Do you have a song that identifies your homeland?
Asked by
BoBo1946 (
August 22nd, 2010
I’m of Irish decent and love the old Irish Songs. Here is one that just makes “chill bumps” pop up! There are so many, but I’m a Jimmie Rogers’ fan and he sings this song like no other.
Do you have a song that identifies your homeland that you would love to share?
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86 Answers
loll..oh me, @lucillelucillelucille it’s a generation gap. Where are my ear plugs when i need them!!! My son liked Kiss….just never could get into their music. I like the laid back stuff…like Bing Cosby, Andy Williams, Bobby Vinton, etc. Oh, don’t forget the one and only, Elvis.
@BoBo-I am familiar with Jimmie Rodgers,btw…I like this one
@BoBo1946 I was going to say that song. Love to listen to Ray Charles, Ella Fitzgerald and many others.
Sweet Home Alabama… I’m a bama girl. I love some southern rock but really hate country music. wah wah wah
@pearls oh Ella….wow…or Aretha singing “America The Beautiful,” or Barbara Streisand…
@gravity my s/o would like you. She eats, sleeps, and drinks Alabama football, or for that matter, anything related to Alabama! Roll Tide!
@ipso I like the Doors also…
Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen
@Frenchfry yeah, “the Bruce” can go with the best of them.
I tried to be cool like Lucillelucillelucille, but there are no awesome song about North Dakota. I could not think of a German song.
@BoBo-Great choice! I love him:)
@Frenchfry -here’s one for you XD
loll…my young friend @Fiddle Playing Creole Bastard , never heard it quite like that.
Kicking it up to the heritage/national level:
I’m only partially of Scottish descent, but this one by the Rogues of Scotland makes all of it come to the fore.
I find it impossible to play that song too loud.
And, of course, Whitney.
(@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard – how did I not think of that? Nice takedown!)
I was born and raised in the USA, but my family is Ukrainian – so I enjoy a lot of Ukrainian polkas and waltzes. I won’t post any of my favorites… because most people cringe at polka. haha.
Deep in the Heart of Texas.
@TheOnlyNeffie I’d love to hear one of your favorites. Those that don’t can just opt out.
I’m really struggling with this question, because I know what my answer is, but it could be easily construed as offensive. I don’t know how to properly word why it resonates being an American. I need some more time to contemplate it. @BoBo1946 I may call on your help in thinking through this.
R O C K Y TOP…........says it all for my state of Tennessee.
Well, all I’ll say is that I’m off to the last night of the proms (well, proms in the park) this year… Must brush up on my Rule Brittania…
When I was a kid, any song by the Beach Boys screamed “AMERICA I <3 You!” to me. Any of them. If it played on K-Earth (that’s the station I grew up with) then it put me in a good mood the rest of the day.
“American Pie” by Don McLean makes me think of Americana. I don’t know too many people who haven’t heard it before (or at lest the parody by Weird Al.)
But an artist who reminds me of America more than those now is Bob Dylan. I never listened to him as a kid (my dad hates his voice and we argue about this often.) He is strictly an artist of my adult years. It’s lovely how relevant “The Times They Are A-Changin’” is now since it was recording in ‘64. It’s a perfect anthem for today.
As I am of Irish descent it would have to be this but where I live now is now this
@Pied_Pfeffer nothing offensive intended…i’m Irish and love Irish songs. Also, I’m American loves American songs. Not to meant to be complicated. It was a question to allow each person to make the question their own, in that, whatever country you live in, you can pick a song to share. Some here choose a song for from their state…which is cool. Not sure how my question could be offensive!
Did anyone find my question offensive? i’m perflexed!
Philadelphia Freedom altho i live in the suburbs but i love philly… and have lived there briefly a few yrs ago. I am there whenever I have the chance to be tho. And unforuntately the crime rate is absolutely terrible now so I am not quite sure that song may identify the homeland now.
I know tons more but they wont come to mind now of course. Many of songs by the Roots tho, a philly born and raised hiphop group, etc etc etc
Will Smith, Eve, P!nk(altho she was actually raised in my hometown of doylestown and my brother went to Highschool with her.. Central Bucks West, the same highschool I went to)
“PA guys” lol
@Robot cool…my daughter in law is from Philly!
This is a really terrible home video, but I have always loved this song.
This is actually a video of two songs, but they are both high on my list of favorites.
@BoBo1946 nice, which part? and does she like it? : ()
@TheOnlyNeffie I think the accordion is an instrument of utter beauty that should be implemented in mainstream music. It can be played during slow, moody songs or erratic, kitschy ones and I happen to enjoy both. Polka makes me smile and tap my foot to the tune. I enjoyed both the videos you used :)
@muppetish I always tease my husband that I may someday leave him for a man with a squeezebox. Only joking, of course (maybe…hehe). But it is definitely my favorite instrument.
and for the record “Wawa” originated in PENNSYLVANIA NOT NJ just clarifying lol and altho i was born and raised in the suburbs of philly and have seen much of PA, the ONLY part I really like of PA is philly even with the crimerate now. Warminster and West Chester, PA which are also suburbs of philly where I both lived before too are pretty cool tho. NJ sucks tho handsdown all of it lol.. and i unfortunately lived in 2 different parts of that hellhole for awhile. the parts closer to philly arent (as bad) as the rest of the state tho… besides camden of course., talk about crime. damn
@Robot Wayne, Pa….she comes from a very affluent family. They have cooks, butlers, etc… Believe me, way out of my league. She has turned out to be a wonderful wife, mother, and daughter in law. At first, had some reservations about my son’s pick, but has been a wonderful decision. She is not the typical rich girl…not spoiled at all. I really love her very much. They have been married for 15 years. I’ve two wonderful grandchildren. Going to see them Labor Day. They live in Richmond, Va.
@TheOnlyNeffie I’ve always enjoyed less conventional instruments like the harmonica (my favourite instrument of all time), accordion, glockenspiel, sitar, ukulele… it adds a nice depth to music when you hear something less familiar than the traditional guitar/piano/bass combination.
@Robot West Chester is really nice…
her mom and dad have now moved to Richmond. They live about mile from my son.
@BoBo1946 oh wow, that is really nice. It’s good she turned out to be a nice, cool woman bc me growing up in Doylestown… (my parents born and raised in philly.. where I still have a lot of family and friends), I grew up with a lot of rich snots. My family was middle class I guess you could say, we lived comfortably but it took my parents years to get to that point. Sounds like your daughter in law goes against the sterio types and that is great. And yes i know wayne, PA and have heard of Richmond, VA for sure.
and Yes West Chester is very cool. I live not too far from there now, maybe 30mins away. I lived in WC for about a year
If I want to get really close to home, there is always Bruce Springsteen’s Youngstown.
@Robot yeah, it scared me…but, she is one cool lady. I’ve been some affluent homes, but this was WAY over my head. You should have seen that wedding…geezzz…orchestra, trailway buses to carry the wedding party to Philly… and did they serve some good
Will mention Doylestown to her when i see her. Don’t remember much about Philly, it was 15 years ago..
@BoBo1946 Dear friend, I only meant that I am struggling to properly answer this question without coming across misconstrued. I may need your personal help to craft the answer.
Alice’s Restaurant
The background is in my neighborhood; Stockbridge and Great Barrington, MA.
@BoBo1946 sounds like an amazing wedding for sure lots of fun. yea definitely bring up d-town when u talk to her. it is a nice (town) with some historic attractions but most of the people suck. and there actually is a lot of drugs, etc in that town its just all hidden and kept on the hush.
Oh and Streets Of Philadelphia By: Bruce Springstein how could I forget!? lol
@gailcalled Massachusetts is a beautiful state. Especially, where you live…went on the internet and looked at your area.
@TheOnlyNeffie I listened to both of them and have to confess that I got up and danced. I am not making this up.
@ucme awww….thank goodness for the Brits and Churchill!
Dutch here:
Blof – Dansen aan zee
And for the record, America sucks and I don’t even meet that many Americans that disagree.
“California Gurls” by Katy Perry. :P
Either that or any song by the Beach Boys or the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
I have Russian heritage (75% Russian), but I’m not actually from there. But all that Russian classical music like The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Scheherazade, Boris Godunov, the symphonies of Shostakovitch, etc. all make me think of Russia.
@DominicX How did I not remember Red Hot Chili Peppers? That’s some good ol’ fashioned 90s nostalgia and if “Californication” isn’t our state’s anthem, then what the heck is? ;)
California Dreaming by The Mamas and the Papas
LA Woman by The Doors
My heart and the rest of my body.
@partyparty thank you!! That’s perfect! Even better as it’s a Welshman singing! I shall get practising… :o)
@tinyfaery spent two months working the Monterey area after the San Fran earthquake of 1989 and can understand that statement. Out the 60 days, approx. 50 days it was around 70 degrees and 20 percent humidity. And, what a beautiful area. Ummm..had a lot fun on the work detail.
Not that I’m from Loiusiana but because I remember playing in the field and helping grandma pick cotton.
Land Down Under by Men at Work would be the classic song that describes my country. A classic example of Australian humour (not sure if you guys will get it, let me know) is Australiana, which is the only comedy sketch ever to top the charts.
No; no one has been inspired to write a NJ song yet. )-:
@Aster: Yes, they have. On the Boardwalk in Atlantic City by Mack Gordon and Joseph Myrow, from the movie Three LIttle Girls in Blue made in 1946 and starring June Haver. I remember the song but can’t find the lyrics on the web.
@pearls ok, send me my coke cola! I won the bet. hee hee!
Ummm…. Don’t Mess With Texas?
@downtide That is a truly lovely song !! Never heard it before.
@gailcalled I remember that!! “On the boardwalk in Atlantic City, we will have peaches and cream..on the boardwalk in Atlantic City , life will be but a dream.”
@Aster: Exactly, but I have the two lines reversed in my memory (not that it matters).
“On the boardwalk in AC
Life will be but a dream.
On the boardwalk in AC
We will have peaches and cream.
@pearls i will take a diet coke! Cold…loll
@BoBo1946 you didn’t put a time limit and this question is still going strong. I’m holding out.
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