Are you addicted to fluther?
Do you think so, how about someone else? How much time do you spend on here?
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43 Answers
Yes, I am addicted and willing to admit it. I spend a fair amount of time on here. Every time I go on my computer, I visit Fluther…
@ChazMaz Saying no comment is a comment. Oh well i give you lurve because it’s funny.
I’m still in the honeymoon period. When that wears off I will NOT be addicted. Iwill not, I tell you, NOT.
Moderately yes. lol
This is the only site such as this I participate in, dropped facebook months ago, boring.
My work schedule is very flexible, lots of random free time and also I found this place upon returning from an overseas vacation last March. I have been jet lagged for 5 months now. haha
Like all things, this too shall pass, but it’s a fun hangout for now.
Haha yes..‘the honeymoon period’ lasts on average 6 months to a year. We shall see ey? lol
Most days I sit in a little pen and answer an endless stream of phone calls so fluther helps my brain. I feel like I’m still alive during my long ass work hour days, exchanging with real people other than listening to endless complaints, snarls, grunts and screeching bitchfests.
I say I’m addicted to it, but in reality, I don’t have much else to do when I’m not working right now (other than reading and some other small projects around the house). I check Fluther a couple times a day.
I’m going to say that I am not addicted, but the amount of time I’ve clocked will probably beg to differ.
Not any more; I attended the twelve step program.
I’m @janbb and I am a Fluther addict.
Hi, my name is marinelife and I am a Fluther addict.
Jinx, @janbb I did not see what you had typed until I had finished mine!
We really, really have to stop meeting like this.
Not as much as I used to be, but I still check in every day.
All i will say is that i have logged in here a fair few times today.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: How do you think I got to be the community manager? ;)
@augustlan It’s not because you are so darn cute? Well I’m sure that was part of it.
Yep! I’m somewhat addicted, and proud of it:D
I just heard they have these other things on the computer. One is called Facebook and one is called Youtube or something like that. I will really have to check those out one of these days .. .
I’m addicted to both of those, too. Crap.
Well,. this will probably get me banned, but I’m going to share the formula that Ben & Andrew programmed into this site. You are hopelessly addicted for the first five months. Nothing can be done during this period, so don’t fight it…..enjoy the high and the rush you get with each GA & GQ. After month six, you will be given an opportunity to break away. Some suckers don’t jump at the opportunity and become helpless career addicts. Ben & Andrew actually hope you take the break because they know you will come back renewed and refreshed and are capable of maybe pulling off something unique and special.
Me? I left after six months and took a seven month hiatus. My computer crashing initiated my departure, but I soon became busy with other things. I did, in fact, return after that hiatus in top form, as if I had never left, even having the audacity to frequently challenge @Blondesjon and the damn monkey, @eponymoushipster, to battles of wit, altho frankly their banter was above my head (I had age and experience on them, but had failed to stay abreast of many things so my posts were hopelessly out of date).
Fourteen months after joining the collective I found myself with lots of friends here and quite a few points from lots of responses but without a single question asked. I just never felt the need to as I am an adept internet researcher and I just didn’t want to “force” a question. But upon making the decision to propose to my beautiful and wonderful girlfriend Sherry, I thought wtf (I often think “wtf” do you think I got my name here?) let’s do something fun and propose to her right here on fluther. The rest, as they say, is history and that question, ”the proposal question”, remains safely archived to this day.
Once you return, so too will the addiction. Not as strong as the initial attraction (you will be able to break away for short periods of time) but there obviously, nonetheless. And it will be a lifelong addiction, but like caffeine or chocolate, not such a bad one to have.
Oh yeah, one more thing. The addiction breaks if you are a big time liar or bullshitter or troll. But this is welcomed as we don’t want those types around here anyhow.
There you have it!
See ya…...(I certainly hope I see you…...if I were to suddenly disappear from these waters, at least you’ll know why….yes, shark bait, I well imagine)….Gary/wtf
Hi @janbb.
I’m gonna say nah.
Edit: Yeah.
I lurve Gary. Just saying.
He almost gets a * sigh *
Yup, and it’s my iPhone’s fault.
I’m not a big fan of surfing the net on my iPhone due to the small screen. Even if a site I enjoy has a mobile version, most of them are horrible.
Conversely, I quite enjoy Fluther’s mobile version so it’s always loaded on Safari on the iPhone. And since I always have my iPhone on me, it’s waaay too easy to check in two, three…five seven? (alright..MULTIPLE) times a day.
damn…my finger’s sore
I am not here as much as I used to be because I no longer live in the middle of nowhere and there are actually things to do here! But I do like it and enjoy a lot of the participants. It is a microcosm of real life with all its dysfunctional, happy, sad, funny and on and on elements. How could you not fall in lurve with it!
The deadbolts on the front door are locked….you can’t make me stop
Fluther is my digital crackpipe.
I do lurve Gary and he does get a sigh from me.
Not as much as I used to be.
@jjmah – Heck, you didn’t say hi to me. Wha kind of a 12 step group member are you? Get with the program!
My doctor ordered a 3 week rehab. I even had to walk up the Grand Canyon.
@mattbrowne Looks like you have to get back in the Program.
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