Do you think girls or guys crave sex more?
hmm from all of the things I’ve noticed. MOST guys crave sex, but I also know MOST girls crave for sex also. But which one do you think craves the most? I can’t really tell….I mean most of guys talk more sex I think than anything. But I bet girls think about it, but just embarrassed. But what about you guys? Do you think that girls crave sex more than guys or the other way around?
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18 Answers
Depends on the individual…. In my experience though with the people that I know & love it’s pretty much an equal measure…… ;-)
I reckon passion is evenly distributed between randy Andy’s & randy Mandy’s :¬)
Do men really have stronger sex drives than women?
Well, yes, they do. Study after study illustrates that men’s sex drives are not only stronger than women’s, but much more straightforward. The sources of women’s libidos, by contrast, are much more difficult to pin down.
It’s common wisdom that women place more value on emotional connection as a spark of sexual desire. But women also appear to be heavily influenced by social and cultural factors as well.
There are approximately an equal number of men and women. However there are many more female prostitutes than male prostitutes. That indicates men are more willing to pay for sex when they crave it than women. Therefore men crave it more than women.
My second “proof”: Medical science has not found a single woman suffering from a case of blue balls. Q.E.D.
The most important statistic is when you find one other person who loves sex with you and much as you do with him/her.
Depends on the age of the men and women and if they are in their sexual peak.
I think it just depends on the person, for me basically I crave sex and my mind is always dirty a lot!
Though there are some guys out there who really cRAVE sex like crazy.
My answer to the question is Both!
It’s a pretty equal line in my eyes. I just don’t think thirteen years olds and such shouldn’t even have that in your heads. I know it’s puberty and all, but don’t thirteen year olds like video games, shopping, texting, etc? It’s just a bit weird that day after day our generation is becoming more of an adult in younger years. :/ Be a kid! :P
@worriedguy Oh, yes it has.
“Men are not alone in experiencing the discomfort of unrelieved vasocongestion. Women’s genitals also become engorged with blood during sexual arousal and, like their male counterparts, women can experience pelvic heaviness and aching if they do not reach orgasm.” -Discovery Health
It’s equal, although it definitely depends on the person. Women are taught that having sex before marriage isn’t ok, while men are taught to not wait till marriage, so women initiating less often has more to do with how they view sex (ie as where their worth as a person lies instead of a fun act) than actual animal lust.
I think that for the most part, it’s the same for both genders. It’s all based on the biological urge to procreate. Women’s bodies WANT them to get pregnant.
There’s a video series on Discovery that you will probably find very interesting. Science of Sex Appeal
It depends on the person. There have been times in my life when my sex drive was very low (thanks to birth control pills). Fortunately, that is not the case anymore. My husband and I have equal sex drives for the most part and that is the best way for it to be in my opinion.
Reap is natural, consensual sex is a beautiful fetish most men grow to appreciate, some more quickly than others. Come on, tell me older human societies weren’t violently patriarchal, I dare you.
Having had mostly male friends then I say it’s males with the greater drives.
@ducky_dnl Haha yeah,yeah I know what you mean. But I mean it just came to me since idk, maybe all of the stereotypes out there, mostly in movies or what ever…But I’m just sayin’. And haha don’t worry I worry about video games more than anything else lol.
In my experience the girls want sex just as much but don’t talk about it as much as us. There are some exceptions though who can even make me blush with their comments!
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