How would you react and would you get mad if your 18 yr old son or daughter wanted to take enhancement pills.
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ladyv900 (
August 20th, 2010
If your son wanted to take them to make their you know what bigger.Or if your daughter took pills that made their breast and buttocks bigger,especially since it’s popular in music videos,music video girls and people like Nicki Minaj.And they’re 18 or 19 yrs old, would you really disapprove?(This question has nothing to do with me, just to bring a topic up).
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11 Answers
Even though I’m not a parent, I’m going to try and answer.
I don’t think that I would get mad at my son or daughter if they wanted pills like that, but I would definitely want to talk to them about why they felt they needed to take them. More often than not, especially around that age, it has more to do with self-image and confidence, more than anything else. If that was the case, I would try my best to get them to work through whatever issues they might be having, and I would probably try to discourage it. But, ultimately, I would know it was their choice.
I would not like it. Show my disapproval . Communciation is the key. Sit down and talk it out. I actually never heard of them. Wow. What will they come up with next?
Why would an 18 or 19 year old even tell a parent? They aren’t kids. I wouldn’t get mad but I might call them stupid.
I would be more concerned about their sense of self-image than angry over them taking the pills. At that age, I have no control over the choices they make, but as a parent I would still want my guidance and opinion to be taken to heart.
Isn’t that stuff all complete bullshit and ineffective?
I would disappointed that my kid would be dumb enough to consider that (no offense to people whose kids have considered it).
I would disaprove but they’re legally an adult and theres nothing you can actually do about it except try to talk them out of it.
There would be nothing I could do since they are over age, but I would be quite depressed that the intellect of a child that I raised would be so low that they would think it a good idea to do something so stupid.
If I was providing their sole means of financial support, I would reduce any financial support that I gave that child to only cover minimum living expenses, as I would view them incapable of making good spending decisions with the money I work for.
By that age my “kids” are adults and I’d expect them to have been in the role of Jr. adults for a long time. That said, I’d express my disbelief in any enhancement pill to work and also lightly scorn the fixation driving the want. In the end my “kid” will make their own decision.
You really do not have a choice in their decision, since they are considered adults. i would read all the literature concerning these products and attempt to advise my children of the bad side effects, if they exist. sorry mom, their age is their freedom to experiment.
I would sympathise and attempt to discuss the matter with them explaining that it’s their decision but that there are healthier (and definitely less costly) ways of coping with insecurities, also I would emphasise that the overwhelming majority, if not all, of such products are entirely ineffective.
An alternative, in the case of my discussing this with a son, would be to immediately apologise for my “tiny genes”, burst into tears, run out of the room and hope that he’s occupied with that long enough to forget the whole enhancement matter. Alternative parenting baby!
I think the key is, 18 years old. . . whether a parent likes it or not, they should try and give a little respect to the person who is now legally old enough to make the decision for themself and deal with whatever consequences come.
And no, I wouldn’t care if my kid did it. And BIG no, they don’t know. My roommate all through college tried them TWICE. Didn’t work. We’ve been friends for over 10 years, so he had the confidence to tell me that he’s tried them and that they didn’t work.
If you are a parent and you didn’t want your child to do this, try and argue it from the aspect of money… “It’s just plain DUMB for you as an 18 year old with limited income to waste money on this and it ain’t gonna work!” Then, if they do it anyway, at least in the end you can say “I told you so!” and they might listen to you next time.
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