General Question

woodcutter's avatar

Have any of our dog owners tried those soy fiber dog collars/ harnesses(on their dog)

Asked by woodcutter (16387points) August 18th, 2010

My pup is growing so fast and at 5 mo old we’re working on replacing her collar for the 3rd time. I like the idea of the soy(natural fiber) but how do they hold up, like say for dogs that like jumping in water? The common nylon web collars are practically bullet proof but they are made of, well, plastic really.

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3 Answers

jm5225's avatar

My mom wears Soy Fiber Underwear, she never complains.

woodcutter's avatar

@jm5225- but does she take a bath while wearing them? It matters.

jm5225's avatar

I can’t say she wears them in the bath…really thats a question only she can answer…

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