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jazmina88's avatar

What breed of dog is the best-suited for me?

Asked by jazmina88 (11657points) August 20th, 2010

You know I lost my Mags on the 8th and I’m on petfinder.
No beagles – no digging
no terriors – no crazy insanity

I want an adult dog, that knows good from bad. retired greyhound?
I have fibro and have some bad days…but a fenced in yard. Want a dog to protect me, but gentle and loving. and laid back.

Is there such a breed?

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14 Answers

mollydrew's avatar

Sometimes a “good old mutt” from the pound will surprise you, I am in Southern California and we can go on line to see who is in the pound. I too lost my babies, all 3 in a nine month period of time, they were 16 and 17 years old. I too will start looking for a new dog, I agree with you no terriors, too hyper. Protection is what I miss, if someone walks up my driveway I use to hear about it. My boy Buddy was a Rott Husky mix 120 pounds and a real love, I would love to find another like him.
Have you thought about a lab, or is that too big for you? a boxer mix is a good dog. There are retired police or rescue dogs you might like to check into. Would love to know what you end up getting.,

Frenchfry's avatar

I love german shepards.
Best family dog ever. If you can find a Australian Shepard they are awesome dog. Only think need to be brushed constantly

polinsteve's avatar

You can do no better than a Labrador/retriever, especially if you rescue one over about 18months old. They are certainly gentle and loving but also very protective.

jazmina88's avatar

I thought I would love A goldendoodle.

ducky_dnl's avatar

I agree with both @mollydrew and @polinsteve. Mollydrew is right that sometimes a mutt can be the best. My mom and I lost our dog (golden retriever) Lydia a few months back and took in a boxer mix. He’s the greatest, but he doesn’t beat Lydia. I agree with polinsteve because Lydia was well..a golden retriever. She was the best dog to walk the world in my families eyes. She was loyal, playful, sweet, cuddly and when someone came in our yard..she made sure we knew about it. It’s really up to you though. I am really sorry to hear about Mags. It’s weird that I can still hear her bark from time to time. Whenever I hear Lydia bark, the weird thing is that someone is in our yard. I think she’s still protecting. :)

JilltheTooth's avatar

Labradoodles and goldendoodles are both good choices,(goldendoodles are a little more compliant) but if they inherit the poodle hair, they’ll either need haircuts on a regular basis, and/or grooming regularly. Have fun picking a new one! Your Mags will be delighted that you have someone new to love up.

partyparty's avatar

I have had… and still have… Lhasa apsos. They are small dogs, so don’t need much exercise, they don’t shed their fur, and just want to be at your side or on your knee.
So pleased you are looking for a new ‘furry friend’. They never let you down.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I have a German Shepherd Dog and she is a great companion.Smart,loyal,protective…maybe alittle too smart ;)
They are the perfect dog in my opinion.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

Get a pit bull, their calm loving dogs that would take a bullet for you.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Have you tried any of the online dog quizzes that match you up to a breed? It wouldn’t hurt to see what they come up with. Here is one.

If you have the time and resources, you might also consider volunteering to help out at a local pet shelter. I used to once a week, and it’s a good way to get to know some of the homeless animals, particularly since you are in the market for an adult dog.

CMaz's avatar

I have a West Highland terrier.

He is CRAZY. And, I like it! Actually a loyal and sweetheart of a breed.

But I like @mollydrew ‘s approach.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@ChazMaz ; I rescued a really messed up Westie in 1986. He was one of the best dogs I ever had. Managed to recover from severe abuse and neglect and live with us for another 13 years. Next dog, definitely a Westie! Loved the ‘tude.

OpryLeigh's avatar

All the retired greyhounds I know are extremely laid back and well mannered. They are as happy sitting on the sofa having cuddles as they are going out for a 3 hour walk!

I have a beautiful Staffordshire Bull Terrier who is the most loving dog I have ever met in my life. She is soft as shit but has an intimidating look that I don’t think anyone would mess with. When they are young Staffies can be a bit mental but as they et older they really chill out andare often beautiful natured despite the bad reputation they have.

That being said, mutts can be wonderful too depending on what breeds they are made up of.

Aster's avatar

You didn’t say if you want a dog you can lift up and bathe. If you will have him bathed by a groomer then I’d choose a shepherd or lab. I like furrballs but they are usually hyper My bichons are pretty loud and hyper.

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