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XOIIO's avatar

What would 70 psi read on a psig guage?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) August 22nd, 2010 from iPhone

I got a guage for my air cannon, but it’s psig. What would 70 psi read on the guage?

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6 Answers

ipso's avatar


Via here

XOIIO's avatar


XOIIO's avatar

Wierd, I tested the guage and it’s in PSI, but it has PSIG on it. Whatever.

jerv's avatar

The only difference is what the pressure is measured in relationship to.

Most gauges measure relative to normal atmospheric pressure (~14.7 psi) whereas others read from absolute vacuum (0 psi) while others read relative to the local air pressure which may or may not be 14.7 psi.

Unfortunately, psi is often used where psig should be used, thus causing the sort of confusion you are experiencing.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Most likely you are measuring relative to atmospheric pressure. Is there a reference port on the back of the gauge?
Here is a way to clarify what you a re seeing
Blow into a tube that is connected to the gauge. You can only blow a few psi max. If the gauge reads barely above 0 you are reading “psi” If it is reading 15–16 it is reading “psig”.
Have fun with your new toy.

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