Social Question

harple's avatar

What things affect you to make you feel more lonely?

Asked by harple (10455points) August 22nd, 2010

It might be music, or a film with memories, a smell, or crowded spaces… what situations or things hit you with that pang of loneliness?

Do you embrace the feeling? Do you actively avoid it? What do you do to change the feeling, if anything?

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15 Answers

tedibear's avatar

Romantic movies always make me feel lonely.

ucme's avatar

Oh no doubt a smell. I mean I can empty a room when I fart. I would leave first but the “stealth guff” is a sneaky little bugger. Just don’t have time ;¬}

muppetish's avatar

The decision to read through saved letters and old journals was a terrible idea to have when I was lonely.

harple's avatar

@ucme :-p

@tedibear am with you there…

@muppetish ouch, yes… why do we punish ourselves like that?!

Seaofclouds's avatar

Talking to my friends back in Delaware about all the fun things they’ve been doing since I moved away. Listening to them plan to go to a movie makes me wish I was back there or they were here.

Seeing other soldiers come home makes me wish mine was coming home too (and reminds me just how far away he really is).

chyna's avatar

Watching an old couple walk hand in hand.

Aster's avatar

I never feel lonely but I can feel sad. Or maybe melancholy is the right word. And that feeling, which is pleasant in a sick sort of way, can be brought on by certain songs, of course.

hug_of_war's avatar

Reading facebook updates about people who used to be friends, when everyone leaves the house to hang out with friends, sitting downstairs at night when everyone has gone to bed.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

An empty house on a beautiful day when I can imagine people in it with me. I used to leave the house and run errands or do window shopping so I wouldn’t have to think about the life I really wanted but didn’t have. Like others mentioned too, watching elderly couples be affectionate or at least show interest in one another in public.

BoBo1946's avatar

I’m almost never lonely…i’ve a good relationship with one of my best friends…me!

le_inferno's avatar

Watching a good kiss on TV/movies (I miss kissing the most), anything that reminds me of my boyfriend. Less than 3 months to go!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

When my love and I are out of sync with each other.

Frenchfry's avatar

You know that song I drink alone by George Thorogood.. I drink and my husband does not.. here I have no clue but I thought of that when I read your question.

Jude's avatar

Empty spot next to me in bed.

(she lives 20 minutes away and can’t always be here to sleep next to me).

Coloma's avatar


Haha..that’s a great old song!

Hmmmm…lets see, I don’t feel lonely often either, but, of course, certain songs trigger a bit of emotion at times, for good times past.

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