Social Question

rebbel's avatar

Do you care for the people who got wounded when the bull jumped into the stands (details and video inside)

Asked by rebbel (35553points) August 22nd, 2010

Some days ago, in Tafalla, Spain, during a bull fight, the bull jumped over the barrier into the stands, injuring some forty people.
When i heard that news on the radio i laughed a bit, just as i do when i hear that a toreador has been taken on the horns.
However, when i saw the images on television, of the people who run to save themselves from harm, with fearful expressions, i suddenly felt for them.
So first i thought that they got what they had coming and later when confronted with the video i felt sorry for them, even though i still think that going to an, in my view, barbarian event like that is something that one should not do (that way they keep the tradition alive).
How do you feel about them, the injured spectators?
Or bullfighting in general?

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10 Answers

Seaofclouds's avatar

When spectators are hurt while following the rules, I feel bad that they got hurt. (When they aren’t following the rules, it’s another issue all together). I don’t get why people enjoy watching bullfighting and it has never appealed to me. I understand it has a lot of history and I believe that is why some people follow it.

muppetish's avatar

I wouldn’t laugh about them getting hurt because the pain of others in general makes me rather sad, but I would not extend them any sympathy either. I abhor bull fights (much like cock fights and dog fights) and think they should be abolished. It doesn’t matter that it is culturally historic. It’s cruel. And I wish I could believe that an unfortunate attack like this would persuade citizens that bull fighting is dangerous and times should change, but the cynic in me is saying “That won’t happen.”

I didn’t watch the video. I just can’t.

rebbel's avatar

@muppetish And I wish I could believe that an unfortunate attack like this would persuade citizens that bull fighting is dangerous and times should change, but the cynic in me is saying “That won’t happen.”
I am delighted to tell you that there is more and more protest against bullfighting in Spain.
This is from yesterday, in the article you will read that one region has put a ban to it.

muppetish's avatar

@rebbel That made me feel a little better. The photograph of the protest is incredible.

BoBo1946's avatar

yes i do. That bull jumped a fence 6 ft high. One mean and athletic bull.

@Seaofclouds answered the question totally correctly.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

Only the little kids who had no choice but to go to the bull fight. The adults no they deserve it for supporting the cruel “sport”.

jca's avatar

i saw a documentary a few months ago about a bullfighter in Spain, and watching the details of what the bull goes through really made me feel for the bulls. The bull basically bleeds to death, after being stabbed repeatedly. The bull will charge and charge and charge until it is panting and dying before your eyes, runs out of energy, and then it ends up dropping dead right there, and they drag it away. it’s cruel, inhumane and barbaric, and i feel like if you go to a sport like a bullfight you have to be prepared for whatever. just like if you go to a baseball game or hockey game, you may get hit with a ball or puck. it’s a chance you take.

NaturallyMe's avatar

Well, i instinctually (or whatever) feel bad for them for being in such a nasty situation. But, i also don’t worry about it much, because they did pretty much get what they deserve and i don’t care. They’re supporting an abhorrent practice and i’ll have no sympathy for them. I really have NO sympathy whatsoever for anyone who participates in any form of animal cruelty.

plethora's avatar

If one goes to bullfights and puts themselves that close to the bull, then they know the risk they are taking. Getting gored and trampled is painful.

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