Do members of the LGBT community feel society finds them "disgusting"? (Read the details before you jump on my butt please)
I was reading one of the advice columns Thursday, and a lesbian couple were writing in regarding one of the neighbors who was playing “disgusting, loud music” at all hours. She wanted to ask them to turn it down, but she also commented “Maybe they find us disgusting”. That bothered me but is that the way it is? I’m probably going to get my head handed to me but that’s OK.
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LGBT? Does that mean gay people?
@Aster Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender.
Oh. Well, it’s a big world so I’d guess that many find lesbian couples disgusting and many find them to be lucky to have found each other and wish them the best. I almost never see any so I don’t have any strong feelings about it. I certainly don’t find them disgusting for godssake. And the men? Amusing. sorry; just being honest.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with them, there still human beings.
It seems weird to equate music being disgusting with humans being disgusting. Kinda like apples and oranges. No, more like apples and road tar.
I find that a good amount of society finds me disgusting. I find them disgusting for finding me disgusting. Until they try to interfere with my life (perhaps via legislation) or are in my life personally, they can think what they want and feel how they want, and I’ll think and feel how I want, and it’s no big thing.
I consider myself a bisexual, and, yes, at times, I feel self-conscious about it which is why I don’t let a lot of people know. Whenever I hear someone say, “Bisexuals just can’t make up their minds,” or, “no one in a monogamous relationship is bisexual,” I feel weird and a little strange. It makes me wonder how they would talk to me if they knew I identified that way. I have some pretty cogent arguments as to why both of those statements are incorrect but people who make these kinds of statements tend to be resentful about bisexuals for some reason.
I also sometimes wonder how my romantic and sexual relationships could differ from those of people who are chiefly attracted to only one sex. For example, my boyfriend has told me that, as long as there was no danger of my leaving him and as long as I asked him first, I could engage in sexual activities with another female. I am four-square against that because, in my opinion, cheating is cheating, it doesn’t matter what genitalia the person has and I have told him this. His response was that he knows that females have something he does not and could therefore meet sexual needs that he could not. Personally, I disagree with this statement because every person on the planet could meet my sexual needs differently than he could. However, it makes me wonder if, as a bisexual, am I exempt from certain rules of homosexual and heterosexual people? I think not but apparently other people, my boyfriend among them, think differently.
I also sometimes feel a little weird when I tell someone usually a heterosexual male that I am bisexual and he is aroused. In American culture, women who engage in sexual activities with other women have been hyper-sexualized because most of these women are not actually bisexual, but only participate in sexual activity with other women because they are encouraged often quite strongly to do so. I have never been asked to make out with a chick but once, when I was dating a guy who rode a motorcycle, he told me that one of the girlfriends of one of his motorcycle buddies was bisexual and often made out with the girlfriends of the other guys. He implied that I would be expected to make out with her and, as I was in a committed monogamous relationship however brief it was, I had no desire to do so. Thankfully, the situation never came up.
As a bisexual, I sometimes feel as if my orientation is owned by everyone else and I am only defined by how the majority wants to define me.
I don’t see why they didn’t knock on the door. Why did they bring sexual orientation into it? If they are afraid, call the cops, especially, if its breaking a law when you can be loud in their town. There must be more to the story. Somehow this couple got that feeling?Was something they said? Are they just paranoid?
I am openly transsexual and so far I haven’t had the feeling at all that people think I’m disgusting. A bit weird, perhaps, but not disgusting. Although I admit that us ftms get it a little easier than mtfs.
@KatawaGrey I’ve known those men – and those women. Cheating is cheating – if I were straight, but you just weren’t that good in bed, would you let me sleep with another man so I could be satisfied? Hell no.
I’ve had the same feeling. Everyone gets a say in matters regarding my genitals but me.
I’m gay, and I grew up in a small Southern town in the US where I was subjected to religious torture 3 times each week. There I was indoctrinated to think that LGBT people are innately subhuman, the worst of the worst. I was commanded to hate myself. They raped my soul.
Thankfully, I moved away from there and have gone on to a happier life of love and acceptance. Unfortunately, I know for a fact that many people still believe that LGBT people are scum.
Much of society does find us disgusting. Particularly gay men. The idea of lesbians is “hot” to some people, but those same people would be more inclined to find the idea of gay men to be “disgusting”. I find the idea of two gay men together to be adorable, but that’s just me…
I’m lucky to live in the Bay Area where that kind of attitude is far less prevalent, but it’s not too uncommon in other parts of the country or the state, and especially the world. “Them queerosexuals gonna rape my butt” seems to be the attitude from the less-educated bunch of homophobes.
People who find it “wrong” do not necessarily find it disgusting, but often, those two go hand in hand. As I’ve mentioned before, this country can be very prude. People would rather have their kids play violent gory video games than see a movie with boobies in it. Sexual immorality has a special place above other forms of immorality, in many Americans’ minds.
@DominicX Imho, society doesn’t actually find lesbians hot – it finds girl on girl hot. Girls who do other girls, solely for the pleasure of men – but who are most definitely straight girls. Once the action is not for men, and those women would not rather have men and are not willing to include men, it becomes disgusting again.
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