General Question

toddelder16's avatar

Does arthritis burn?

Asked by toddelder16 (8points) March 24th, 2008 from iPhone

does it burn?

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3 Answers

bulbatron9's avatar

That is just the pain of life itself!

mcbealer's avatar

No. I suffer from it mostly in my knees and some in my hands… I would describe it as ranging from a dull ache in those joints when I exert them (which can be when opening jars or doorknobs, going down steps, or even sitting down for extended periods) to an intense throbbing pain that for my knees which feels like someone is squeezing them with pliers. For my hands when they get bad there’s minor swelling, and my knuckles actually become tender to the touch. Interestingly, when I have a flare up, climbing steps is uncomfortable but not as difficult as descending. It is very noisy though, as my knees click and pop a lot. going climbing steps. I find that regular light exercise keeps the arthritis in check.

Auntiecyn2's avatar

It can. If you experience burning in a joint while engaged in an activity that is repetitious it could be just exercised induced. Sometimes I get mild burning in my knees after climbing stairs.

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