Social Question

flutherother's avatar

The world will end at 7:00pm tomorrow. What are you going to do?

Asked by flutherother (35039points) August 20th, 2010

Would you do anything different from what you already have planned ? Come on you only have a few hours to live.

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22 Answers

ucme's avatar

Put me bloody clocks back. Bugger, there always has to be something going on ;¬}

marinelife's avatar

I’d stop my regular routine and spend all my time with my husband and the dogs doing the things that we love.

mowens's avatar

Something that envolves driving a vehicle really fast.

rebbel's avatar

I will put my alarm, but whenever a major happening is scheduled i always manage to sleep through it.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’d stop mowing the lawn and hop between the sheets. We can go out with a bang.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

WTF? I thought that wasn’t going to happen until 2012. I better lay in some beer.

Frenchfry's avatar

Buy a bottle of Jack and go to the ocean with my family. Drink and BBQ steaks.

chyna's avatar

Suck down a bottle of Hershey’s chocolate syrup.
Seriously, I would spend the time with my family.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Make somebody scream XD

Seaofclouds's avatar

7pm whose time? I need to know that because my husband is 8 hours ahead of me and I need to know how much time I have to talk to him before the world ends.

I’d probably just do what I always do. I’d call everyone and talk to them for a bit (unless I was talking to my husband).

Austinlad's avatar

Hop into the time machine in my garage and go back to elementary school, where you could save yourself from anything simply by climbing under your little wooden desk.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Find someone to make love with me round the clock until the end comes.

jfos's avatar

Start freestyling!

7 pm that seems kinda close,
So I’m leavin work early, to make the most,
Of my day, I suppose that’s the way it goes,
when apocalypse is coming, I’ma make some toast,
And get my butter game on,
My better game on
Stop the weather, find a feather, and start a letter chain goin.
Meet a miner at the diner, and forget her name’s Dawn
Then try to knit a sweater and set some yellow tape on—
fire; Retire and say the word ‘liaison.’
No need to sleep, no need to rest
So I’ll keep at my best whilst building a nest
I hope I find some twings and stuff, so—oh I digress.

To be continued.

Aster's avatar

@Austinlad lol I liked that answer!
I think I’d do something involving alcohol. My daughter took me to a restaurant/bar and bought me what she called a Martini but it wasn’t Really a strong, disgusting Martini. It was in a red Martini glass, tasted a little like strawberries and had sugar not salt on the rim. I’d drink maybe 4 of those , take some pills and go out in a blur. A nice, soft blur. lol

Austinlad's avatar

@Aster, works for me! Not much need to worry about a hangover.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

Go to church, ask for forgiveness for my sins. Go skydiving. Then take a trip to Pennsylvania to see my Dad.

Coloma's avatar


Well, come on over here and we can have Martinis and go out softly in a blur of warm bubbles in my hot tub. lolol

I’d just do what I usually do every evening, enjoy my space, sit in the hot tub and wait for the end peacefully.

Hawkeye's avatar

It was fun while it lasted. At least I don’t have to pay my bills

Mom2BDec2010's avatar

I would go do fun things. Like skydiving:)

ipso's avatar

Go to Hollywood and get some heroin and cocaine and make speedballs – rent a plane and fly some friends to Las Vegas first, landing on the highway. Party like rock stars.

Have the biggest night in the history of big nights. Strategically recreating scenes from The Hangover (2009) (e.g. stealing a cop car and a tiger.)

Including base jumping off the Stratosphere, galloping a horse through Glitter Gulch and a casino or two, engaging and possibly marrying multiple hookers, handing out Cuban cigars and $100s, smoking crack, shooting silver dollars thrown in the air while naked and drinking straight from a bottle of Lagavulin. A tattoo of a battleship.

Takin’ her up to speed to see what she’ll do – so to speak; definitely with bells and red shoes on.

7am would never come. It would all just disappear.

Berserker's avatar

Not believe it, and then regret it, if it actually happens.

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