You say that it is the constant worrying about his safety that bothers you. And well it should. He’s not even gone yet, and you are worried. I don’t say that to tell you you are being silly or anything. I say that to point out that your feelings are not related to the facts on the ground, so-to-speak.
Your feelings of worry about his safety are something that you, to some degree, create for yourself. I am not telling you there is nothing to worry about. The reason why I am pointing this out is to show you that you have some control over these feelings. You can make yourself feel them. That means you don’t have to make yourself feel them.
How can you not be worried when the worry is real? The answer is that you can let the feelings be there, but not get hung up on them. It is natural to worry. However, it doesn’t have to turn your life into one long worry-fest that makes it hard for you to do anything else.
Let yourself worry. Then let the worry go. You are powerless over it. It’s like a comet coming towards the earth. There’s nothing you can do about it. However, you don’t have to grab onto that worry and fear and turn it into something that fills your life and is always there forever.
Let it go. Don’t get attached to it.
That’s not so easy, though. One thing that can help with this, believe it or not, is breathing. When you start to worry, remind yourself to concentrate on your breath. Focus on taking long breaths in and letting it out exactly at the same pace as you took it in. Then, while breathing, gently turn your attention to the task at hand. If there is no task at hand, then the task is to count your breaths and to find a calming place to sit.
Then you pay attention to what is going on around you. Feel the position of your body. Notice how the air is blowing. Is there sun on your face? Is the air thick? Just pay attention while breathing. In this way, you can calm yourself and slow your heartbeat and let your worries go wherever it is they go when you let them go. You can imagine them as being attached to slowly deflating balloons that slide down over the cliff and out of your sight.
There are other things you can do, too. Keep on doing your work. Eat regularly. Sleep regularly. Do yoga or other exercise regularly.
Your feelings are real. You don’t have to hold onto them and you don’t have to let them rule your life.