General Question

trailsillustrated's avatar

Is there a way to buy a cheap cell phone and have it work on tmobile?

Asked by trailsillustrated (16804points) August 22nd, 2010

My teenage daughter lost her phone- our plan is new and so are the phones, we went to tmobile and the replacements are hella expensive! I am wondering if I bought a cheapie at target and then asked tmobile for a new sim card? we didn’t buy the phone insurance. I need for her to have a phone for safety reasons. Any ideas?

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3 Answers

Mephistopheles's avatar

Ensure that the phone is not locked to a network (ie advertised as ‘unlocked’) and it will work with any SIM card.

jerv's avatar

Most phones are only cheap since they are subsidized by the carrier, and they expect to recoup the cost (and then some) with service fees and airtime charges. The phone I got for free would be $150–200 to replace, and the one I am looking at upgrading to is closer to $600 ($200 with 2-year contract)

Unlocked phones are generally not subsidized and therefore pretty pricey.

Insurance is cheap. I recommend adding it in case this happens again.

ShanEnri's avatar

I would go to TMobile and talk to them about maybe working out some kind of deal! Maybe they will be able to give a used phone or something?! I just don’t know, but I agree with @jerv get the insurance!

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