or three players on each team that clearly have more practice and drive than the others and tend to dominate the game.

My son is not one of them. :) He had fun anyway, and I got a huge kick out of watching him run around, kick the ball from time to time, and get distracted by butterflies. Plus, he looks so cute in his team jersey and shin guards, I just want to eat him up!

My kindergartner has his first ever soccer practice tomorrow, and that should provide even more entertainment!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@augustlan LA, San Fransisco, Reno and Las Vegas!

augustlan's avatar

@Leanne1986 Drats. Too far away from me. But, you’ll be close to lots of other jellies, and Fluther HQ is in San Fransisco. Enjoy your trip!

NaturallyMe's avatar

I ate a whole slab of mint Aero chocolate!

marinelife's avatar

I went to a BBQ at a colleague of my husband’s. I got to meet everyone he works with. They were all very nice. It was a really fun party.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I bought a beautiful dress from a market stall today and it only cost me £10!!

Frenchfry's avatar

Made Chili for supper and put fritos in it. Just love the stuff. I am going to go to bed early today . Catch up on sleep. Drink a hard lemonade to get me sleepy.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I got my ears pierced again yesterday! Both my mother and my boyfriend really like the way they look.

Coloma's avatar

Well…sad news on my mountain I fear.

My Gizzi cat did not come home last night and I am certain the problem coyote family got him yesterday. :-(

Mias narrow escape last week and I was concerned about Gizzi the bold.
An adventurous young guy that loved the rugged creek ravine below my deck.

Yep, returned home at 5:30 from work yesterday and usually the two are waiting near my garage, in & out through the kitty door all day, Mia was home, Giz was not.

Not too concerned but when he did not come home by dusk, a ritual for the evening lockdown, well….

Scoured the hills for hours, not a trace and now it is dark again. Not looking good.

Mia the faithful walked 10 acres of rugged hills and woods with me in search of her Gizzi. A sad night.

ru2bz46's avatar

My fiancee and I went to a yoga retreat location in the foothills and got a personal tour of the 10-acre complex from the owner. We are going to host a yoga workshop there in December for a weekend to give it a complete test run for our wedding weekend next July. We can rent the entire place for Friday – Sunday for only $1200! Our wedding will be on the third day of a weekend retreat for our guests. :-)

Oh, and I got the finished ring with the incredible sapphire from the stone setter and gave it to her. She’s very happy!

marinelife's avatar

@Coloma May Gizzi either be safe or pain-free.

MissAusten's avatar

@Coloma I home Gizzi surprises you by coming home safe!

After 8 days of craziness, we are finally free of visitors! It was wonderful to have so many friends here, but such a relief to have the house all to ourselves. We had two of the kids sleeping in our room all week, and I can’t wait to kick them back to their own beds! I spent the day stripping beds, cleaning tons of icky leftovers out of the fridge, grocery shopping, and most importantly napping!

KatawaGrey's avatar

Well, it’s not great but it’s big. My boyfriend is on his way over and we’re going to talk about how things have been going in our relationship. I may or may not be single in a couple hours.

chyna's avatar

@KatawaGrey Good luck from me too.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Thanks guys. Everything seemed to go okay. It was a short talk and he’s sitting right next to me. We’re still together. With any luck, things’ll get better.

rangerr's avatar

I got Halo: Reach two hours early.
I’m a good charmer.

Excuse me while I go do nothing but stare at my tv for days.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

A co worker of mine accepted a marriage proposal from her sweetie. She spent a lot of years holding out for a man with like values, passed on a lot flights of fancy so it’s exciting to see on her face something I never have before in the three years I’ve known her.

janbb's avatar

@at all Bowing to complaints about slowness loading this thread, new one will be coming soon – probably the end of this week.

I dig that it continues to be so well used!

chels's avatar

My mom and I helped make a veggie peacock for my brothers 2nd grade project.
Yes he has a mustache ^_^

KatawaGrey's avatar

Um. Yeah. Veggie peacock. Totally.

MissAusten's avatar

@chels I have never seen anything like that in my life. I want to make a veggie peacock!

Today I had kind of an insane day. My 7 year old had a checkup, then I dropped him off at school and took my 5 year old to the dentist. Both appointments went well, and we got home just in time to eat lunch before the kindergarten bus came rolling up. Ran some errands, and came home to take a nap. Hey, I have a nasty cold! Curled up in bed, and my cell phone rang. First it was my husband who needed a file emailed to him. Tried to sleep again, but my cell rang…again.

This time, it was my daughter’s school. She had poked herself in the eye with her math homework and, in the nurse’s opinion, scratched her cornea. Get out of bed, pick her up at school, call the doctor. Go home, wait for boys to get off the bus, and go back to the doctor.

Her eye was perfectly fine. Damn school nurse.

I made an executive decision and took the kids, and myself, out to dinner. Burgers and ice cream are a nice way to end a hectic day. After that treat, I cuddled up in bed with the boys to read disgusting books about bugs and dinosaurs, put them to bed early, got myself some new songs on my iPod, and am now going to take Nyquil and read until I pass out.

chels's avatar

@MissAusten He had to make a veggie creature. That’s as good as we could have done :)

MissAusten's avatar

@chels You did great! I love projects like that. It reminds me of the time I helped my daughter mummify a Barbie doll for an Egyptian project. We even mummified a little toy cat to keep Barbie company in the afterlife!

Frenchfry's avatar

@chels I sooooo want to do that. Can’t wait for my kid to go to school.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I head for America tomorrow morning. Unfortunately today will be the last day that I can Fluther for a week but I can sacrifice that for Cher in Vegas!

janbb's avatar

@Leanne1986 It’s a great country to visit – have a blast!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I wrote a 3yr “Big Picture” plan of what I want to see happen between my bf and I, our families and lifestyle. He liked it very much.

nebule's avatar

I got 92% for my penultimate essay of this course…(my highest score ever.. and was even more impressive after the last in which I got my lowest mark ever) written on the philosophy of consciousness…I am truly chilled on the whiskey now and thinking of treating myself to a strawberry smoothie and champagne breakfast on Saturday!

chels's avatar

I fell in love all over again.

free_fallin's avatar

@chels d’aawwwww. I know the feeling. :D

chels's avatar

I saw my younger brother tonight for the first time in a year. He’s 19 but he looks like he’s 23. Crazy how people can change. I cried for a good few minutes straight when he came in.. I’ve missed him.

rangerr's avatar

I just spent 6 hours in the ER.
I don’t have appendicitis!! :D
They still don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I’m on lots of drugs to help the ridiculous pain.

While in the hospital, I got to see one of the boys from my high school Auto Body class who came by to make sure I was okay.
And @Sarcasm kept me entertained/calm the entire time, which was pretty cool.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@rangerr: Get better! That’s an order!

janbb's avatar

@rangerr Feel better!

Frenchfry's avatar

@rangerr Hope they found out soon. Keep us informed.

chyna's avatar

I took my mom to the store and we have to use those wheelchairs with the buggy that kind of sits over your lap. As soon as we get to the car, with the buggy pretty full, it starts pouring the rain. I’m tossing groceries in as fast as possible so mom can get out of the chair. Out of no where a man is standing there with an umbrella over my mom. He stayed over her until she got in the car. How nice was that?? And he was getting wet, but didn’t care.

rangerr's avatar

I woke up and I’m still in some pain, but not as bad. They called my mom and told her they went over the CT scans again and found two ovarian cysts on the right side, which is why I felt like I was dying.

free_fallin's avatar

I booked my flight to visit @timtrueman!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDD

I want to spam the world right now. I am just giddy. I apologize for my giddiness. heh

chyna's avatar

@free_fallin Yea! Another Fluther couple!

chels's avatar

@free_fallin I could not be more happy/excited/fucking thrilled for you guys. <3

Frenchfry's avatar

@chyna See there are nice people left in this world.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
that good

timtrueman's avatar

@free_fallin booked a flight to come see me! :D I would have said there are no words to describe my excitement but really that’s not the truth; they have been followed into a dark alley and pummeled out of the English language by love.

chyna's avatar

@timtrueman I have to know… did you guys meet on Fluther? Please tell the story of how you met. I made @chels tell me her and Richards story, so now it’s your turn. You have to tell. It gives me hope I’ll meet someone, somewhere, someday.

chels's avatar

@chyna you’re so cute <3 <3

Mama_Cakes2's avatar

Presently fighting depression. I am presently myself from going too far down the slippery slope. Made an appt. with a psychologist for the end of the month.

Mama_Cakes2's avatar

sorry about the typos. I meant to say that I a preventing myself…

MissAusten's avatar

@rangerr Glad you’re going to live! Ovarian cysts suck, but at least now you know what you’re dealing with!

augustlan's avatar

@chyna What a nice guy! Makes one feel better about humanity.
@rangerr Ouch! Feel better soon.
@free_fallin & @timtrueman Sweet! I’m so happy for the two of you.
@Mama_Cakes Glad to see you’re being proactive. Hugs, girlie.

I spent the afternoon with my girls, laughing our heads off. It was really great.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I made it back home two days ago, safe and sound. It’s been great catching up with friends and family! But, somebody left the heat on. :(

free_fallin's avatar

@chyna We did meet on fluther! It’s been quite the whirlwind relationship. (We’re very similar to Richard and Chelsea! It’s been freaky. heh) We discovered we had a few things in common and decided to start chatting outside of fluther. After hours of conversations via IM’s and emails, we migrated to phone conversations. We have so much in common. It’s been wonderful. I cannot imagine a day going by without talking to him in some fashion. You should always have hope!

janbb's avatar

@free_fallin That is so, so cool!

chels's avatar

@free_fallin Sooooooo similar.

MissAusten's avatar

My husband is finally coming home tonight after a long business trip. Our daughter is off to a slumber party, the boys go to bed early, and I have the martini shaker and vodka ready to go. :)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I paid off three longstanding bills, yay!

chels's avatar

We booked my flight back to England today! I’ll have a three hour layover in Iceland which is so so so awesome.
When I come back to Jersey in Dec/Jan, Richard will most likely be heading to SF to look for apartments and when he finds one, I’ll fly out and be with him :D Eeeeeep!

Coloma's avatar

Went to a blues festival on the river with friends that were up from the city.

Perfect day!

Now, in heaven relaxing under some interesting orange lighting I am experimenting with after enjoying an herbal dessert. lol

I’m starting to hear sounds in the forest. hahaha

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My best friend and his lovely bride-to-be are coming to stay with me over Thanksgiving. I’m so excited now, planning a menu and some excursions.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My best friend and his lovely bride-to-be are coming to stay over Thanksgiving. I’m so excited now, planning a menu and some excursions.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Today was a day filled to the brim with greats!

My wonderful boyfriend slept over last night and ever since I had that short but important talk with him, he’s been really making an effort and it shows. When he wants to see me now, he tells me he wants to see me rather than just assuming I know. He cuddles more, he laughs with me more and, most importantly, he really shows how much he cares more. Yay! After he left, I drove to Massachusetts to hang out with my bestest internet friend and to go see Owl City at the Big E. For those of you not in the North Eastern US, the Big E is a huge carnival that goes on for almost a whole month. His house was only an hour drive away which was awesome because it meant we got to spend more time together. The concert was just amazing! Owl City sounds wildly different live than they do on an album and I think they sound better. Also, it turns out they are a they and not a him like both me and my friend thought. :P After the concert, we wandered around the Big E playing games and eating delicious but horribly bad for us food. I won a cute blue dog by beating someone at whack-a-mole!

Now I am home, and my wonderful boyfriend will be coming over later to spend more time with me. Yay! All in all, it has been an amazing day.

augustlan's avatar

I finally paid off one of my property tax bills! Halfway to not having my house taken away. Whew!

nebule's avatar

I realised today that I’d actually like a bit of romance in my life

Frenchfry's avatar

Today I am going to get a new hairdo. I am looking through the net to see if I can find one. I still have the Jennifer Anniston look. LOL I am trying to get my look updated.

Coloma's avatar


I’m next, my hair is out of control right now, no updates but need a serious trim. lol

janbb's avatar

@All New thread starts here

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