What stereotype bothers you the most?
I’d like to hear from the collective before I answer.
What stereotype makes you want to scream “That’s not always true!”?
Are you the exception that proves the rule?
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65 Answers
These days, it’s gotta be the whole ‘What do you mean, vegan? What do you eat?!’ thing – and I suppose because I’m not skinny, they don’t get it. Oh, and random people saying that Alex must be forced to be the stay at home father by me since no man ever wants to do that voluntarily.
That just because I’m a self-identified feminist that means I’m an angry, man-hating lesbian. We have some real winners in Ohio.
That if you choose to be single people assume you are lying and secretly depressed because you don’t have a relationship.
Uh, noooo…I really like being single after divorcing 7 years ago!
No depression or desperation happening! lol
There are several stereotypes about military wives that get to me. There seem to be a lot of people that thing military wives are stupid, lazy, don’t work, and they are constantly having babies. I don’t think I’m stupid, I have a job, and while we are planning to have a child when he gets home, it will be our first child together and we don’t plan to be pregnant constantly.
That because I like women, I’m secretly dying to have a threesome with you (a male) and my girlfriend – no need to even get so familiar as to exchange names! Our relationship does exist solely for your pleasure!
@Winters Don’t some parts of Korea have dog as a delicacy, though?
that those who choose NOT to reside in Gotham City are uneducated sister- fucking hicks.
Probably the one that gets to me personally the most is the one about women and shopping. I hate shopping. My idea of a successful shopping trip (usually after postponing it for as many months as possible) is to get in, get it, and get out. A good year is one in which I never go to a mall at all, Especially not in any of the months that are anywhere near Christmas, meaning approximately 10 out of 12.
Yet even my husband, who not only knows exactly how I feel about it but feels the same way himself, will occasionally let slip some kind of a wisecrack in reference to women or even in reference to me(!) that reflects that giddy, gleeful shop-till-you-drop stereotype.
Believe me, I remind him.
Plenty of stereotypes bother me a lot, but most of them don’t pertain to me; they’re about other races, other sexes, other professions, etc., than my own. This one just pushes one of my hot buttons.
“Don’t mind her. She’s probably just PMS-ing.”
@Jeruba I agree. I’d also prefer watching football instead of getting my hair and nails done. :/
That because I’m gay, I’m promiscuous and enjoy shoving things up my ass and probably have AIDS. Either that or my homosexuality was caused by a bad experience with a woman or an absent father.
That because I come from a wealthy family, I’m a spoiled brat who expects the world to be handed to him.
@papayalilly – i think I’ve heard of that too. Especially N.Korea- they’re starving to death there. If I was a dog I would be paranoid as hell.
That clowns aren’t good in the sack! Complete bull$h!t!
That asians are bad drivers. That’s such a stupid stereotype.
@lucille LMFAO!!
That blacks have to be gangsters, or incredible dancers, or exceptional athletes, as well as only being good at sports and not anything that requires brain smarts.
That all MIL’s are a PITA! Not true!! Some are actually bat-shit-crazy!
That bisexuals are just sluts That one really pisses me off!
@papayalily yes, but its a population that is rapidly shrinking especially since the dogs that are native to Korea are now considered as national treasures.
That Jews are greedy, nit-picky, stingy misers responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus and who murder gentile children to use their blood to make their passover Matzoh.
Nothing offensive about that!
I still hear such accusations from far too many people.
Being a feminist means you can’t be a stay-at-home mom.
Seriously, my mum faced so much crap at the PTA meetings she went to when I was a kid. Those judgy mothers turned their nose up at her because she quit her job. Feminism is about choice, for crying out loud.
That self-harmers only self-harm for attention.
I think it’s a pretty ignorant statement and a way to ignore, deny or undermine some of the real underlying and psychological issues they’re dealing with.
Once a cheater, always a cheater is mine.
Yes, there are horn dogs out there. There are also people that feel unloved and do something stupid and regret it. They are lucky to have someone that forgives them.
@gypsywench One of my first girlfriends when I was a teen told me that she thought that bisexuals (including me) were just greedy. As a side note, the number of people she slept with every year: 20+ (no shit). The number of people I had slept with, ever: 0.
That Irish people all drink alcohol.
Oh, wait…
That fat = lazy.
My dad is a big guy, always has been. He is also the hardest working person I have ever known. Every time I hear that someone assumes that a person is overweight because they are lazy, it makes me cringe.
@boots I’m part Irish. I drink and I’m pig-headed. The only physical confrontation I’ve been in was at a pub. But I’d be damned to accept any irish stereotypes. hehehe
That nuns are virginal delicate creatures. Pah, some have very dirty habits indeed. Ba de bum ;¬}
That conservatives are ignorant, racist, homophobic, close minded, prudes! ugh, you say that to my face and you’re asking for a fight. I do not consider myself ignorant, racist, homophobic, or freakin’ close minded. :/
I’m with @DominicX on that one. People assume that because I grew up priveleged I’m spoiled, selfish, and stupid. Very irritating.
Any of them. All of them. I can’t stand when any group of people are labeled with an “always” tag. Grrrr.
One that affects me personally: All red-heads are passionate lovers… oh, wait. ;)
That anyone that lives in a trailer park is a stupid hilly billy redneck. Stupid indeed. One of my dearest friends lives in one.
I hate the stereotype “They” as in they say.
Here’s another classic, “only in America” I mean, who came up with that crud?
Or, “The american people want….”.
Good one, @Blackberry. If I hear one more politician tell me what he thinks I want…
The “vicious” pit bull. The dog that attacks for no reason. Anybody who believes that stereotype is an ignorant person. They are loyal and don’t attack people as much as the media wants you to think. Hell a poodle attacks more people than a pitty.
The second reason pits make good fighting dogs is because they are loyal. They will do whatever you want them to do. No questions asked. I know someone who has a pity. The poor pooch use to be forced to fight. He was rescued and was going to be put down. The person i know took the dog and trained him, you would never be able to tell he was a fighter.
That Texins are all dum cowboys.
@ducky_dnl That reminds me of a joke by Bill Maher: “It’s wrong to say that all republicans are racist….But if someone is racist, they’re most likely a republican.” Lol…....
That singles and married couples without kids are unfulfilled and that single men of a certain age must be gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that!). In both cases, I defy the steroeotype.
That bisexual men have affairs all the time and will shag anything that moves.
That all Christians claim to be better than others by virtue of being Christians. We’re saved by grace, for God’s sake (literally).
Disabled = miserable, or pissed off, or stupid, or whatever other baseless ideas people get when they see someone in a wheelchair.
On a lighter note, it grates on me when twenty-somethings are totally shocked to find out a woman my age has not only Maroon 5 but Linkin Park on her ipod! Heck many are shocked that I have an ipod and don’t carry a giant boom box ala Radio Raheem!
Reading through the answers I was building up all kinds of righteous indignation on behalf of all kinds of people!
@SuperMouse I think it’s hot when older women are up to date with modern times….....lol.
did anyone watch the video? (Bill Cosby’s video)
@BoBo1946 I watched the whole first one and part of the second. I only turned it off because the make-up was kind of disconcerting. It was pretty interesting stuff, I have always enjoyed Mr. Cosby.
@Blackberry Okay, I even loled at that joke a bit. Please just know that most of us aren’t. :P
That all Christians believe in the literal interpretation of the bible.
@BoBo1946 Did you leave out Part III that disparages Christians and especially those who take the Bible as the literal truth for any special reason? It contains the clever and ironic conclusion that makes his whole point. Perhaps that part offended you personally? I could understand that. Maybe you just overlooked the conclusion by accident. I did listen to all of it, including the last part.
I abhor prejudice against all groups. I sometimes make inferences that are based on faulty and unfair assumptions, despite my intention to avoid doing so. When I notice it or someone calls me on it I apologize and learn from it.
As much as I am sickened by the horrors of 9/11, I think those seeking to force Muslim Americans from building their new Mosque on land they own because that proposed building is too close to the “sacred” site of ground zero. These people did not have any connection to that horrible event. The opposition is not about the proximity of one site to the others.
Those who oppose it are motivated by ignorant, unjustified hatred or mistrust of any Moslems, even those who are fellow Americans.
Despite the long standing enmity between Jews and many of the World’s Muslims, as a member of a group long mistreated and vilified, I defend the rights of these Muslims to proceed with their plans. These people represent no more of a risk than do anyone else.
@Dr_Lawrence oh, did not know there was a part 3! No, it would not offend me, i’m open-minded after living on the Earth for almost 64 years. The World has a way opening people’s minds..loll
On the post about people thinking Christians are weak etc…it addresses that issue.
Have a good day my friend.
I’m also with @DominicX While I never had to worry about food being on the table or a roof over my head, my parents didn’t buy me everything that I wanted – in fact, it was very common for kids who’s parents made significantly less than mine to have waaaayyyy more toys than I did. Once I was old enough to babysit, 80% of my clothes, books, and fun stuff came from me working my butt off to earn the money to buy it.
@ducky_dnl Doesn’t challenging someone to a fight instead of a civil discussion sight unseen kinda prove their point?
@Minute_And_A_Huff Does coming out of nowhere calling someone ignorant, racist, etc. prove a point that some people can be rude? Those are fighting words and if someone can’t deal with what’s going to happen..then they shouldn’t have said it in the first place. You can have a civil discussion without calling people that. Calling people things like that is just asking for a fight. :/
@ducky_dnl I’m on Fluther, how is that coming out of nowhere?
And I didn’t call you those things. I said that an attitude of “punch now, talk later” doesn’t give anyone a reason to change their mind, it reinforces their pre-existing opinion. There’s a difference between you actually being a bigot, and just reinforcing the idea that you are because you’re so ready for a fight.
I have no idea how what I said was rude, since there’s a difference between saying something you don’t want to hear and actually being rude.
No matter what I say, there’s no excuse for clocking me in the head. You are responsible for your own violence, so stop trying to say that anyone who dares say the wrong thing to you – even if they don’t know it’s a sore spot with you – is responsible for your actions.
@hobosnake I would give you a million great answers for that question if i could.
@Hobosnake I’m pretty sure I meant the one about being saved by Grace. Sorry It wasn’t a question it was an answer. I guess that was a typo.
Jewish and money, Jewish and the media, Jewish and Hollywood. Thou true, they irk me. ~
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