Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What's your favorite Sunday morning activity?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) August 22nd, 2010

On Sunday mornings, do you love
working a crossword puzzle,
reading a book,
going to church,
sorting the recycling,
reading the newspaper headlines,
baking fresh bread,
going out for breakfast,
cooking something special,
serving your SO breakfast in bed,
making love, or
picking flowers from your garden?

Sunday mornings seem to be a special time. What do you love to do with them?

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29 Answers

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Sleeping off Saturday nights activities.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Sleeping in.

DominicX's avatar

Sleeping in?

Sorry to be boring, but really, Sunday morning is for sleeping in. :) I do go to church sometimes, though. Usually at 11:30.

muppetish's avatar

During the majority of the year, on Sunday I:

- Help unload the groceries (unless I’m still sleeping)
– Wake up late
– Check PostSecret
– Check how much homework I have ignored
– Spazz out
– Go back to sleep

I shouldn’t get away with this amount of laziness… it’s not even fair :)

jonsblond's avatar

Drinking coffee and preparing goodies for Sunday football. when it tis the season

Berserker's avatar

I’m usually still drunk at that time. Otherwise though, sleeping.
Like Calvin said, trying to enjoy a Sunday is like trying to enjoy a last meal before your execution.

I’m not being serious. But yeah, just being lazy and sleeping on and off with my window open does it for me. Unless it’s Winter. Then I turn on the heat and cuddle in bed until my body tells me I should probably eat something.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Consuming copious amounts of caffeine.
Seriously, someone should intervene on my coffee intake. It’s bad.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Symbeline Exactly right. Getting set to do some serious cuddling right now. ;^D

jonsblond's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities I drink coffee until it’s time for beer. ;)

perspicacious's avatar

Gown, coffee, Vivaldi, newspaper

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Espresso and Bach cantata around 11:00.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@jonsblond Should we go to a Caffeine-addicts Anonymous meeting together? Oh wait, they serve coffee and stale cookies at those kind of things. Dammit!

NaturallyMe's avatar

I don’t have any particular activities, but i always look forward to breakfast! :) And knowing that i probaby won’t have to go out that day, so i can relax and get up late if i want to (but not too late so as to feel the day is wasted), stay in my jammies the whole day and just do all little things that i feel like doing at the time. I work from home though, so this is mostly everday’s schedule, but i don’t like going out on weekends, so i look forward to spending a relaxing day at home. :D

harple's avatar

I love to sit with a fresh coffee and a Sunday paper, and read it cover to cover… I think it’s the way that Sunday papers seem to offer opinions/commentary on the weeks news rather than just reporting it… This is even more fun with company, where you keep interrupting each other saying “listen to this!”

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

Sleep in, wake up later in the day, eat something, shower, tv-the whole DAY! get ready for school on monday, paint my nails.

downtide's avatar

Sleep in, cook a nice Sunday roast and spend the afternoon Fluthering or playing computer games.

rebbel's avatar

Sleep till about eleven, yawn, yawn some more, Fluther, drink my milk, read news papers, paint my nails.

rooeytoo's avatar

Sunday morning is adventure morning. We always walk the dogs for an hour or so but Sundays we put them in the car and go somewhere new and exciting for the walk. It used to be in the bush now it is mostly on a beach or along a river. The dogs love it and so do we.

ucme's avatar

Lie in, sex, coffee, take dog for her walk, wait for football to start. Fairly regimented are my Sunday mornings….that’s why i’m easy ;¬}

JilltheTooth's avatar

Up early I’m always up early, funnies, crossword, all the coffee in the world, pat the dog asleep on the couch next to me, enjoy the fact that it’s quiet cuz everyone else in the neighborhood sleeps in.
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities and @jonsblond : Coffee addiction is a good thing!

Austinlad's avatar

Sitting here at my computer, just before dawn, answering this question on Fluther! I also like eating a bagel and lox, watching the news.

Mephistopheles's avatar

Read the sunday paper, watch something boring on tv, have bagels and cheese for breakfast – bang, morning over. I wouldn’t change that routine for the world.

Artistree's avatar

Listening to The Archers.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Sleeping…I get home around 4 am on Sat night and eat a little and then sleep…in the morning, I’m with the kids but then I must nap.

jonsblond's avatar

@JilltheTooth Only when you have good coffee. We are out and I’m stuck with instant. :( But I’m still drinking it!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@jonsblond ; ‘Fraid my gag reflex goes off at that. I always have a secret stash in the freezer for such emergenciies. I’ll send some of mine via “Coffee Angel Express”

zannajune's avatar

My favorite thing is to drink some coffee wow browsing the itnernet. Sometiems I’ll read the paper instead of the internet. I really like to read the obituaries. I know it sounds morbid, but I find it interesting to see how people lived their lives and what their loved ones felt was worth high lighting.

meagan's avatar

My mornings are actually my lunch time because of my weird schedule. So I usually have italian on monday mornings.

Jude's avatar

Sleeping in, Coffee, listening to Pandora, being a bum on the couch, yoga, make breakfast with my SO, and making cookies (getting some puddin’..which both mean sex) with my SO.

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